Title: Wyoming Water Development Program
1Wyoming Water Development Program
- Working with the Water Development Commission
2Water Development Program
- Water Development Commission and Program
- Who can receive funding from the WWDC
- How can a BAG work with the WWDC to promote
3Water Development Program
- The Water Development Commission and Program were
established in 1979 - The Program is funded by Mineral Severance Taxes.
4Water Development Program
- Established to foster, promote and encourage
optimal development of the states human,
industrial, mineral, agricultural, water and
recreational resources. - The program shall provide, through the commission
policies for planning, selection, financing,
construction, acquisition and operation of
projects to conserve, store, distribute and use
5Water Development Program
- Account I, New Development
- Account II, Rehabilitation
- Account III, Dams Reservoirs
6Water Development Program
- From the Severance Tax Distribution Account
- Account I 12.45
- Account II 2.1
- Account III 0.5
7Water Development Program
- Funding and Management of Studies and Projects
- Level I Reconnaissance Studies Baseline Studies
Master Plans - Level II Feasibility Studies Phase I, Phase II,
Phase III - Level III Final Design Construction Projects
8Water Development Program
- Project Approval Funding
- Applications to WDO
- Approval by WWDC
- Approval by Select Water Committee
- Legislature omnibus water bill
- Bill signed by Governor
9Water Development Program
- Funding for Projects
- Level I Studies 100 State Grant
- Level II Studies 100 State Grant
- Level III final design and construction 50
Grant and 50 Loan
10Water Development Program Who can receive
project funding?
- Cities
- Towns
- Special Districts
- Join Powers Boards
- Conservation Dist
- The key to receiving funding is being a public
entity - Interested groups can apply for Level I and Level
II studies - Sponsors must be a public entity at Level III
11Water Development ProgramHow can a Basin
Advisory Group Work with the WDP?
- As a formal organization such as a Joint Powers
Board - Or as an informal group such as your BAG
12Water Divisions
13Water Development ProgramWhat can a BAG do to
promote projects?
- Provide Leadership
- Meet and talk with groups about potential
Projects - Stay involved at the state level
- Provide Education
- Provide groups with information on sponsoring
14Water Development Program
- If the BAG wants to form a Joint Powers Board
what should they do? - Approach and get approval from as many county
commissions with in the basin as possible. - Obtain legal assistance to from the board
- Determine what the mission of the board will be.