Title: NAAMA experience
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2NAAMA experience
- By
- Yasser Elborai, MD
- Assisstent Lecturer of Pediatric Oncology
- NCI Cairo University
3- NAAMA National Arab American Medical
Association is a Non Governmental Organization
(NGO) composed of an Arabian doctors living in
America - They are trying to help doctors in Egypt and
other Arabian countries by different ways like
offering training courses and research work
4- Due to collaboration between National Cancer
Institute (NCI) Egypt and National Arab
American Medical Association (NAAMA) USA,
there was a 3 months training course for
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) -
- This training course was in DeVos childrens
hospital Michigan USA
5Pediatric Intensive Care Unit(PICU)
- What is the aim of building PICU ?
- How do you construct PICU ?
- How do you manage PICU ?
6What is the aim of building PICU ?
- To give our critically ill patients a proper
treatment - To create a new subspecialty in our pediatric
department - To decrease the load of work on main ICU in our
7How do you construct PICU ?
- Number of rooms
- Number of beds
- Isolation rooms
- Equipments
- Supplies
- Aeration of the room
- Design of the room
- Character of walls and floor
8Comparison between PICU in DeVos childrens
hospital-Michigan and newly developing PICU in
DeVos childrens hospital-Michigan
newly developed PICU in NCI-Cairo
- rooms 16 rooms 1 room
- beds 16 beds 4 beds
- Isolation 2 rooms No
9newly developed PICU in NCI-Cairo
DeVos childrens hospital-Michigan
- Each room has all equipments to be an operative
room for any minor or major procedures
- Each bed has monitor, infusion pump, syringe
pump, common ECG apparatus and blood warmer
apparatus for all beds
All types of syringes, lines, tubes, masks,
Air conditioned
Air conditioned
10newly developed PICU in NCI-Cairo
DeVos childrens hospital-Michigan
- The bed is in the center of the room to be
accessible from all sides that facilitate the work
- The bed is only accessible from 3 sides as usual
The walls and floors are washable and can be
easily cleaned by anti septic measures
- Character of
- walls and floor
11How do you manage PICU ?
- Criteria of admission
- Nursing notes
- Doctors notes
- Multidisciplinary team to deal with the patient
- Computer based system
- Ratio between nurses and patients
- Criteria of discharge
12- Criteria of admission
- There are many indications for PICU admission but
the most common cause here in our institute will
be shock specially septic shock - ? if the patient is hemodynamically unstable
- - Heart rate greater than
- 90 beats per minute at the age of puberty or
more. - 110 beats per minute at the age of 10 years.
- 120 beats per minute at the age of 4 years or
13- - Systolic arterial pressure lower than
- 90 mm Hg at the age of puberty or more.
- 70 mm Hg at the age of 10 years.
- 50 mm Hg at the age of 4 years or less.
- for at least 30 minutes despite adequate
fluid replacement and more than 5 µg/kg of body
weight of dopamine or current treatment with
epinephrine or norepinephrine. - Urinary output of less than 0.5 mL/kg of body
weight for at least 1 hour - Arterial lactate levels higher than 2 mmol/L
14Stages of shock
- 1- Early shock tachycardia, poor capillary
perfusion - cold extremities, but in septic shock may be
worm extremities because ischemia of precapillary
sphincter - 2- Established shock clinical triad tachycardia,
hypotension, peripheral hypoperfusion will be
evident. The patient looks pale and anxious
15- 3- Advanced shock the blood flow will increase
to more vital organs (brain, heart) at the
expenses of the less vital organs (kidneys,
lungs, GIT) -
- kidneys acute renal failure (oliguria,
metabolic acidosis) - Lungs Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
(ARDS) - GIT Ischemia, stress ulcer, hemorrhage,
ileus - Blood Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
(DIC) - Metabolic metabolic acidosis, electrolytes
disturbance - Brain Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
- Heart Myocardial ischemia, arrhythmia
16- 4- Irreversible shock irreversible cellular
damage (mitochondria, cell membrane) clinically,
serious arrhythmia, deep coma, pH below 7.0 in
spite of vigorous correction with sodium
bicarbonate - So, our role is how to detect this
hemodynamically unstable patient in his early
stage of shock to give him the best supportive
treatment and careful observation to get a better
out come
17Septic Shock
SIRS/Sepsis/Septic shock
Mediator release exogenous endogenous
Maldistribution of blood flow
Cardiac dysfunction
Imbalance of oxygen supply and demand
Alterations in metabolism
Outcomes of mediator release in systemic
inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), sepsis,
and septic shock
18Septic Shock Is Unique
- Cardiac output may be normal, increased, or
decreased. - Hypotension and poor end-organ perfusion may be
present despite good skin perfusion.
Hypotension is still a sign of decompensation. - Early signs of sepsis/septic shock include
- Fever or hypothermia
- Tachycardia and tachypnea
- Leukocytosis, leukopenia, or increased bands
19Septic Shock Warm Shock
- Early, compensated, hyperdynamic state
- Clinical signs
- Warm extremities with bounding pulses,
tachycardia, tachypnea, confusion. - Physiologic parameters
- widened pulse pressure, increased cardiac output
and mixed venous saturation, decreased systemic
vascular resistance. - Biochemical evidence
- Hypocarbia, elevated lactate, hyperglycemia
20Septic Shock Cold Shock
- Late, uncompensated stage with drop in cardiac
output. - Clinical signs
- Cyanosis, cold and clammy skin, rapid, thready
pulses, shallow respirations. - Physiologic parameters
- Decreased mixed venous sats, cardiac output and
CVP, increased SVR, thrombocytopenia, oliguria,
myocardial dysfunction, capillary leak - Biochemical abnormalities
- Metabolic acidosis, hypoxia, coagulopathy,
21Septic Shock (cont)
- Cold Shock rapidly progresses to MOSF or death,
if untreated - Multi-Organ System Failure Coma, ARDS, CHF,
Renal Failure, Ileus, hemorrhage, DIC - More organ systems involved, worse the prognosis
- Therapy ABCs, fluid
- Appropriate antibiotics, treatment of underlying
22- Nursing notes
- the nurse should take a brief history about the
patients illness and his previous vital signs - Doctors notes
- The doctor should take a full detailed history
about the present and past illness and
medications - Multidisciplinary team to deal with the patient
- Interactions between other department e.g.
surgery, radiotherapy, radio diagnosis, and
clinical pathology is extremely essential for the
sake of the patient
23- Computer based system
- If the system is computer based that will
facilitate detection of any deterioration of the
patients clinical condition through the curves
drawn temperature, blood pressures, urine
output,.. - Ratio between nurses and patients
- nurse to patient ration should be 11 or at
least 12 - Criteria of discharge
- If the patient is hemodinamically stable for at
least 24 h, he can transferred to normal floor to
continue his treatment
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