Title: Lectures for 2nd Edition
1CEG3151 Focus
Understanding the design techniques, machine
structures, technology factors, evaluation
methods for computer architectures
Assembly Language
Interface Design (ISA)
- Computer Architecture
- Instruction Set Design
- Hardware/Software Boundary
- Architecture and Design
- Refinement for Performance
Measurement Evaluation
Processor Design - Data Path - Control
2Chapter 1
- This course is all about how computers work
- But what do we mean by a computer?
- Different types desktop, servers, embedded
devices - Different uses automobiles, graphics, finance,
genomics - Different manufacturers Intel, Apple, IBM,
Microsoft, Sun - Different underlying technologies and different
costs! - Analogy Consider a course on automotive
vehicles - Many similarities from vehicle to vehicle (e.g.,
wheels) - Huge differences from vehicle to vehicle (e.g.,
gas vs. electric) - Best way to learn
- Focus on a specific instance and learn how it
works - While learning general principles and historical
4Why learn this stuff?
- You want to call yourself a computer scientist
- You want to build software people use (need
performance) - You need to make a purchasing decision or offer
expert advice - Both Hardware and Software affect performance
- Algorithm determines number of source-level
statements - Language/Compiler/Architecture determine machine
instructions (Chapter 2 and 3) - Processor/Memory determine how fast instructions
are executed (Chapter 5, 6, and 7) - Assessing and Understanding Performance in
Chapter 4
5What is a computer?
- Components
- input (mouse, keyboard)
- output (display, printer)
- memory (disk drives, DRAM, SRAM, CD)
- network
- Our primary focus the processor (datapath and
control) - implemented using millions of transistors
- Impossible to understand by looking at each
transistor - We need...
- Delving into the
- depths reveals more
- information
- An abstraction omits
- unneeded detail, helps us cope with
- complexityWhat are some of the
- details that appear in
- these familiar
- abstractions?
8How do computers work?
- Need to understand abstractions such as
- Applications software
- Systems software
- Assembly Language
- Machine Language
- Architectural Issues i.e., Caches, Virtual
Memory, Pipelining - Sequential logic, finite state machines
- Combinational logic, arithmetic circuits
- Boolean logic, 1s and 0s
- Transistors used to build logic gates (CMOS)
- Semiconductors/Silicon used to build transistors
- Properties of atoms, electrons, and quantum
dynamics - So much to learn!
9Instruction Set Architecture
- A very important abstraction
- interface between hardware and low-level software
- standardizes instructions, machine language bit
patterns, etc. - advantage different implementations of the same
architecture - disadvantage sometimes prevents using new
innovationsTrue or False Binary compatibility
is extraordinarily important? - Modern instruction set architectures
- IA-32, PowerPC, MIPS, SPARC, ARM, and others
10Historical Perspective
- ENIAC built in World War II was the first general
purpose computer - Used for computing artillery firing tables
- 80 feet long by 8.5 feet high and several feet
wide - Each of the twenty 10 digit registers was 2 feet
long - Used 18,000 vacuum tubes
- Performed 1900 additions per second
- Since thenMoores Law transistor capacity
- doubles every
- 18-24 months
Big Fishes Eating Little Fishes
121988 Computer Food Chain
Work- station
Mini- computer
Mini- supercomputer
Massively Parallel Processors
131998 Computer Food Chain
Mini- supercomputer
Mini- computer
Massively Parallel Processors
Work- station
Now who is eating whom?
14Why Such Change in 10 years?
Performance Technology Advances CMOS VLSI
dominates older technologies (TTL, ECL) in cost
AND performance Computer architecture advances
improves low-end RISC, superscalar, RAID,
Price Lower costs due to Simpler
development CMOS VLSI smaller systems, fewer
components Higher volumes CMOS VLSI same dev.
cost 10,000 vs. 10,000,000 units Lower margins
by class of computer, due to fewer
services Function Rise of networking/local
interconnection technology
15Technology Trends Microprocessor Capacity
Alpha 21264 15 million Pentium Pro 5.5
million PowerPC 620 6.9 million Alpha 21164 9.3
million Sparc Ultra 5.2 million
Moores Law
- CMOS improvements
- Die size 2X every 3 yrs
- Line width halve / 7 yrs
16Memory Capacity (Single Chip DRAM)
year size(Mb) cyc time 1980 0.0625 250
ns 1983 0.25 220 ns 1986 1 190 ns 1989 4 165
ns 1992 16 145 ns 1996 64 120 ns 2000 256 100
17Processor-DRAM Memory Gap (latency)
µProc 60/yr. (2X/1.5yr)
Joys Law
Processor-Memory Performance Gap(grows 50 /
DRAM 9/yr. (2X/10 yrs)
18Chapter 2
19Technology Trends (Summary)
Capacity Speed (latency) Logic 2x in 3
years lt 2x in 3 years DRAM 4x in 3-4 years lt
2x in 10 years Disk 4x in 2-3 years lt 2x in
10 years
20Chapter 2
- Language of the Machine
- Well be working with the MIPS instruction set
architecture - similar to other architectures developed since
the 1980's - Almost 100 million MIPS processors manufactured
in 2002 - used by NEC, Nintendo, Cisco, Silicon Graphics,
22MIPS arithmetic
- All instructions have 3 operands
- Operand order is fixed (destination
first) Example C code a b c MIPS
code add a, b, c (well talk about
registers in a bit)The natural number of
operands for an operation like addition is
threerequiring every instruction to have exactly
three operands, no more and no less, conforms to
the philosophy of keeping the hardware simple
23MIPS arithmetic
- Design Principle simplicity favors regularity.
- Of course this complicates some things... C
code a b c d MIPS code add a, b,
c add a, a, d - Operands must be registers, only 32 registers
provided - Each register contains 32 bits
- Design Principle smaller is faster. Why?
24Registers vs. Memory
- Arithmetic instructions operands must be
registers, only 32 registers provided - Compiler associates variables with registers
- What about programs with lots of variables
25Memory Organization
- Viewed as a large, single-dimension array, with
an address. - A memory address is an index into the array
- "Byte addressing" means that the index points to
a byte of memory.
8 bits of data
8 bits of data
8 bits of data
8 bits of data
8 bits of data
8 bits of data
8 bits of data
26Memory Organization
- Bytes are nice, but most data items use larger
"words" - For MIPS, a word is 32 bits or 4 bytes.
- 232 bytes with byte addresses from 0 to 232-1
- 230 words with byte addresses 0, 4, 8, ... 232-4
- Words are aligned i.e., what are the least 2
significant bits of a word address?
32 bits of data
32 bits of data
Registers hold 32 bits of data
32 bits of data
32 bits of data
- Load and store instructions
- Example C code A12 h A8 MIPS
code lw t0, 32(s3) add t0, s2, t0 sw
t0, 48(s3) - Can refer to registers by name (e.g., s2, t2)
instead of number - Store word has destination last
- Remember arithmetic operands are registers, not
memory! Cant write add 48(s3), s2,
28Our First Example
- Can we figure out the code?
swap(int v, int k) int temp temp
vk vk vk1 vk1 temp
swap muli 2, 5, 4 add 2, 4, 2 lw
15, 0(2) lw 16, 4(2) sw 16, 0(2)
sw 15, 4(2) jr 31
29So far weve learned
- MIPS loading words but addressing bytes
arithmetic on registers only - Instruction Meaningadd s1, s2, s3 s1
s2 s3sub s1, s2, s3 s1 s2 s3lw
s1, 100(s2) s1 Memorys2100 sw s1,
100(s2) Memorys2100 s1
30Instruction Formats
Variable Fixed Hybrid
- Addressing modes
- each operand requires addess specifier gt
variable format - code size gt variable length instructions
- performance gt fixed length instructions
- simple decoding, predictable operations
- With load/store instruction arch, only one memory
address and few addressing modes - gt simple format, address mode given by opcode
31Review Basic Instruction Classes
- Accumulator
- 1 address add A acc ? acc memA
- 1x address addx A acc ? acc memA x
- Stack
- 0 address add TOTS ? TOTS next
- EA to EA
- 2 address add A, B EA(A) ? EA(A) EA(B)
- 3 address add A, B, C EA(A) ? EA(B)
EA(C) - Load/Store
- 3 reg add Ra, Rb, Rc Ra ? Rb Rc
- load Ra, Rb Ra ? memRb
- store Ra, Rb memRb ? Ra
32MIPS R3000 (Microprocessor without Interlock
Pipeline Stage)
r0 r1 r31
Programmable storage 232 x bytes 31 x 32-bit
GPRs (R00) 32 x 32-bit FP regs (paired DP) HI,
Data types ? Format ? Addressing Modes?
PC lo hi
Arithmetic logical Add, AddU, Sub, SubU,
And, Or, Xor, Nor, SLT, SLTU, AddI, AddIU,
SLLV, SRLV, SRAV Memory Access LB, LBU, LH, LHU,
LW, LWL,LWR, SB, SH, SW, SWL, SWR Control J,
33MIPS, ISA Registers
Register 1 (at) reserved for assembler, 26-27
for operating system
34Machine Language
- Instructions, like registers and words of data,
are also 32 bits long - Example add t1, s1, s2
- registers have numbers t19, s117, s218
- add 9, 17, 18
- rd rs rt
- Instruction Format 000000 10001 10010 01001 000
00 100000 op rs rt rd shamt funct - Machine Code 02 32 48 20h
- Can you guess what the field names stand for?
35Machine Language
- Consider the load-word and store-word
instructions, - What would the regularity principle have us do?
- New principle Good design demands a compromise
- Introduce a new type of instruction format
- I-type for data transfer instructions
- other format was R-type for register
- Example lw t0, 41(s2) 35 18 8
41 op rs rt 16 bit number - Where's the compromise? Displacement limit. Can
be -
36Stored Program Concept
- Instructions are bits
- Programs are stored in memory to be read or
written just like data - Fetch Execute Cycle
- Instructions are fetched and put into a special
register - Bits in the register "control" the subsequent
actions - Fetch the next instruction and continue
memory for data, programs, compilers, editors,
- Decision making instructions
- alter the control flow,
- i.e., change the "next" instruction to be
executed - MIPS conditional branch instructions bne t0,
t1, Label1 beq t0, t1, Label2 - Example if (ij) h i j bne s0, s1,
Label add s3, s0, s1 Label ....
- MIPS unconditional branch instructions j label
- Example if (i!j) beq s4, s5, Lab1
hij add s3, s4, s5 else j Lab2
hi-j Lab1 sub s3, s4, s5 Lab2
... - Can you build a simple for loop? Yes..
39So far
- Instruction Meaningadd s1,s2,s3 s1 s2
s3sub s1,s2,s3 s1 s2 s3lw
s1,100(s2) s1 Memorys2100 sw
s1,100(s2) Memorys2100 s1bne
s4,s5,L Next instr. is at Label if s4 ?
s5beq s4,s5,L Next instr. is at Label if
s4 s5j Label Next instr. is at Label - Formats
40Control Flow
- We have beq, bne, what about Branch-if-less-than
? - New instructionSet On Less Than if s1 lt s2
then t0 1slt t0, s1, s2 else
t0 0 - Can use this instruction to build "blt s1, s2,
Label" can now build general control
structures - Note that the assembler needs a register to do
this, there are policy of use conventions for
- Small constants are used quite frequently (50 of
operands) e.g., A A 5 B B 1 C
C - 18 - Solutions? Why not?
- put 'typical constants' in memory and load them.
- create hard-wired registers (like zero) for
constants like one. - MIPS Instructions addi 29, 29, 4 slti 8,
18, 10 andi 29, 29, 6 ori 29, 29, 4 - Design Principle Make the common case fast.
Which format?
42How about larger constants?
- We'd like to be able to load a 32 bit constant
into a register - Must use two instructions, new "load upper
immediate" instruction lui t0,
1010101010101010 - Then must get the lower order bits right,
i.e., ori t0, t0, 1010101010101010
43Assembly Language vs. Machine Language
- Assembly provides convenient symbolic
representation - much easier than writing down numbers
- e.g., destination first
- Machine language is the underlying reality
- e.g., destination is no longer first
- Assembly can provide 'pseudoinstructions'
- e.g., move t0, t1 exists only in Assembly
- would be implemented using add t0,t1,zero
- When considering performance you should count
real instructions
44Other Issues
- Discussed in your assembly language programming
lab support for procedures linkers, loaders,
memory layout stacks, frames, recursion manipula
ting strings and pointers interrupts and
exceptions system calls and conventions - Some of these we'll talk more about later
- Well talk about compiler optimizations when we
hit chapter 4.
45Overview of MIPS
- simple instructions all 32 bits wide
- very structured, no unnecessary baggage
- only three instruction formats
- rely on compiler to achieve performance what
are the compiler's goals? - help compiler where we can
op rs rt rd shamt funct
op rs rt 16 bit address
op 26 bit address
46Addresses in Branches and Jumps
- Instructions
- bne t4,t5,Label Next instruction is at Label
if t4 / t5 - beq t4,t5,Label Next instruction is at Label
if t4 t5 - j Label Next instruction is at
Label - Formats
- Addresses are not 32 bits How do we handle
this with load and store instructions?
op rs rt 16 bit address
op 26 bit address
47Addresses in Branches
- Instructions
- bne t4,t5,Label Next instruction is at Label
if t4?t5 - beq t4,t5,Label Next instruction is at Label
if t4t5 - Formats
- Could specify a register (like lw and sw) and add
it to address - use Instruction Address Register (PC program
counter) - most branches are local (principle of locality)
- Jump instructions just use high order bits of PC
- address boundaries of 256 MB
op rs rt 16 bit address
48To summarize
49To summarize
50MIPS Addressing Modes Formats
- Simple addressing modes
- All instructions 32 bits wide
Register (direct)
51(No Transcript)
52Alternative Architectures
- Design alternative
- provide more powerful operations
- goal is to reduce number of instructions executed
- danger is a slower cycle time and/or a higher
CPI - Lets look (briefly) at IA-32
The path toward operation complexity is thus
fraught with peril. To avoid these problems,
designers have moved toward simpler instructions
53IA - 32
- 1978 The Intel 8086 is announced (16 bit
architecture) - 1980 The 8087 floating point coprocessor is
added - 1982 The 80286 increases address space to 24
bits, instructions - 1985 The 80386 extends to 32 bits, new
addressing modes - 1989-1995 The 80486, Pentium, Pentium Pro add a
few instructions (mostly designed for higher
performance) - 1997 57 new MMX instructions are added,
Pentium II - 1999 The Pentium III added another 70
instructions (SSE) - 2001 Another 144 instructions (SSE2)
- 2003 AMD extends the architecture to increase
address space to 64 bits, widens all registers
to 64 bits and other changes (AMD64) - 2004 Intel capitulates and embraces AMD64
(calls it EM64T) and adds more media extensions - This history illustrates the impact of the
golden handcuffs of compatibilityadding new
features as someone might add clothing to a
packed bagan architecture that is difficult
to explain and impossible to love
54IA-32 Overview
- Complexity
- Instructions from 1 to 17 bytes long
- one operand must act as both a source and
destination - one operand can come from memory
- complex addressing modes e.g., base or scaled
index with 8 or 32 bit displacement - Saving grace
- the most frequently used instructions are not too
difficult to build - compilers avoid the portions of the architecture
that are slow - what the 80x86 lacks in style is made up in
quantity, making it beautiful from the right
55IA-32 Registers and Data Addressing
56IA-32 Register Restrictions
- Registers are not general purpose note the
restrictions below
57IA-32 Typical Instructions
- Four major types of integer instructions
- Data movement including move, push, pop
- Arithmetic and logical (destination register or
memory) - Control flow (use of condition codes / flags )
- String instructions, including string move and
string compare
58IA-32 instruction Formats
- Typical formats (notice the different lengths)
- Instruction complexity is only one variable
- lower instruction count vs. higher CPI / lower
clock rate - Design Principles
- simplicity favors regularity
- smaller is faster
- good design demands compromise
- make the common case fast
- Instruction set architecture
- a very important abstraction indeed!