Title: P1253296670aDurG
1LCFI Vertex Package Status
Ben Jeffery
LCFI Collaboration Meeting, Liverpool, 19th
September 2006
2- Aim C based package for the MARLIN/LCIO
framework with - ZVTOP vertex finder
- Neural net flavour tag
- Quark charge sign selection
3Summary of progress since June
- SGV modified to produce LCIO output.
- Flavour tag routines coded and tested within SGV
- Working classes designed, implemented, tested and
partly documented.
- All code incorporated into MARLIN framework and
build system
- Rudimentary LCIO/Working Class interface code
- ZVTOP code interfaced to working classes
- Neural Net code ported to Marlin.
- ZVRES and first stage of ZVTOP Ghost Track tested
within MARLIN.
4Working Classes
- A set of minimal, coherent, easy to use classes
to implement the package without the
complications of working directly with LCIO
- Includes automatic memory management.
- Objects exist for the run or for an event.
- Easily extensible to other lifetimes.
5Working Classes
- Key concept of modular algorithm objects that
can be handled interchangeably - Algorithms can be plugged into modifiers such
as track cuts.
ALGO 1 produces DecayChain
Can I have the result of ALGO 1?
ALGO 2 produces double
Can I have the result of ALGO 2 With a cut on the
track significance?
TrackCut Object
6ZVRES in MARLIN framework
- Runtime performance improved no algorithmic
tuning just code tweaks. - Median 660ms within order 20 of FORTRAN
- Code spends 67 time fitting
- 30 evaluating gaussian tubes
- Further improvement expected from fitter tuning
7ZVRES in MARLIN framework
Performance maintained after move to MARLIN
8ZVKIN (Ghost Track)
- First stage fully tested.
- Swivel Ghost Track to find better estimate for B
direction using Jet momentum as seed
Ghost Track gives better direction than seed
T of Ghost
Also detailed tests of intermediate states of
9Flavour Tag Routines (Neural Net Inputs)
Neural Net input variables key part of the
- Inputs requiring further computation
- Momentum Corrected Mass
- Joint Probability
Coded and tested by Erik D
- Functions of most significant track
- D0 Significance Of Track
- Z0 Significance Of Track
- Simple functions of the secondary vertex found by
ZVRES - Momentum Of Vertex
- Probability Of Vertex
- Number Of Tracks in Vertex
- Decay Length
- Decay Length Error
Being coded in a modular transparent fashion for
low resistance to change
10LCIO Vertex Class
In order not to crowbar vertex information into
LCIO A dedicated vertex class was
preferable. The LCIO developers have now decided
on the design of this After considering the input
from LCFI and others.
Main feature is the ability to easily encode
decay chain information including attached tracks.
11Remaining work before release
- Algorithmic Code
- Remaining parts of Ghost Track (Dave J assures
me the the hard bit is done!) - Vertex charge track attachment routines
- Integration and testing
- Flavour tag interfaces to working classes
- Complete LCIO interface to working classes using
new LCIO vertex class when released - Neural net interface to LCIO
- Bad user input and other error handling
- System test
- General Usage Documentation (Independent class
documentation mainly complete)
Much good progress, gearing up for the final push!
12(No Transcript)
13The ZVKIN (ghost track) algorithm
- more specialised algorithm to extend coverage to
b-jets in which one or both - secondary and tertiary vertex are 1-pronged
and / or in which the B is very - short-lived
- algorithm relies on the fact that IP, B- and
D-decay vertex lie on an approximately - straight line due to the boost of the B hadron
- should improve flavour tagging capabilities
14D. Jackson, NIM A 388 (1997) 247
The ZVTOP vertex finder
- two branches ZVRES and ZVKIN (also known as
ghost track algorithm) - The ZVRES algorithm
- tracks approximated as Gaussian probability
tubes - from these, a vertex function is obtained
- 3D-space searched for maxima in the vertex
function that satisfy - resolubility criterion track can be
contained in gt 1 candidate vertex - iterative cuts on c2 of vertex fit and
maximisation of vertex - function results in unambiguous assignment of
tracks to vertices - has been shown to work in various environments
differing in - energy range, detectors used and physics
extracted - very general algorithm that can cope with
arbitrary multi-prong decay topologies
15Flavour tag
- Vertex package will provide flavour tag
procedure developed by R. Hawkings et al - (LC-PHSM-2000-021) and recently used by K.
Desch / Th. Kuhl as default - NN-input variables used
- if secondary vertex found MPt , momentum
- of secondary vertex, and its decay length and
- decay length significance
- if only primary vertex found momentum and
- impact parameter significance in R-f and z for
the - two most-significant tracks in the jet
- in both cases joint probability in R-f and z
(estimator of - probability for all tracks to originate
from primary vertex) - will be flexible enough to permit user further
tuning of the input variables for the neural net, - and of the NN-architecture (number and type
of nodes) and training algorithm
16Performance of decay length reconstruction
difference between the C and the FORTRAN
deviation from MC in decay length right
distribution of this difference, left difference
plotted vs MC decay length
Ben Jeffery
54 negative (C version better)
C finds some vertices FORTRAN misses and comes
closer to MC truth than FORTRAN for entire range
of decay lengths
17Comparison of C FORTRAN ZVRES
- compare distributions of number of vertices and
of tracks per vertex between - C, FORTRAN and MC truth for 100 GeV b-jets
Ben Jeffery
- excellent agreement between the results from C
and from FORTRAN