Title: The Wranglers
Miss Schulmerich
Mr. Wright
The Wranglers
2All About Miss Schulmerich
- This is my 6th year of teaching
- I graduated from Western Washington University
with a Bachelors in Communications and
Elementary Education. - I love to go to rodeos, ride horses, play soccer,
and jog. I am a cowgirl at heart. - I am not marriedyet. I am engaged!! I have no
children of my own, but I do have an amazing
niece and nephew that I love to brag about.
3All About Mr. Wright
- 9th year of teaching
- Masters Of Teaching from Seattle University and
a Bachelors Of Science from University Of Puget
Sound - I love to travel. I have visited 20 countries. I
enjoy speaking Spanish in the classroom. - I have two daughters, ages 5 and 8, and a wife.
4What are we doing this year?
5Language Arts
6 trait writing Students will be responsible for
creating 3 writing samples for their portfolios,
a personal narrative, a poem, and an essay.
Accelerated Reader Students will be required to
read and test on 3 Accelerated Reader books (at
their reading level) a trimester. This is a large
part of their Language Arts grade.
Daily objectives will include weekly spelling
tests, writing quality paragraphs, silent reading
and keeping a reading log.
6Social Studies
- We will explore the 5 themes of geography as they
relate to Canada, Mexico, Central America, The
Caribbean, and South America. - Students will be involved in independent and
group research projects. Technology will be a key
- Connected Math program
- Problem Solving
- Number Sense
- Fractions
- Projects
- Volcanoes / Earthquakes / Earth
- Plants
- Bacteria
- Human Growth and Development
- Projects
9Assignments / Late Work
- Students are required to write the assignments in
their daily planners every day. (Look for a
stamp.) - We do not accept late work for credit unless
there are special circumstances and a
parent/guardian writes a note. - Missing assignments are 0 points in the grade
book. - If a student is absent, it is their
responsibility to check the assignment calendar
and get make-up work. They will have two days to
get their make-up work turned in. More time will
be given for long term absences. - Large projects are the only exception to the
rule. They may be accepted after its due, but
the grade will be lowered each day it is late.
10Wranglers Website Coming Soon!!!!
- Our URL will be
- http//schools.mukilteo.wednet.edu/staff/schulmeri