Title: Mr. Johns is Director of Austin, Texas
1KEVIN JOHNS Director of Economic Development
Department CITY OF AUSTIN 512-974-7802 Kevin.johns
Mr. Johns is Director of Austin, Texas Economic
Development Department (EDD). Kevin has a Masters
Degree in City Planning from Georgia Tech and a
BA from Case Western Reserve University. He is
nationally recognized in the fields of Economic
Development, Strategic Planning and Visioning.
His accomplishments include over 200 public
private partnerships in communities across
America. The International Economic Development
Council (IEDC) recognized his Department with 3
Gold Medal Awards of Excellence, including, Best
Response to Globalization, Best Public Private
Partnership, and Best Small Business Strategies.
Kevin is a member of the American Planning
Association, American Institute of Certified
Planners, International Economic Development
Council, Board of Directors Capital Area (Austin)
Workforce Solutions, and an Alumni of the
Regional Leadership Institute of Atlanta,
Georgia. Â Kevin previously was Director of
Economic Development for Palm Beach County,
Florida. In this capacity he was responsible for
implementing 36 public private partnerships
imbedded in the 21st Century Strategic Economic
Plan. This Plan included an Inland Port to
connect the seaports of South Florida in advance
of the opening of the Panama Canal, an
International Finance District, Intracoastal
Waterway Master Plan, and trade agreements with
World Trade Centers in the life science centers
of Europe. Mr. Johns was also Director of
Planning of the Atlanta Office of the Parsons
Corporation and was Director of two of the
nations fastest growing suburbs in metro
Atlanta. His successes were highlighted in media
including the National League of Cities book
Economic Successes in Small Cities, the Urban
Land Institutes Land Development Magazine,
Southern Living, the Los Angeles Times and the
Christian Science Monitor.