Title: 6,315 Tons Actual
1Studying the Litter Problem
- Litter Study Overview Goals
- Baseline study conducted in 1999 repeated in
2004 - Compare 1999 and 2004 results
- Estimate amount of litter generated
- Examine litter composition
9,682 Tons Expected
- Next Steps
- Repeat Survey in 2009.
- Continue to use results to guide
prevention and pickup.
8,322 Tons in 1999
6,315 Tons Actual
2Prevention Campaign Less Litter
Campaign Dollars Spent by Category
The states first prevention campaign in over a
decade - launched in 2002
- Social Marketing Campaign
- Multi-media focus TV, radio,
billboard, bag distribution - Enforcement safety focused
2,935,450 total spent on campaign 1999-2004
Prevention activities reduced litter on
Washington roadways by
Next steps
- Refresh Campaign
- Creative materials ready 08/06
- Continue partnerships- DOT WSP
- Continue to focus on safety and enforcement
- 6.8 million pounds in 2004
- 20 million pounds between 1999 2004
Data based on 2004 Litter Survey
3Ecology-Funds Litter Pickup Efforts
Ecology Tracks Results From
- Ecology Youth Corps (EYC)
- Community Litter Cleanup Program (CLCP)
- Dept. of Corrections (DOC)
- Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR)
Millions of Pounds of Litter Picked up and
millions of dollars spent
- Work with DOT to obtain data on Adopt a Highway
- Continue to improve coordination
- Focus crew efforts on greatest needs
Millions of Dollars
4Prevention Campaign avings
Litter Campaign Value Calculation
Between 1999 and 2004 Prevention Saved 9.99
Min Pickup Costs.
(data based on statewide averages)
Next steps
1.00 spent on prevention reduces litter by 6.88
- Refresh Campaign
- Creative materials ready 08/06
- Continue partnerships- DOT WSP
- Continue to focus on safety and enforcement
It costs 3.37 to pickup those 6.88 lbs
5Regional Costs of Litter Pickup
Variables Influencing Regional Litter Pickup Costs
- Litter accumulation per mile
- Traffic Volume
- Road conditions
- West side has less road miles but more people
travel them. - West side pickup per mile costs more because
there is more trash per mile. - East side pickup per pound costs more because
there are less pounds per mile.
6Generation Pickup Funding Variables
Variables Influencing Litter Generation and Pickup
- Prior to 2001, each region was given 25 of
funding for EYC. - Funding now allocated based on factors affecting
generation. - WSDOT statewide litter service rating has
improved every year from 2001-2004, and in
relation to hours worked
- Area
- Miles of Road
- Miles Driven
- Population
Regional Variation