Title: Big Brother in the library
1Big Brotherin the library
- Dave Pattern, Library Systems ManagerUniversity
of Huddersfield - d.c.pattern_at_hud.ac.uk
- Presentation available at
- www.slideshare.net/daveyp/
- Please remix and reuse this presentation
- creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0
- Supermarkets
- Virtual footprints
- Data collected at Huddersfield
- Using data analysis to improve services
- Sharing data
4A long, longtime ago
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12in a digital world, we leave virtual footprints
wherever we go
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16University ofHuddersfield
17Facts and figures
- Student population
- about 20,000 (full-time and part-time)
- University Library
- just under 400,000 physical items
- over 700,000 loans per year
18User data collected by the library
- Turnstile System
- when you entered the library
- Books
- which items you borrowed and when
- Computers
- which PCs/Macs you used and for how long
- which web sites you looked at
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20Anonymous data collected
- Library Catalogue web site
- keywords used for searches and the number of
results found - which books were looked at
- which features and tools were used
21What the data is used for
- Library Catalogue web site
- improving the search facility
- analysing search trends
- Turnstile System
- find out how well the library is being used (e.g.
weekends and holidays) - has the refurbishment of the library made any
difference to the number of people using the
22What the data is used for
- Books
- which books do we need extra copies of?
- which books can we get rid of?
- which books are being borrowed by specific groups
of students? - create borrowing suggestions for students in the
Library Catalogue web site
23library non-usageanalysis
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25Library Catalogueweb site
26Keyword cloud
27Keyword suggestions
28Borrowing suggestions
29Personalised suggestions
30how is it done?
311) find out whos borrowed the book
322) find all the other books they borrowed
333) find the common titles
34- people who borrowed
- also borrowed
35so, was it worth it?
36Range of stock being borrowed
37Books per active borrower
38sharing usage data
39Usage data
- Nov 2008 Released of aggregated and anonymised
book usage data and book recommendation data
(link) - 2 million book loans and 80,000 book titles
- Apr 2009 Aggregated keyword search data and
linked keywords (link) - 3 million searches on the library catalogue
- Open Data Commons Licence
- no restrictions on how the data can be used
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43what next?
44What if
- every library shared its usage data?
- could we use that data to improve the student
experience? - can we encourage people to play with that data
and create cool stuff?
45Thank you!
www.slideshare.net/daveyp/ www.daveyp.com/blog/