Title: Career
1Career Tech Ed PathwaysTool for Seamless
Educational Transition
- Real World Rigor and Relevance
- With High Skill, High Wage, and Higher Ed
Opportunities For ALL Students
2Career Clusters Model
- Organizes the occupations, within each cluster,
into pathways that group the cluster occupations
based on commonalities
Career Clusters Definition
- Career Clusters represent a grouping of
- occupations and broad industries based on
- commonalities
- Instructional Guidance Model
3Career Clusters Why?
- Career-focused strategy supporting
- Educational reform
- Workforce preparation
- Economic prosperity
4What Career Clusters Do
- Provide a framework that current programs slot
into - Provide MORE career options for ALL learners
- Provide a framework for addressing the entire
world of work - Blend rigorous academic/technical preparation
- Provide relevance to career planning
- Offers options for ALL students to experience all
aspects of industry - Facilitate/assists students with transitions
- Enhances partnerships with Community/Industry/High
er Ed
5What Career Clusters Dont Do
- Take away current programs
- Take away occupational areas
- Track learners into a single job
- Cause D11 to need to create new programs
6Career Clusters Educational Reform
- Help develop employability, academic and
technical skills - Build a repertoire of skills within the broad
context of a career - Enhance career guidance and transitions
- Add relevance to the curriculum
- Provide smoother transitions between educational
levels - Provide for re-tooling, changing careers
7Career Clusters Benefits
- Learners are more likely to enroll in rigorous
and relevant coursework - Enhanced guidance services through the cluster
models identification of many careers and their
pathways - Aligned linkages from secondary feeder programs
to academic and/or technical postsecondary
education - Learners better equipped for successful career
8Career ClustersWorkforce Preparation
- Driven by local business/industry and economic
development - Prepare the emerging workforce
- Cross-Train/re-tool the workforce
- Build a flexible, Gold Collar workforce
9Career ClustersEconomic Prosperity
- The career clusters framework is the educational
undergirding of industry clusters. - Career clusters are industry groupings of
occupations with common knowledge and skills. - Industry clusters are geographic concentrations
of related businesses and industries.
10Transition to 21st Century Workplaces
From To Management Functions Centralized/Se
parated Decentralized/Shared Professional/Technic
al Centralized/Specialized Decentralized/Integrate
d Knowledge Some Workers All
Workers Work Design Jobs Functional/Cross-
functional Teams Organizational
Structure Vertical Hierarchies Customer-Supplier
Networks Employee Responsibility Job
Task Performance Work Unit Performance
Management Business Process Career
Progression Vertical Vertical and
Horizontal Limited Range Full
11National Career Clusters Titles
- Agriculture, Food Natural Resources
- Architecture Construction
- Arts, Audio/Video Technology Communications
- Business, Management Administration
- Education Training
- Finance
- Government Public Administration
- Health Science
- Hospitality Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law, Public Safety Security
- Manufacturing
- Marketing, Sales Service
- Science, Technology, Engineering Mathematics
- Transportation, Distribution Logistics
12(No Transcript)
13(No Transcript)
14Tips for Getting Started
- Use resources to
- Enhance existing programs.
- Strengthen/align programs, courses, and skill
sets. - Serve as a career theme for career academies,
small learning communities, schools within
schools, charter schools, home schooling and
magnet schools.
15Three Basic Implementation Stages
- www.okcareertech.org/iis
- www.okcareertech.org/guidance
- www.careerclusters.org
- Preferred Product/Technical Assistance Providers
- Brochures
- Career Cluster Resources CD (only place to obtain
printed copy of Knowledge Skills) - Posters
- Pathway Models
- Plans of Study (see Plan of Study handout)
- Interest Inventories/Surveys
- Assessments Workplace Readiness, Cluster
Specific - Annual Career Clusters Institute
- www.careervoyages.com