Title: Long Baseline Accelerator Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
1Long Baseline Accelerator Neutrino Oscillation
- Neutrino Mixing
- Long baseline neutrino experiments
- K2K
- Discussion
- Conclusion
3Neutrino Mixing
- If neutrino has mass, flavour states are
combinations of mass eigenstates. For 3
Where sijsin?ij cijcos?ij
Atmospheric ?
Solar ?
- 3 angles 1 CP phase 2 mass difference ?m2
(and signs) (true for Majorana neutrinos)
4Two Flavour Mixing
- ? , ?m2 (eV2) theoretical parameters
- L(km), E(GeV) experimental parameters
- sensitivity ?m2 gt1.24 E/L
- to achieve ?m2 O(10-3) need L/E 1000
- E 1GeV, hence Long Baseline 103 km
5Atmospheric vs accelerator ??
- Study ??? ?? (observed in Super-K)
- accelerator experiments try to confirm it, and
- observe oscillatory behavior,
- precise measurement of ? , ?m2.
- In 3 flavour mixing, if ?13 not zero, should be
Crucial for CP violation
6First Generation of LBL ? Exp
K2K (250 km) started 1999
CNGS (732 km) mid 2006 ?
7K2K KEK to Kamioka ? osc exp
- Goal detect ? osc, by measuring flux deficit and
distortion of ? energy spectrum
? beam
- ?? 98 pure (2 ?e)
- ltEgt ? 1.3 GeV
- 12 GeV protons
- 6x1012 protons/2.2 s
- want to collect 1220 protons on target (pot)
- Near detector
- 300 m from target
- Far detector Super-Kamiokande
- 250 km away
- Sensitive for
- ?m2 gt2x10-3eV2
8K2K Detectors
Near detector
- measure beam flux and profile
- extrapolate to SK
1 kt has same technology with SK to minimise the
systematic error of analysis.
9Super-K a H2O Cherenkov detector
- 22.k ktons water
- measurement made by
- ??e? ?? e elastic scatt
- ??n? ?? p quasi el. Scatt
- select Full Contained (FC) events
13000 PMT
41.4 m
- Main Errors
- near-far extrapolation
- ? 5
- 1 kiloton systematic error 5
39.3 m
10Recent K2K Data
- based on 4.8x1019 pot data
- (Jun 99 -- Jul 01)
- observed 56 events
- expected events (no oscillations)
11K2K Analysis Results
- osc. best fit 2.8 x 10-3 eV2 and sin22? 1.0
- (1.5 - 3.9) x 10-3 eV2 for sin22? 1.0 _at_ 90 CL
- probability that observation was due to
statistical fluctuation is lt 1 !
68.4 CL
90 CL
- cf SK atm ? result (Shiaozawa Neutrin 2002)
- best fit 2.5 x 10-3 eV2 sin22? 1.0
- (1.6 3.9) x 10-3 eV2 sin22? gt 0.92 _at_ 90 CL
99 CL
Allowed region
12MINOS (Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search)
- Under construction first magnetized neutrino
detector - Goal 1. Confirm definitely ? oscillations
- 2. Precise measurement of parameters
3.determine relative strength of different osc
modes - How? Count the NC and CC events and look at the
? energy spectrum - Implement 2 detectors
- Near (1040 m from target)
- Far (735 km away)
13NuMI beam Neutrinos at the Main Injector
- Pure ?? beam (lt1 ?e)
- tunable energy 3 -18 GeV
- 120 GeV protons/1.9 s
- exposure rate, 4x1020 pot/year
14MINOS Far Detector
- Iron/scintillating tracking detector
- steel absorber 2.54 cm
- (magnetized by 1.5 T B field)
- 2 sections, 15 m each
- 484 planes of scintillator (1 cm thick)
- 25,800 m
- provide 2-D tracking
- wavelength shifting fibres
- multi-anode PMT
- 5.4 ktons
- expected event rate 200/kt/year
15MINOS Near Detector
- Squeezed octagonal shape (3.8 m x 4.8 m)
- 282 steel absorber 153 scintillator planes,
- interleaving every 4 or 5 steel plates.
- 2 sections
- target
- muon tracking
- 12,300 scintillation strips
- 0.98 ktons
- Both Detectors have
- 60 / ? E hadronic showers
- 25 / ? E em showers
- expected event rate 200/kt/year
16MINOS physics sensitivity (1)
- If ??? ?? , ?? CC events suppressed
No Oscillations
Low energy beam, 2 year running, sin22? 0.9
17MINOS physics sensitivity (2)
- Exclusion region (no signal)
Allowed region
Cover all SK region
8x10-4 eV2
Low energy beam, 2 year running
18MINOS physics sensitivity (3)
Sensitivity to Ue32 sin22?13
- ?e appearance
- Background from NC events
- Expect and improvement to CHOOZ limit by a factor
of 2 - Possible way to improve
- eliminate high energy tail
- improve the low energy flux
- Goal detect ??? ?? in appearance mode by
searching for t - 2 experiments implementing different detection
concepts - OPERA (nuclear emulsion sampling calorimeter)
- ICARUS (liquid argon TPC)
CNGS n beam
Event rate
- pure ?? with contamination 2.1 ??/?? 0.8 ?e
/?? ?e /?? - ltEgt ? 17 GeV
- 40 GeV protons
- 2600 ?? CC events/kt/year
- 15 ?t CC events/kt/year
- (?m2 2.5x10-3eV2 and
- sin22? 1.0)
20OPERA (Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking
- 1.8 ktons lead target
- Good electron identification ability
56 lead plate emulsions --gt a brick 3328
bricks --gt a wall 31 walls --gt a target
21OPERA physics sensitivity
- Expected number of event in 5 years, assuming
oscillation at full mixing (sin22q)
- Also try ??? ?e appearance, if no signal can
constrain Ue32 lt 0.06 at 90CL for ?m2
22ICARUS (Imaging Cosmic And Rare Underground
- Modular concept, ultimate goal is to build a 5kt
LiqAr detector. - First 600 tons LiqAr (T600) is being installed.
- Made of two T300 half-modules.
- Can achieve bubble chamber precision.
23ICARUS Physics sensitivity
- Expected number of event in 5 years, assuming
oscillation at full mixing (sin22q)
- For ??? ?e appearance, if no signal can
constrain Ue32 lt 0.04 at 90CL for ?m2
- All experiments study mainly ??? ?? mode, either
appearance of disappearance. - K2K first LBL accelerator based experiment to
study neutrino oscillation confirmed the
atmospheric neutrino deficit. Limited by
statistic - MINOS (Dec 2004) focus on disappearance mode
determination of oscillation parameters up to
10 precision. Highest sensitivity (near 10-4
eV2) - Both K2K and MINOS use a near and a far detector
to minimise systematic effect on analysis. - CNGS (mid 2006) aim at direct observation of ??
mode - both MINOS and CNGS would be able to improve the
constraint Ue32 about a factor of 3 from the
current CHOOZ limit (or order 10-2) the expected
sensitivity needed for detection of ??? ?e is
still out of reach. - MINOS also plan to study CP violation by
switching ?? beam to ?? beam after a few year.
- The first LBL accelerator experiment has
confirmed the atmospheric neutrino deficit and
supported the neutrino oscillation hypothesis. - Future experiments, including MINOS and CNGS will
provide much larger statistics and more precise
measurements of oscillation parameters are
possible. - Measurement of Ue32 (or equivalently q13) can
only done by the next generation of LBL
experiments, but improvement of the upper bound
is foreseen.