Title: Alaskas Information Systems Integration Strategic Planning
1Alaskas Information Systems Integration
Strategic Planning
3Strategic Plan Goals
- Better coordinate budgets and priorities between
agencies - Identify who owns what data and how others can
get it get system-wide data mapping and
definition - Develop a flow chart showing how cases move
through the system - Define the criminal justice enterprise and
identify tools and approaches to make the
enterprise plan and work better - Ensure that agency projects (e.g., system
replacements and upgrades such as APSIN Redesign)
keep moving forward - Better coordination within agencies
- Educate executives to understand MAJIC and set
realistic expectations - Clarify who owns or is responsible for various
data - Avoid duplication and re-importing of data into
multiple systems - Avoid conflicting data
- Address gaps in laws and policies as well as
technology - Ensure that agencies play well together as a team
4Scope Mission/Governance Constraint?
- Hawaii Scope
- The initial focus of the HIJIS program is the
primary justice agencies at State and local
levels Law Enforcement, Courts, HCJDC,
Prosecution, Public Safety, Intake Services,
Probation, and other justice (Victim
Notification, Juvenile Justice, Intelligence
Fusion Center and Federal justice agencies) and
non-justice agencies (e.g., Drivers License,
Human Services, Health Services). As a
consequence, HIJIS development will be closely
aligned with other comparable information sharing
initiatives contemplated and planned at State and
County levels throughout Hawaii. - The conceptual model of the HIJIS is designed to
portray the initial scope of the HIJIS Program
and to convey the functional capabilities of the
program consistent with the core functions and
operational requirements. It should be noted that
this conceptual model is not intended to propose
specific technological solutions or to constrain
or specify in any material respect the
technologies that will be developed, procured
and/or deployed as part of the HIJIS Program.
5Enterprise Architecture
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7Business Drivers in IJIS
- Accuracy and Completeness of information used in
justice decision-making - Efficiency (especially reducing duplicate data
entry) - Need to maintain organizational autonomy
- Privacy concerns/requirements
- Need for agility
- Maximize scarce resources
- Greater public access
- Statutory requirements Adam Walsh Act
(federal), Sales of alcohol, Victim Notification - Federal/State Funding Opportunities
- Demands for service/improved delivery of
service to the public
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9Environmental Factors
- Budget Constraints (operating)
- Inconsistent priorities/funding
- Lack of coordination between agencies
- On-going need for interagency collaboration
(duplicating or conflicting with other agency
efforts) - Constant Change legislation/mandates/public
reaction - State Policies and Administration ETS
Adoption of State Standards and Tools - Geography/Demographics Impacts of distance
(participation). Many small agencies - Infrastructure bandwidth
- Federal/Grant Requirements (NIEM)
- Best Practices may be in conflict with others
- Technology Trends SOA, mobility and
accessibility - Expectation of what technology can provide
- Leveraging outside data sources
- Availability of technical resources
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11Mission Statement
- An effective Mission Statement
- Tells you what the organization is now
- It concentrates on present it defines the
customer(s), critical processes and it informs
you about the desired level of performance - Defines the purpose or broader goal for being in
existence or in the business - Serves as an ongoing guide without time frame.
The mission can remain the same for decades if
crafted well
12Current Mission Statement
- The planning team voted to adopt the statement of
purpose from the MAJIC MOA as the mission
The Consortium is formed to help agencies more
efficiently share complete, accurate, timely
information with each other in order to enhance
the performance of the criminal justice system as
a whole.
13Vision Statement
- A Vision statement
- Outlines what an organization wants to be
- Concentrates on future
- Features of an effective vision statement may
include - Clarity and lack of ambiguity
- Paint a vivid and clear picture
- Describe a bright future
- Memorable and engaging expression
- Realistic aspirations
- Alignment with organizational values and culture
14MAJIC Vision Statement
- MAJIC envisions a criminal justice system that
provides the right information to the right
person at the right time. - Adopted Feb 12, 2008
15Guiding Principles
- Good principles have the following
characteristics - Can conflict with one another
- Weigh in favor of a particular outcome
- Are often subjective
- Should be controversial
16Values (1-4)
- Values (Shared Principles) Adopted from the MAJIC
MOA - We see a need for innovation and creativity in
planning and developing integration technology - We value the work being done at the national
level to develop functional, process,
information, and technical standards for
information sharing - We believe that decision making by consensus is
the best way to achieve integration - We acknowledge the Constitutional independence of
parties charged with public protection and
administration of justice, but to operate
effectively, each must cooperate with others
17Values (5-8)
- Values (Shared Principles) Adopted from the MAJIC
MOA - We recognize the need to protect the
confidentiality of investigatory and deliberative
processes to ensure effective operation of the
justice system - We also recognize that public access to records
declared open by law can help citizens obtain
services more efficiently and help ensure
accountability for the justice system - We understand the need to keep our information
and systems secure and to protect the privacy,
due process, and other rights of citizens under
the United States and Alaska Constitutions - We seek opportunities to collaborate and
cooperate with justice-related organizations at
all levels of government to enhance the
performance of the system as whole.
18MAJIC Guiding Principles
- The needs of the criminal justice enterprise
should be factored into Agency projects - Data should be captured only once at the
originating point, re-used as needed, and not
duplicated - Integrated justice information sharing should
leverage operational systems of participating
agencies - Agencies should retain the right to design,
operate and maintain internal systems to meet
their own operational requirements - Security, privacy and accessibility of
information will be priorities in development of
integrated justice information sharing
capabilities - Owner of data should make updates/corrections
available to all subscribers - Agencies should establish written agreements on
the use and dissemination of data - Information sharing initiatives should be
business-driven and based on best practices - Procedures and technology should be implemented
to ensure positive identification of the subject
at every stage in the criminal justice process - Integrated justice projects should be supported
by strong project management, well-defined/standar
d metrics and objective criteria
19Goals and Objectives
- Goals
- Explicitly state achievements/expectations in
terms of the results it needs/wants to achieve in
the medium/long term - Should relate to the expectations and
requirements of all the major stakeholders, and
should reflect the underlying reasons for running
the business - Objectives
- Specific interim or ultimate time-based
measurements to be achieved by implementing
strategies in pursuit of the company's objectives - Should be quantifiable, consistent, realistic and
20FY09 MAJIC Responsibilities
- Formalize MAJIC (for planning and budget
purposes) - Establish governance structure
- Prepare FY10 budget request
- Obtain State funding to maintain administrative
position - Develop Communications Plan
- Finalize and approve Strategic Plan
- Identify and prioritize needs that support the
vision - Establish an objective method for evaluating
Project Plans based on alignment with the
Strategic Plan - Establish baseline metrics
- Conduct cost/benefit analysis on selected as-is
and to-be exchanges - Sustain MAJIC interagency collaboration and
capabilities - Educate MAJIC members
- Fund an analyst position
- Establish a framework for an Justice Enterprise
Architecture - Define and document at a high level selected
as-is data exchanges - Create a list of current criminal justice
projects - Analyze Service Oriented Architecture standards
for recommendation - Analyze adoption of NIEM for recommendation
- Are we doing the right things?
- Are we doing things right?
- Is the investment we are making in this program
appropriate? - How can we manage our day-to-day operations more
effectively with performance measures?
22Sourcing Decisions
- How does the environment in which we operate
affect our ability to work successfully? - Procurement requirements/constraints?
- Resource capabilities and limitations?
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- A well formed and representative governance
structure is a fundamental requirement of
effective information sharing initiatives. - Kelly J. Harris, Integrated Justice Information
Systems Governance Structures, Roles and
ResponsibilitiesA Background Report,
(Sacramento, CA SEARCH Group, Inc.) September
25Executive Leadership Must
- Champion the project
- Be mindful of the enterprises overall
priorities, goals and mission - Provide the necessary budget and other resources
- Balance the needs of all stakeholders
- Provide proper monitoring and efficient project
management - Accept responsibility for problems escalated from
the project manager
26Leadership Responsibilities
- Vision
- Scope
- Planning
- Leadership
- Advocacy
- Delegation
- Operational Issues
- Resource prioritization
- Policies
- Privacy
- Security and Access
- Financial Support
27Typical Governance Structure
28Governance Questions
- Whose in Charge?
- Single Executive
- Committee
- Selective
- Representative
- How does work get done?
- Decision-making
- Organization
- Execution
29MAJIC GovernanceLiaison Responsibilities
- Serve as the agencys policy, business, and
information technology point of contact for
Consortium activities - Assist the Consortium with projects involving the
agency - Keep appropriate personnel within the agency
informed of Consortium activities and convey
agency concerns to the Consortium.
30MAJIC GovernanceConsortium Steering Committee
- Agency liaisons willing to perform additional
duties will form a Steering Group to - Meet biweekly to improve communications and
knowledge transfer between agencies and
disciplines - Identify and endorse information sharing
standards - Develop a strategic plan
- Solicit, evaluate, prioritize and provide
assistance for justice integration projects - Charter project teams to implement or assist in
implementing approved data exchange projects - Develop a repository of as is and to be
information exchange documentation - Participate in state, regional and national
forums to share knowledge
31Current MAJIC Governance Structure
- Statutory
- Inactive
- Repository focus
- Informal
- Active
- Voluntary
- Liaison from each agency
- Signed agreement
32MAJIC GovernanceConsortium Administrator
- The Alaska Court System will appoint an employee
to perform these administrative duties - Chair and distribute agendas for bi-weekly
Steering Group meetings - Administer Alaskas Justice Information Exchange
Model (JIEM) in coordination with SEARCH, the
organization that maintains the JIEM database - Maintain a Consortium library including this
Agreement contact information for Consortium
liaisons and Steering Group members meeting
minutes strategic plans project proposals
project files reference materials, and other
publications - Keep Consortium liaisons and other interested
persons informed of Steering Group meetings,
strategic planning, project proposals, projects,
and other activities.
33MAJIC Authority
- Nothing in this agreement grants the Consortium
the authority to - Impose rules or standards on any agency
- Commit the resources of any agency
- Create, change, use, or disseminate information
other than as authorized by law
- Local
- Centralized/Cost-share?
- State
- Multi-year commitments?
- Funding for local projects?
- Federal
- Shifting priorities?
- Multi-year commitments?
- Alternatives
- Dedicated fees, private sector, grants
35Alaskas Information Systems Integration
Strategic Planning
36Day 2 Agenda
- Assess current capabilities, optimal future
capabilities and growth opportunities in the
following areas - Business Process/Architecture
- Information Architecture
- Technology Architecture
- Solutions Architecture
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39Business Process/Architecture Current
- Current Capabilities
- Promote agreed-upon standards
- Promote best practices
- Facilitate communication
- Educate policy makers and stakeholders
- Identify and recommend projects that further
overall objectives - Promote resource coordination
40Business Process/Architecture Optimal Future
- Optimal Future Capabilities
- Actively support the implementation of standards
- Refine and extend the scope standards
- Actively support the use of best practices and
tools to manage projects - Publish performance against benchmarks
- Create and fund projects that promote the
objectives of MAJIC. - Advise policy makers on information sharing
initiatives - Identify and recommend projects that further
overall objectives - Actively coordinate resources
41Business Process/Architecture Capability Growth
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43Information ArchitectureCurrent Capabilities
- Current Capabilities
- Repository of architecture information
- IEPDs/XML Schemas
- Repository of Project Information
- Project Resource Information
- Informal Knowledge base
44Information ArchitectureOptimal Future
- Optimal Future Capabilities
- Maintain a project portfolio of information
sharing projects to include resources and
dependencies. - Maintain Alaska Component Library for the storage
and discovery of GJXDM data structures. - Knowledge Base
45Information Architecture Capability Growth
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47Technology ArchitectureCurrent Capabilities
- Current Capabilities
- Promote the adoption of open standards to
facilitate information sharing
48Technology ArchitectureOptimal Future
- Optimal Future Capabilities
- Advise on the adoption of open standards
49Technology Architecture Capability Growth
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51Solutions ArchitectureCurrent Capabilities
- Current Capabilities
- Capability 1
- Capability 2
- Capability 3
52Solution ArchitectureOptimal Future Capabilities
- Optimal Future Capabilities
- Capability 1
- Capability 2
- Capability 3
53Solutions ArchitectureCapability Growth
54Alaskas Information Systems Integration
Strategic Planning
55Day 3 Agenda
56Current Exchange Projects
- JIEM Analysis MAJIC
- Court Charge-Disposition Reporting
- Courts, Motor Vehicle, DPS
- IEPD completed
- Develop exchange using ESB Software AG
Orchestrator - Electronic Citation
- LE, Courts
- Crash Reporting
- Anchorage DV Bail Conditions
- Anchorage Muni Pros, LE, Courts, Social Services,
SAC - Alaska Uniform Table of Offenses (MAJIC)
- Courts, Pros, LE, Juvenile Justice, Local
governments, DMV, DOC
57Current Exchange Projects
- Local Law Enforcement Interface
- DL Mugs Photos (DMV web service)
- Images (Court Judgments, Finger Prints)
- Electronic Criminal Case Intake and Disposition
- ALEISS - Alaska LE Information Sharing System
- LE
- Alaska Sex Offender Registry Service
58Future MAJIC Projects
- Evaluate Future Infrastructure Options
- Document MAJIC Enterprise Architecture
(graphical) - Images of Judgments
- Courts to Dept of Law (civil)
- Person information from PFD
- Revenue to all
- Prosecution dispositions to DPS/LE/Labs
- Bail/Conditions of Release
- Courts to LE
59Future MAJIC Projects
- DUI TraCS (Traffic and Criminal Software) LE to
DMV, Crime Lab - Notice and Order of Revocation
- Juvenile Court Dispositions
- Courts to Juv Justice
- Access to Court Documents/Images
- By LE, DPS, JJ, DOC, Pros
- Juvenile Delinquency Recidivism Research
- Provide Juv Intake/Disposition to LE
- Juv Probation officer and conditions to LE
- Juv AWOL and Warrants
60Future MAJIC Projects
- Juvenile DNA retention and collection
- Crime lab, JJ