Title: If/Else and While Loops
1If/Else andWhile Loops
- Ethan Cerami
- New York University
2This Week
- Tuesday
- Basics of If/Else Statement
- Relational Operators
- Increment/Decrement Operators
- Thursday
- While Loops
- Amazon.com Program
3If Statement
- Control Structure a structure that controls the
flow of a program. - If Statement
- If some condition is true, do this.
- Otherwise, do something else.
- Every programming language has some form of an if
4Basic If Syntax
- Basic If Example
- if (grade gt 60)
- printf (You passed!)
- Basic If/Else Example
- if (grade gt 60)
- printf (You passed!)
- else
- printf (You failed!)
5Understanding Flow Charts
- Flow Chart a visual tool that helps you
understand the flow of your program. - You can think of flow charts as pipes of water
- You pour water in the top.
- Water pours through the pipes and is pulled
6Flow Chart Basics
Diamonds Represents conditions
Rectangles represent statements of work. For
example printf()
7If/Else Flow Chart
grade gt60
Print You passed
Print You failed
8Understanding Blocks of Code
- If you want to run several lines of code
together, you must include them within a block of
code. - Blocks of code are denoted with
- For example
- if (grade gt 60)
- printf ("You passed!!!")
- printf ("\nCongratulations!")
9Understanding Indentation
- Note that everything within the block of code
should be indented. This helps you see the block
at a quick glance. - Avoid writing code like this
- if (grade gt 60)
- printf ("You passed!!!")
- printf ("\nCongratulations!")
- This is valid C code, but it is not easy to view
the block. Hence, it is considered bad style.
- / Introduction to If/Else Statements /
- include ltstdio.hgt
- include ltconio.hgt
- main ()
- int grade
- printf ("Enter your course grade ")
- scanf ("d", grade)
- if (grade gt 60)
- printf ("You passed!!!")
- printf ("\nCongratulations!")
- else
- printf ("You failed!")
- getch()
Note the indentation
11Relational Operators
Operator Meaning
gt Greater than
lt Less than
gt Greater than or equal to
lt Less than or equal to
Equal to
! Not Equal to
12Testing for Equality
- To test for equality, use the operator.
- For example
- if (grade 100)
- printf (Perfect Score!)
- To test for inequality, use the ! operator.
- For example
- if (grade ! 100)
- printf (Not perfect!)
13Equality v. Assignment
- A very common mistake
- if (grade 100)
- printf (Perfect Score!)
- In this case, we are using a single character.
(We really want to use ) - Nonetheless, this is perfectly valid code. But
what will it actually print?
14Understanding Truth
- In C (unlike life) truth is very simple.
- 0 is False
- Anything else is True
- For example
- -1 is true
- 299 is true
- O is false
15For Example
- / Understanding Truth /
- include ltstdio.hgt
- include ltconio.hgt
- main ()
- int x -100
- int y 299
- int z 0
- if (x)
- printf ("x d\n", x)
- if (y)
- printf ("y d\n", y)
- if (z)
- printf ("z d\n", z)
- getch()
This is a completely valid program. Output x
-100 y 299 Note z is not printed because the
if condition fails.
16Equality v. Assignment
- Given
- if (grade 100)
- printf (Perfect Score!)
- This statement does the following
- Grade is assigned the value 100.
- Because 100 is true, the condition is always
true. - No matter what the student grade, it always says
Perfect Score!
17Amazon.com Series
- Over the next couple of weeks, we will take a
single program and make it more and more
complicated. - Each class we will add some new feature to the
program. - Examples are the best way to learn how to
program. - Make sure to study these programs!
18Amazon.com Series
- The Amazon.com Series will simulate the
purchasing of books. - For example
- Prompt you for all the books you want to buy.
- Calculate the total sales.
- Print out a receipt.
19Amazon.com Version 1.0
- Feature Set
- Prompt the user for 3 digit order
- Prompt the user for cover price
- Prompt the user for the of books
- Calculate the total sales
- If sales gt 100.00 send via Federal Express
- else send via U.S. Mail
20Program Snapshot
- / E-Commerce Program for Amazon.com, Version
1.0 / - / Created by Ethan Cerami, 1998 /
- include ltstdio.hgt
- include ltconio.hgt
- main ()
- int order_number, number_books
- float price, sales
- / Print Introduction /
- printf ("Welcome to Amazon.com!\n")
- printf ("Earth's Biggest Bookstore.\n\n")
- / Get User Input /
- printf ("Enter the three digit book order
number ") - scanf ("d", order_number)
- printf ("Enter the cover price ")
- scanf ("f", price)
Now that we are working on bigger programs, its
hard to display them within Powerpoint(!) So,
please bring your Annotated Program packet.
21Program, Page 1
- / E-Commerce Program for /
- / Amazon.com, Version 1.0 /
- / Created by Ethan Cerami, 1998 /
- include ltstdio.hgt
- include ltconio.hgt
- main ()
- int order_number, number_books
- float price, sales
Variable Declaration Note that price and sales
are defined as floats.
22Program, Page 2
Prompt user for book order, cover price, and
number of copies.
- / Print Introduction /
- printf ("Welcome to Amazon.com!\n")
- printf ("Earth's Biggest Bookstore.\n\n")
- / Get User Input /
- printf ("Enter the three digit book order number
") - scanf ("d", order_number)
- printf ("Enter the cover price ")
- scanf ("f", price)
- printf ("Enter number of copies you would like to
order ") - scanf ("d", number_books)
23Program, Page 3
Use an if/else statement to determine the
shipping option.
- / Calculate Total Sales /
- sales price number_books
- printf ("\nThank you. Your total order is
.2f\n", sales) - / Determine Shipping Method /
- if (sales gt 100.0)
- printf ("Shipping Your order will be shipped
via Federal Express.") -
- else
- printf ("Shipping Your order will be shipped
via U.S. Mail.") -
- printf ("\n\nPress any key to exit...")
- getch()
- All the programs contained in the Annotated
Programs packet are available on the web site. - You can therefore easily download them and try
them on your own. - Learning by example is a great technique.
25Amazon.com, Version 2.0
- Feature Set (everything from Version 1.0 plus)
- Prompt the user for a payment option (e.g.
Mastercard, Visa, American Express.) - Use the if short-cut operator
26Program, Page 1
- / Get Credit Card Information /
- printf ("Amazon.com accepts the following payment
options\n") - printf ("1. American Express\n")
- printf ("2. Mastercard\n")
- printf ("3. Visa\n")
- printf ("Please enter a payment option ")
- scanf ("d", payment_option)
Here, we are prompting the user for a
payment option. This is stored in the
payment_option integer variable.
27Program, Page 2
- / Print Credit Card Confirmation /
- printf ("This account balance will be charged to
") - if (payment_option 1)
- printf ("American Express.\n")
- else if (payment_option 2)
- printf ("Mastercard.\n")
- else if (payment_option 3)
- printf ("Visa.\n")
Here, we use a series of if/else statements to
print out the payment option.
28Program, Page 3
- C Provides a shortcut if/else operator
- printf ("Shipping Your order will be shipped
via ") - printf ("s", (sales gt 100.0) ? "Federal
Express." "U.S. Mail.")
s is the format specifier for text strings.
The conditional Statement.
True Option
False Option
? short- cut operator