Title: Negative Expressions
1Negative Expressions
2Indefinite and Negative words
These are words that are used to refer to the
negative or for generalizations. The positive
word or the indefinite word can be placed in the
sentence without having to alter it. If using a
negative word, you must add no in front of the
verb causing a double negative if the negative
word follows the verb. If the negative word comes
before the verb, a no is not needed. Lot of
words. It is easier than these words.
3Indefinite/ Negative Words
nada nothing nadie no one/ nobody/ not
anyone ningún / ninguna not any / none ni ..
ni neithernor nunca/ jamás never tampoco neith
er / not either
algo something alguien someone/ somebody/
anyone algún/ alguna some/ any oo either
or siempre always también also/ too
4Indefinite and Negative words
Remember to use personal a when using alguien
and nadie as objects. Pero but Sino but Sino
is used when the next part of the sentence will
be contrary (a contradiction) to the first
part. I am a good wife, but a terrible cook. Yo
soy esposa buena, sino cocinadora horrible.