Title: Local Trends
1Local Trends
- Tri-County Leadership Initiative
Green Lake, Marquette, Waushara Counties
2Tri-County AreaPopulation
UW-Extension Waushara County Source Wisconsin
Department of Administration
3Tri-County AreaChange in Population
UW-Extension Waushara County Source Wisconsin
Department of Administration
4Tri-County Area
Population by Municipality
Map created by UW-Extension Waushara
County Source Wisconsin Department of
5(No Transcript)
6(No Transcript)
7(No Transcript)
8Waushara County
9Waushara County
10Waushara County
11Waushara County
12Waushara County
13Waushara County
14Waushara County
151990 Tri-County Population by Age
UW-Extension Waushara County Source 1990 Census
162000 Tri-County Population by Age
UW-Extension Waushara County Source Wisconsin
Department of Administration
172010 Tri-County Population by Age
UW-Extension Waushara County Source Wisconsin
Department of Administration
182020 Tri-County Population by Age
UW-Extension Waushara County Source Wisconsin
Department of Administration
192030 Tri-County Population by Age
UW-Extension Waushara County Source Wisconsin
Department of Administration
202007 Tri-County Population by Age
UW-Extension Waushara County Source U.S. Census
Population Estimates
21Tri-County AreaPopulation Growth
- Between 1990 and 2000 the Hispanic Population
grew by 131 from 720 to 1,662. - Between 1990 and 2000 the Non-Hispanic Population
grew by 14 from 49,637 to 56,429.
UW-Extension Waushara County Source U.S. Census
and Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
22Tri-County AreaPopulation by Ethnicity
Source U.S. Census Population Estimates
232006 Hispanic Population by Race
Source U.S. Census Population Estimates
242006 Population by Race
Source U.S. Census Population Estimates
25Tri-County Area
Hispanic Population by Municipality
Map created by UW-Extension Waushara
County Source 2000 Census
26Number of Migrant Workers, Their Spouses, and
Their Children
Source Bureau of Migrant, Refugee, and Labor
27UW-Extension Waushara County Source Wisconsin
Department of Workforce Development Note Not all
Migrant Workers and their families are Hispanic
28(No Transcript)
29Percent of Tri-County Area Non-Hispanic
Population that Speak English and/or Another
UW-Extension Waushara County Source U.S. Census
2000 Note Primarily Non-English, includes
Hispanic/Latinos that speak English not at all
or not well
30Percent of Tri-County Area Hispanic/Latino
Population that Speak English and/or Spanish
UW-Extension Waushara County Source U.S. Census
2000 Note Primarily Non-English, includes
Hispanic/Latinos that speak English not at all
or not well
312000 Tri-County Area PopulationAge 25 and Over
by Education Attainment
Source U.S. Census 2000
32Tri-County Area2007 Wages
- Average Annual Wage
- Green Lake County 30,040
- Marquette County 26,121
- Waushara County 26,453
- Adams County 27,485
- Portage County 33,117
- Waupaca County 30,499
- Winnebago County 40,957
- Wisconsin 38,070
Source Wisconsin Department of Workforce
33Tri-County AreaWages in 2007 Dollars
UW-Extension Waushara County Source Wisconsin
Department of Workforce Development
34Tri-County AreaBusinesses
- Total of approximately 5,435 non-farm business
establishments in 2006 - 1,434 Establishments have 1 or more employees,
totaling 14,798 jobs
U.S. Census - County
Business Patterns - 89 have 1-19 employees
- 4,001 Non-employer Establishments
U.S. Census Nonemployer
Establishments - 2,011 Farms in 2002
National Agriculture Statistics
Service Census of Agriculture - 387 Farms employ 2,601 hired workers
35Tri-County AreaNon-Farm Businesses
UW-Extension Waushara County Source Wisconsin
Department of Workforce Development
36Tri-County AreaFarms
UW-Extension Waushara County Source Wisconsin
Department of Workforce Development
37Farms (WI Ag Statistics Service)
38Grain Crops
39Vegetable Crops
40Potatoes - 2 county
Christmas Trees - 1 county
41Citizen Attendanceat Government Meetings
Over 3 years, an average of 5 citizens show up
for a municipal or county board meeting.
Citizen Attendance at 240 Town, 72 Village, 72
City, and 36 County Board Meetings between 2000
and 2002 in Marquette and Waushara Counties
UW-Extension Waushara County Source 13 Town, 5
Village, 2 City and 2 County Clerks in Waushara
and Marquette Counties
42 Waushara County
- Patrick Nehring (920) 787-0416
- UW-Extension Waushara County
- 209 S Ste Marie Street
- Wautoma, WI 54982
- www.uwex.edu/ces/cty/waushara