Title: Armenian Online FORUM www'forum'am
1Armenian Online FORUMwww.forum.am
- e-democracy and participation
E-governance agenda setting workshop Strasbourg,
10 11 June 2002
2e-democracy Armenian context
ICT is a powerful tool in the arsenal of
democracy. However, transition countries lack the
infrastructure, resources and expertise to
benefit from it. Armenia has declared ICT a
national priority. Democratic reform could and
should benefit from the application of
technology, BUT
3e-democracy Armenian context
- Broad access is restricted by underdeveloped
infrastructure, sporadic approach and telecom
monopoly - Executive training is not institutionalised in
the national system for ICT education - Achievements of national ICT industry are not
converted into benefits for the people
4UNDP e-democracy programme
5UNDP e-democracy programme
- Virtual fora cannot replace live meetings, but
there are benefits to online discussion - no space and time restrictions, dialogue
adapted to the schedules of participants - all opinions expressed are archived and stored,
building up the institutional memory of the group - debate is more considered and thorough
- Threefold mission of Armenian FORUM
- make public opinion strong, targeted and
result-oriented - promote equal and unconditional participation
- help people interact and communicate
- N.B. takes right people in the right place at
the right time
Two examples from online groups 1. Environment
group critical mass of people who are -
motivated, - knowledgeable, -
technologically competent
- 2. Political parties group
- relatively weak and not so active because
- - political parties do not have a distinct
and coherent agenda to share - culture of constructive public debate is
underdeveloped - political life takes place behind the scenes
rather than on stage
- Ultimate success depends on factors both within
and outside the UNDPs reach - quality and timeliness of support,
- careful, long-term planning,
- changes in the culture of expression and
interaction in society - changes in the way civil society and government
treat each other - public demand for effective tools to facilitate
Fledgling democracy is not necessarily anchored
by technical means. However, the transition can
be smoother and faster if society understands and
can afford benefits of ICT.
Armenian FORUM is a tool to make democracy work
16things to do
- - public access country-wide
- technology support for broad and equal
participation - ICT education
- local e-governance system
17Everyone has the right to have an
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