Title: L0 trigger and related detectors
1L0 trigger and related detectors
- Alessia Satta
- Universita di Roma
- on behalf of the collaboration
LHC2003 International Symposium Fermilab, 3 May
2Input figures at L0
- Bunch crossing frequency 40MHz
- Non empty bunches 30MHz
- 80mb of non elastic interactions
- 60mb in the acceptance of the spectrometer
- sbb/sin 6x10-3
- nominal luminosity 21032 cm-2s-1
- 8 (1.7) MHz of single (double) interactions
- GOAL L0 output rate 1MHz
B decay signature high PT (ET) particles m e h
g p0
L0 Pileupveto reduces rate to 9MHz. L0 CALOMUON
must provide reduction factor9 gt medium Pt cuts
ETh 3.5 GeV, ET? 3 GeV, PTµ 1.2 GeV
4High Pt signature
Pion transverse momentum (MeV/c)
5Calorimeter detectors
- SPD PS 15 mm scintillating detectors
interspersed with - 2.5X0 lead
- Electromagnetic cal shashlik 2mm lead 4mm
scintillator - 25Xo - Hadronic cal. iron scintillating tiles
- - 5.6 lI
6Calorimeter (II)
- SPD/PS/ECAL 3 zones
- Cell
- 40.4 / 60.6 / 121.2 mm
- The smallest cell size Moliere radius
- - s(E)/E10/vE 1.5
- 5952 channels each
- HCAL 2 zones
- Cell
- 131.3 / 262.6 mm
- - s(E)/E80/vE 10
- 1468 channels
- SPD/PR/ECAL/HCAL fully projective - HCAL
granularity doesnt match the others
7Calorimeter trigger principles
- Goal select the candidate of h, e, g, p0 with
highest Et - shower has a 'small' size ( contained in 2x2
cells) - search for a high energy releases in 2x2 tower
in ECAL and HCAL - in each calo FE (4x8 cells) card the highest
candidate is selected - process further only these candidates
- Reduced complexity and cabling 200 candidates
for ECAL and 50 for HCAL starting from 6000 and
1500 cells. - e, g local candidates validation
- Electromagnetic nature of ECAL maximum is
validated using the PreShower , charge using
the SPD
8Calorimeter trigger principles cntd
- Hadron local candidates validation
- ideally add the energy lost in ECAL in front of
the candidate - expensive different granularity gt complex
connectivity - useful only if the ECAL contribution is important
- look only at ECAL candidates !
- Manageable number of connections
- The Calorimeter gives also global information to
the trigger - total ET in HCAL gives interactions trigger
(reject elastic, diffractive, m-halo) - hits multiplicity in SPD potentially useable to
reject too crowded events
9Performance of L0Calo
Assuming a trigger rate of 600kHz for h, 100kHz
for e , 25kHz for g L0Calo efficiency () for
events selected by offline analyses
e g h
B-gtpp 9 3 55
Bs-gtDs K 5 2 37
Bs-gtJ/?(ee)f 36 4 24
Bs-gtKg 28 47 30
All triggers important !!!
10Muon system
- 5 stations with calorimeter and iron shielding
between them - Technology MWPC with 4 ORed gas gaps (2 in M1)
- 1380 chambers
- Efficiency gt 99 per station
- Total absorber lI 20 gt minimum momentum 8GeV
11Muon system
- 4 Regions, with different pad granularity
- Y full projectivity
- Pad dimension
- Min 6.3x31.3 mm2
- Max 25x31 cm2
- optimized for constant PT resolution
- 55k pads combined in strips-gt 26k channels to
12L0 Muon basic principle
- Search tracks in M1-M5
- 192 projective towers in parallel
- Required hits in all stations
- Assuming origin interaction point
- Exploit B-kick to calculate PT (magnet PT kick
1.2 GeV/c)
- up to 8 m candidates
- 2/quadrant with
- highest pT
- PT resolution 20
- High efficiency
- Very robust against high background level in the
detector - Halo muon negligible in nominal conditions
Nominal bkg Max bkg (nominalx5) Max bkg Max halo muon
B-gtmX () 46 41 36
B-gtJ/y(mm)Ks 90 83 79
Neutron induced background
Halo muon x10 0.1/x-ing
Normalized to events with m in Muon system
14PileUp veto detector
- 4 R-sensor half detectors upstream of
interaction region - Coverage -4.2lt ? lt-2.9
- Sensors active area 8mmltRlt42mm
- Pitch 40µm to 103µm
- 45o sections
- OR of 4 neighbouring strips
- 2048 channels towards L0
PileUp stations
Half station
15Pile Up veto motivation
- LHCb designed for single interactions
- Easiest to reconstruct and tag
- More robust input for L1 and HLT
- Multiple interactions fill bandwidth of L0 ( 2x
probability to pass L0). -
16Working principle of PU veto
True combinations
All combinations
RB cm
RA cm
RA cm
If hits are from the same track
ZPV cm
build a ZPV histogram, search highest peak, to
remove combinatorial background mask the hits in
the peak , repeat the algo , find a second peak
(signature of multiple interactions)
Minimum bias
Height of second peak
If cut of second peakgt3 retain gt98 of single
and reject 60 of multiple
Height of second peak
possible to populate the 1 MHz with preferably
single interactions
18L0 hardware implementation
- Custom electronics using commercial components
- Synchronous system and pipelined
- No dependence on occupancy and on history
- Latency 4.0ms (1.0ms for algorithms)
- Part of L0Calo near the detector
- Use SEU immune components
- L0Muon PU veto far from detector
- L0 uses calorimeter muon and dedicated silicon
vertex detector - Reduces to 1MHz the input rate
- Robust and flexible
- Sends L0 candidates to L1 for further processing
L0 efficiency () L0 efficiency () L0 efficiency () L0 efficiency () L0 efficiency () L0 efficiency ()
m e g h all
B-gtpp 7 9 3 55 61
Bs-gtDsK 8 5 2 37 44
Bs-gtJ/y(ee)f 7 36 4 24 52
Bs-gtJ/y(mm)f 90 5 3 30 93
Bs-gtKg 6 28 47 30 82
- The L0 efficiencies of various channels show a
large region of very stable performance - Decreasing the L0 bandwidth to 750KHz
- results in loss15
PT m cut