Title: Hunting for Free Quarks
1Hunting for Free Quarks
- Helen Caines
- Relativistic Heavy Ion Group
- WNSL - West
2The RHI Physics Group
The Actors Faculty Helen Caines
John Harris Thomas
Ullrich1 Research Scientists Jaroslav
Bielcik2 Jana Bielcikova
Matthew Lamont Nikolai Smirnov
Richard Witt3
Grad. Students Stephen Baumgardt (1) Betty
Bezverkhny (5) Oana Catu (3) Jonathan Gans
(Ph.D 04) Michael Miller (Ph,D
04) Christine Nattrasse (2) Sevil Salur (5)
1 Adjunct, Scientist at BNL 2 Joint
appointment with BNL 3 Visiting, Scientist at
University of Bern, Switzerland
3Some Terminology
4More About Quarks
Ordinary matter made of up and down quarks
- Quarks interact by exchanging gluons
- Nucleons are held together by gluons
- Free quarks have never been seen - distinctive
non-integer charge
5Why We Dont See Free Quarks
The size of a nucleus is 1.2A1/3 fm where A is
the mass number and a fm is 10-15 m
Compare to gravitational force at Earths surface
Quarks exert 16 metric tons of force on each
6Evolution of the Universe
10-44 sec Quantum Gravity Unification of all 4 forces 1032 K
10-35 sec Grand Unification E-M/Weak Strong forces 1027 K
10-35 sec ? Inflation universe exponentially expands by 1026 1027 K
2 10-10 sec Electroweak unification E-M weak force 1015 K
210-6 sec Proton-Antiproton pairs creation of nucleons 1013 K
6 sec Electron-Positron pairs creation of electrons 6 x 109 K
3 min Nucleosynthesis light elements formed 109 K
106 yrs Microwave Background recombination - transparent to photons 3000 K
109 yrs ? Galaxy formation bulges and halos of normal galaxies form 20 K
Reheating Matter ?
The universe gets cooler !
? Need temperatures around 1.51012 K (200 MeV)
7RHIC _at_ Brookhaven National Lab
- 2 concentric rings of 1740 superconducting
magnets - 3.8 km circumference
- counter-rotating beams of ions from p to Au
Long Island
- AuAu _at_ ?sNN 200 GeV
- pp _at_ ?s 200 GeV
8What Do Those Numbers Mean?
- Energies are measured in electron volts
- 1 eV is the energy acquired by a particle with
charge 1 accelerated across a voltage of 1 volt - keV - 1000 eV
- MeV - 1,000,000 eV, 1 million eV
- GeV - 1,000,000,000 eV, 1 billion eV
- The binding energy of a nucleus is about 8
MeV/nucleon - Beam energies are often given in GeV/nucleon
- RHIC is one nucleus with 100 GeV/nucleon
colliding with another nucleus with 100
GeV/nucleon going the opposite direction
9How Much Is That?
- Central AuAu Collision
- NColl.? ?sNN 40 TeV 6 mJoule
Sensitivity of human ear 10-11 erg
10-18 Joule 10-12 mJoule Indeed a pretty Loud
Bang if E ? Sound
Most goes into particle creation
10Aftermath of a Collision
End-on view of high energy gold-gold collision
- gt5000 particles
- Only charged particles seen here (there are
also lots of neutral particles) - Neutrals dont ionise the gas so are not seen
by the detector. -
As seen by STAR experiment at RHIC
11Blackbody Radiation
Planck distribution describes intensity as a
function of the wavelength of the emitted
Blackbody radiation is the spectrum of
radiation emitted by an object at temperature T
1/Wavelength ? Frequency ? E ? p
12Determining the Temperature
From transverse momentum distribution deduce
temperature 120 MeV
Close to Temperature we needed
13Whats the Energy Density?
- A typical approach
- use calorimeters to measure energy emitted from
collision - estimate the volume of the collision
In Central Collision E 650 GeV
V 130 fm3
eBJ ? 5.0 GeV/fm3
30 times normal nuclear density 5 times above
ecritical from
lattice QCD
145 GeV/fm3. Is that a lot?
Last year, the U.S. used about 100 quadrillion
BTUs of energy
At 5 GeV/fm3, this would fit in a volume of
Or, in other words, in a box of the following
15(No Transcript)
16One Way To Dig Even Deeper - Jets
- Possible for knock-on collisions of partons
- Seen in high-energy physics experiments since
mid-1970s - A real particle physics phenomenon that can be
used to probe the trillion degree material we
17Creating a jet of particles
- As connection between quarks breaks up, most of
the motion stays close to direction of the
original quarks
- The fragmented bits appear as normal
subatomic particles - pions, kaons,etc
- Jets commonly come in
- pairs
18Case study opacity of fog
- First beam - least know the source is on.
- Second beam intensity tells you a lot about
matter passed through
Predictions QGP the backwards jet
will be absorbed by the medium Hadron gas the
backwards jet be less affected by the medium
19Jets in Heavy Ion Collisions?
ee- ? q q (OPAL_at_LEP)
p-p ?jetjet (STAR_at_RHIC)
Au-Au ???? (STAR_at_RHIC)
Jets in Au-Au hopeless Task?
No, but a bit tricky
20Jets 2-particle Azimuthal Distributions
pp ? dijet
Df ? 0 central AuAu similar to pp Df ? p
strong suppression of back-to-back
correlations in central AuAu
- Trigger highest pT track
- ?? distribution
21Have we found the Quark Gluon Plasma?
- We now know that AuAu collisions generate a
medium that is dense (pQCD theory many times
cold nuclear matter density) - exhibits behaviour of very hot, thermalized
source that is dissipative
This represents significant progress in our
understanding of strongly interacting matter
- We have yet to prove that
- Dissipation occurs at the partonic stage
- The system is deconfined and thermalized
- A transition occurs can we turn the effects off
Not yet, still work to do (but getting closer)