Title: Intention
1Intention 14
Attract, recruit, develop and retain a diverse,
high-performing, competency-based, and
mission-focused force and ensure the welfare of
our Sailors, Navy civilians and their families
N1 recommended change
2Question 1
What are we really trying to achieve with this
- Create and maintain a propensity to serve within
the US population that reflects the nations
demographics - Match entry-level qualifications to the work and
use training processes to bridge gaps between
individual skills and work requirements - Provide sufficient monetary and non-monetary
incentives to retain a career force to meet
future work requirements and national
demographics - Provide for the welfare our Sailors, Navy
civilians and their families, consistent with
their honorable service
My challenge align MPTE processes and resources
to match the Total Force to the work requirements
defined by the Enterprises
3Measures of Effectiveness
Total Force FIT
Billet Structure Quality
Tone of the Force
A hierarchy of metrics and measures exists but
the overall MOE is Total Force FIT
4Question 2
What key strategic assumptions did you make when
deciding on the desired effects?
- Voluntary retention is the dominant consideration
for an all-recruited force - Monetary/non-monetary forces shape retention
decisions - Policies developed to achieve FIT must be
balanced with cost and retention, as well as
operational risk - Compensation is tied to the individual for the AC
and RC, and to the job for Navy civilians - Underlying national demographics are changing
5Question 3
Are there any remaining questions that should be
answered, or issues to be resolved, before we
finalize this desired effect?
- How much FIT granularity is enough?
- What is the linkage between increasing FIT
percentage and improving warfighting readiness? - How do we value education in a competency-based
system? - How do we balance statutory joint requirements
for URL officers with Navy-centric work (AQD,
subspecialty)? - How much surge/shock absorber capacity is
6Question 6
What unintended, negative side-effects should be
avoided while achieving our indisputable result?
- Increased personnel costs (beyond normal
inflation, non-discretionary cost growth) to
deliver comparable readiness - Careful attention to training costs
particularly increase in the Individuals Account - Instability in accession and promotion planning
induced by strategic sourcing in a
competency-based management system - Declining retention and negative Tone of the
Force metrics - Loss of our ability to absorb shock in a
tightly coupled system
7Question 7
In your professional judgment, about how well are
we doing now?
- FIT is the organizing principle for all our MPTE
processes - Moving towards the 90 goal
- Shore duty is paying the bill for increased FIT
at sea - Tone of the Force is good
- ToF metrics trending positively
- Recruiting and retention are healthy initiatives
underway to move the needles toward 2037
diversity benchmarks - IA Mission represents an increasing burden with
decreasing end strength
And the challenge is coming.
8Question 8
What barriers exist to achieving the desired
effect(s) of the Intention?
- Non-Discretionary Entitlement Growth
- Propensity to Serve/Demographic Trends
- Implementation of a Total Force Competency Model
- Transition From Legacy IT Support to
Authoritative Data Source/Enterprise Data
Environment - Continuing IA Mission End Strength/Billet
9Question 9
What enablers/opportunities exist toward
achieving the desired effect(s) of the Intention?
- Single Manpower Resource Sponsor
- Navy Total Force Enterprise Construct
- Total Force Initiatives
- Top 50 Employer Initiatives Social Contract
- Navy Brand
- Transition to Agile Demand Pull Distribution
System - Competency-based Requirements for the Total Force
- Strategic Sourcing
- Flow between labor pools
- Agile Learning and Development Strategies for the
Total Force