Title: Latest PRELIMINARY Results from Run 2 at D
1Latest PRELIMINARY Results from Run 2 at DØ
- Last updated Jan. 9, 2002
- Boaz Klima
- (klima_at_fnal.gov)
2Z ? ee- Candidates
2 EM objects, ET gt 20 GeV, isolation and shower
shape cuts
(uncalibrated energy scale)
Leo Chan, Rochester
3W? e? Candidates
Vishnu Zutshi, NIU Leo Chan, Rochester
EM cluster with track
mT(e,n) L0.7pb-1 (uncalibrated energy scale)
EM cluster with track
4Higgs Candidate (just kidding)
DØ W 2 jet candidate
Jet 1 ETraw 17 GeV
Jet 1
Jet 2
Jet 2 ETraw 13 GeV
Jet ET corrections will be relatively large
5Z ? mm- Candidate
- Two muons recoiling against a jet
- Dimuon invariant mass 55 GeV (with large
Onne Peters NIKHEF
6J/? ???-
Di-muons reconstructed in the forward region
Roger Moore and Adam Yurkewicz, MSU
7Muons in Jets
Onne Peters, NIKHEF
Back to back calorimeter jets
Muon in jet (b candidate?) Hits in A,B,C layers
8bb (b ? m) Candidate
- Two jets tagged with muons
- Jet 1 ET 18 GeV, pTm 7.4 GeV, pTrel .30
GeV - Jet 2 ET 13 GeV, pTm 5.4 GeV, pTrel .24
GeV - and in case you wonder, Mmm 12 GeV and Mjj
29 GeV
R-Z view
X-Y view
3-D view
9Muons and Jets
Onne Peters, NIKHEF
Muon Jet cross section (partially
PTRel Distribution (using Run 1 templates)
10Jetty Events
Using R0.7 Cone Algorithm with Run 1 corrections
Alexander Kupco, Prague
- 3-jet event
- ETjet1310GeV
- ETjet2240GeV
- ETjet3110GeV
- ET8GeV
- 2-jet event
- ETjet1230GeV
- ETjet2190GeV
11Jet Distributions
Using R0.7 Cone Algorithm (energies partially
Alexander Kupco, Prague
Dijet Invariant Mass
Single Jet PT
12Jet Energy Calibration
Ia Iashvili, Riverside
Calorimeter Response in CCEC
Pre-shutdown Data
Post-shutdown Data
E' ETg x cosh(hjet)
13EM Energy Calibration
Marie-Claude Cousinou, Marseille
Data - before Correction
Data - after Correction
Monte Carlo P30.959 corresponds to a mass
of 87.5 GeV
14Ks ?pp-
Tracks reconstructed in the SMT detector
Brad Abbott, Oklahoma
Black histogram opposite-sign tracks Red
histogram same-sign tracks Dotted curve fit
to background Full curve fit to signal
15Ks (?pp-) Lifetime
Tracks reconstructed in the SMT detector
Ariel Schwartzman, Buenos Aires
l ( )
16Hits in SMT and CFT
Avto Kharchilava, Notre Dame
17Level 3 Calorimeter Trigger
EM clusters, pT gt 10 GeV Isolated, EM fraction gt
0.9 ? lt 1.1
Jets, pT gt 15 GeV R 0.7 cone ? lt 1.1
fail (prescaled)
fail (prescaled)
Volker Buescher, Mainz