Title: Operating Systems
- Operating Systems
- Fall 2002
2What is Operating System?
- It is a program!
- It is the first piece of software to run after
boot - It coordinates the execution of all other
software - User programs
- It provides various common services needed by
users and applications
3Todays plan
- Operating system functionality
- Hardware support for the operating system
- Course overview, bibliography, administrative
4The Operating System controls the machine
OS Kernel
Hard ware
Operating System
5A better picture
Many applications
One Operating System
System calls
Operating System
One Hardware
Privileged instructions
Machine instructions
6A typical scenario
- OS executes and schedules an application to run
- Application runs
- CPU executes apps instructions
- OS is not involved
- The system clock interrupts the CPU
- Clock interrupt handler is executed
- The handler is the OS function
7A typical scenario (continued)
- In handler OS chooses another application to run
- Context switch
- The chosen app. runs directly on the hardware
- The app. performs a system call to read from a
8A typical scenario (continued)
- The sys. call causes a trap into the OS
- OS sets up the things for I/O and puts the
application to sleep - OS schedules another application to run
- The third application runs
- Note At any given time only one program is
running - OS or a user application
9The running application state diagram
Interrupt/ System call
Ready To run
I/O completed
Application code runs
OS runs
Wait for I/O completion
Resume execution of the app. code
10A question
- The operating system gets an input, performs a
computation, produces an output, and quits - Yes or no?
The answer No
- The operating system is a
- reactive program
11The OS is a reactive program
- It is idly waiting for events
- When an event happens, the OS reacts
- It handles the event
- Schedules another application to run
- The event handling must take as little time as
possible - Event types
- Interrupts and system calls
12The OS performs Resource Management
- Resources for user programs
- CPU, main memory, disk space
- OS internal resources
- Disk space for paging memory (swap space)
- Entries in system tables
- Process table, open file table
- Statically allocated
13CPU management
- How to share one CPU among many processes
- Time slicing
- Each process is run for a short while and then
preempted - Scheduling
- The decision about which application to run next
14Memory management
- Programs need main memory frames to store their
code, data and stack - The total amount of memory used by currently
running programs usually exceed the available
main memory - Solution paging
- Temporarily unused pages are stored on disk
(swapped out) - When they are needed again, they are brought back
into the memory (swapped in)
15The OS supports abstractions
- Creates an illusion that each application got the
whole machine to run on - In reality an application can be preempted, wait
for I/O, have its pages being swapped out, etc - A tree-like file system organization
- Disk controllers can only write/read blocks
16Hardware support for OS
- Support for executing certain instructions in a
protected mode - Support for interrupts
- Support for handling interrupts
- Support for system calls
- Support for other services
17CPU execution modes
- CPU has (at least) 2 execution modes
- User mode
- Kernel mode
- Supervisor mode, privileged mode, monitor mode,
system mode - The execution mode is indicated by a bit in the
processor status word (PSW) - Some CPU instructions are available only when
executing in the kernel mode
18Kernel Mode
- OS kernel is a collection of functions
responsible for the most basic services - OS kernel executes in the kernel mode
- Privileged instructions
- To load/store special CPU registers
- To map memory pages to the address space of a
specific process - Instructions to set the interrupt priority level
- Instructions to activate I/O devices
19Protecting Kernel mode
- Is it possible for the user program to cause the
CPU to enter kernel mode?
- Yes This must be possible (system call)
- The problem how to prevent the user program from
executing privileged instructions?
- Solution change the program counter (PC) to
point to the OS code upon switch
20Handling interrupts
- Interrupts cause the CPU to enter kernel mode
- The address of the kernel function to execute is
loaded from the interrupt vector - The interrupt vector address and the interrupt
numbering is a part of the hardware specification - Handlers are registered during the boot
21Interrupt types (I)
- Asynchronous interrupts are generated by external
devices at unpredictable times - Clock interrupt is the basis for time slicing
- Update the system time, preempt/schedule
processes - I/O device interrupt
- Informs the OS about completion of a requested I/O
22Interrupt types (II)
- Internal (synchronous) interrupts are generated
synchronously by CPU as a result of an
exceptional condition - An error condition the application is trying to
perform an illegal operation - E.g., division by 0, issuing a privileged instr.,
- The handler typically kills the application
- A temporary problem
- E.g., the requested page is not in the memory
- Handling bring the page into the memory
23System calls
- Used to request a service from the OS
- A collection of the system calls is the OS API
- Packaged as a library
- Typical system calls
- Open/read/write/close the file
- Get the current time
- Create a new process
- Request more memory
24Handling system calls
- An application executes a special trap (syscall)
instruction - Causes the CPU to enter kernel mode and set PC to
a special system entry point (gate routine) - The gate routine address is typically stored in a
predefined interrupt vector entry - Intel architecture int80
- A single entry serves all system calls (why?)
25An example
open(/tmp/foo) store the system call
number and the parameters in a predefined
kernel memory location trap() retrieve
the response from a predefined kernel memory
location return the response to the calling
application trap() PCint80 // transfer
control to the gate routine Gate
routine switch(sys_call_num) case OPEN
26Other hardware support
- Translating virtual address into a physical
address - Assist in supporting the virtual memory
abstraction - Support for used bits for memory pages
- Helps to determine which pages can be swapped out
when needed
27What we are going to study
- Performance evaluation (brief)
- Process handling
- Process concept, scheduling, concurrency control
- Memory management
- Paging, virtual memory
- File system
28Advanced topics
- Distributed systems
- Communication, networking, middleware
- Other possible topics
- Reliable distributed systems
- Real-time systems
- Parallel systems
- Modern storage architectures
- Notes by Dror Feitelson
- Will be published weekly
- Operating System Concepts, by
- A. Silberschatz, P. Galvin, G. Gagne
- Operating Systems Internals and Design
Principles, by W. Stallings - See the notes for more references