Title: GRB afterglows in the Non-relativistic phase
1GRB afterglows in the Non-relativistic phase
- Y. F. Huang
- Dept Astronomy, Nanjing University
- Tan Lu
- Purple Mountain Observatory
- The importance of Non-relativistic phase
- A generic dynamical model
- The deep Newtonian phase
- Numerical results
3The Physics of GRB Afterglows
Shock jump conditions
Energy of the shocked ISM
Adiabatic case E const
Highly radiative case
- The importance of Non-relativistic phase
- A generic dynamical model
- The deep Newtonian phase
- Numerical results
5Why the non-relativistic phase is important?
- GRBs are impressive for their huge energies (Eiso
1052 --- 1054 ergs) and ultra-relativistic
motion ( 100 --- 1000)
6The deceleration of the shock is
- t -3/8
- (200 --- 400) (E52/n0)-1/8ts-3/8
- t 1 day ? 2.8 --- 5.6
- t 10 day ? 1.2 --- 2.4
- t 30 day ? 0.8 --- 1.6
- t 0.5 year ? 0.4 --- 0.8
- t 1 year ? 0.3 --- 0.6
7Theoretical afterglow light curve when
E1e52 erg, n1cm-3
Huang et al., 1998, MNRAS
8Observed afterglows
Kann et al. arXiv0804.1959
- The importance of Non-relativistic phase
- A generic dynamical model
- The deep Newtonian phase
- Numerical results
10The evolution of external shocks
Highly radiative and when t lt n hours
Adiabatic when t gt n hours, and maybe
n days later
For highly radiative blastwave
For adiabatic blastwave
For Newtonian blastwave (Sedov solution)
We need a generic dynamical equation, that is
applicable in both relativistic phase and
non-relativistic phase.
11The evolution of external shocks
Highly radiative and when t lt n hours
Adiabatic when t gt n hours, and maybe
n days later
We need a generic dynamical equation, that is
applicable in both relativistic phase and
non-relativistic phase.
12A generic dynamical equation
Huang, Dai Lu 1999, MNRAS, 309, 513
13The equation is consistent with Sedov solution
14(No Transcript)
- The importance of Non-relativistic phase
- A generic dynamical model
- The deep Newtonian phase
- Numerical results
16The deep Newtonian phase
- The generic dynamical equation can be used to
describe the overall evolution of GRB shocks. - However, to calculate the emission at very late
stages, we meet another problem. It is related to
the distribution function of shock-accelerated
17Distribution function of e-
Problem t gt 1 --- 2 years, lt
1.5 (deep Newtonian phase)
18Our improvement
Huang Cheng (2003,MNRAS)
lg Ne
lg Ne
lg e
lg ( e -1)
19Numerical results (1)isotropic fireball
Huang Cheng, 2003,MNRAS
20Numerical results (2)conical jet
Huang Cheng, 2003,MNRAS
People usually use to
derive the jet break time tj .
However, in our calculation,
and gives a time of 4000 s.
But the break time is 40000 s.
The light curve does not break at
So, we should be careful in estimating the
beaming angle from the observed jet break time.
21Numerical results (3) cylindrical jet
Huang Cheng, 2003,MNRAS, 341, 263
22Application (1) GRB 980703
Radio light curve of GRB 980703 Frail et al.
2003, ApJ, 590, 992
23GRB 980703
See Kongs poster and references therein
24Application (2) GRB 030329
Density jump
Energy injection
2-component jet
Huang, Cheng Gao, 2006 Obs. data taken from
Lipkin et al. 2004
25Application (3) Failed GRBs
To produce a GRB successfully,we need A
stringent requirement !
i.e., for Eiso 1052 erg,we need Miso lt 10-5 Msun
There may be many fireballs with
We call themFailed GRBs They may manifest
asX-ray flashes, orphan afterglows Newtonian
phase will be especially important in these cases.
Huang, Dai, Lu, 2002, MNRAS, 332, 735 Failed
GRBs and orphan afterglows
26a failed-GRB orphan
Jetted GRB orphan
How to distinguish a failed-GRB orphan afterglow
and a jetted but off-axis GRB orphan? It is not
an easy task.
- Although GRB fireballs are ultra-relativistic
initially, they may become Newtonian in tens of
days, and may enter the deep Newtonian phase in 1
--- 3 years.
Thank you!