Title: IEDC
1IEDC International Economic Development Council
Basic Economic Development Course November 10
-13, 2008 Madison, WI
- Provide worldwide leadership and excellence in
economic development for our communities,
organizations, members and partners
3Member Services
- Conferences
- Professional Development Certification
- Legislative Tracking Resource Center
- Career Services
- Newsletters and Journal
- Advisory Services Research
4Requirements to Fulfill
- Experience
- Four Core Courses
- Two Elective Courses minimum
- Waivers/Equivalents
5Certified Economic Developers (CEcD) Testing and
Certification Program
- Requires a broad knowledge and mastery of
principle skills in economic development - Eligibility Requirements include a combination of
experience and professional development - Practitioner Based Exam No amount of studying
can substitute for experience - Test contains multiple choice, short answer and
essay written portions as well as an oral
6CEcD program/exam
- Exam given 4-5 times a year
- Usually prior to a conference (Jan., March,
Sept/October) - Requires boot camp or special study course to
pass the exam - What can we do to help you?
7Upcoming Courses - pg. 9
- Business Retention and Expansion (CEcD Core)
- March 9-10, 2009, Los Angeles, CA
- Workforce Development (CEcD Elective)
- January 22-23, 2009 Tempe, AZ
- Strategic Planning (CEcD Elective)
- February 5-6, 2009 Atlanta, GA
8Upcoming Conferences
- 2009 Leadership Summit
- January 25-27,Tempe, AZ
- 2009 Federal Forum March 15, Alexandria, VA
- 2009 Spring Conference June 1-4, Raleigh, NC
- 2009 Annual Conference
- October 4-7, Reno, NV
- 10 discount to join IEDC when you complete this
course - IEDC with receive your name and date of your
graduation for their files. - Call Mary Cole-Laub with IEDC questions -
10Follow-up Survey
- Course feedback to make changes
- Price length schedule
- Manual - When get/use
- Location - Importance of being downtown
- Cant change date
- How else can we help you?