Title: Muon Detection
1Muon Detection Measurement _at_ SLHC
- Frank Taylor
- Intnl Workshop on Future Hadron Colliders
- FNAL October 16-18, 2003
2Critical Issues
- Rate demand on tracking trigger technologies
- Occupancy vs. pattern recognition
- Ghost tracks Track Matching between ID Muons
- Trigger PT resolution Rate
- Stability of chamber parameters under rate
- Space charge effects, R-T relation affected
- Spatial resolution vs. rate
- Beam crossing timing
- Longevity
- Chambers Electronics (Rad Hard SE Upsets)
- Shielding size activation
- Thick enough
- Personnel access
3SLHC Environment
600 _at_ RHIC
4CMS Muon System
- Three types of gaseous detectors
- Drift Tubes in Barrel (DTs)
- Cathode Strip Chambers in Endcaps (CSCs)
- Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) in both barrel
and endcaps - Coverage ? lt 2.4
5ATLAS Muon System
- Muon Spectrometer
- Toroidal magnetic field ltBgt 0.4 T
- Air-core coils
- 3 detector stations
- - cylindrical in barrel
- - wheels for endcaps
- Coverage ? lt 2.7
- Technologies
- Fast trigger chambers TGC, RPC
- High resolution tracking detectors MDT, CSC
6CMS Barrel Drift Tube Chambers
Drift time 320 to 400 ns
7Monitored Drift Tube Chambers (MDT)
- 6 / 8 drift tube layers, arranged in
- 2 multilayers glued to a spacer frame
- Length 1 6 m, width 1 2 m
- Gas ArCO2 (937) _at_ 3 bar
- Maximum drift time 600 ns
End Cap
8CMS CSC Endcap
- 468 CSCs of 7 different types/sizes
- gt 2,000,000 wires (50 mm)
- 6,000 m2 sensitive area
- 1 kHz/cm2 rates
- 2 mm and 4 ns resolution/CSC (L1-trigger)
- 100 ?m resolution/CSC (offline)
Charge integration time 400 ns
9Gas Detectors-Tracking Technologies
- f precision coordinate
- Drift Tubes (DT) In barrel 0lthlt1
- 40 mm x 13 mm cell
- 2nd coordinate
- Beam crossing time
- t 400 ns
- Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) in endcap 1lthlt2.4
- 2-D readout
- f strips 3 to 16 mm
- q precision coordinate
- Monitored Drift Tubes (MDT) in Barrel Endcap
0lthlt2.7 except 1st layer - 30 mm dia. cell
- t 600 ns
- 2nd Coordinate RPC in barrel TGC in endcap
- CSC inner endcap layer 2.0lthlt2.7
- 2-D readout
- q strips 3 mm
- f strips 10 mm
10ATLAS l vs. h
Design Criterion m-rate dominated by prompt
decays in inner tracker volume CMS 10 to 15 l in
front of M1 station
11Neutron Flux ATLAS _at_ 1034 cm-2 s-1
2-10 mSv/h in access
- (MDT) 5x10-4 e (CSC) 2x10-4
- (RPC) 5x10-4 e (TGC) 10-3
N neutrons (kHz/cm2)
_at_ 300 keV but strongly energy dependent
12Photon Flux ATLAS _at_ 1034 cm-2 s-1
- (MDT) 8x10-3 e (CSC) 5x10-3
- (RPC) 5x10-3 e (TGC) 5x10-3
N photons (kHz/cm2)
13Rate Cross section vs. PT - ATLAS
14Muon Chamber Counting Rate ATLAS _at_ 1034
gs are dominate component
_at_ 1035 -gt max rate 10 kHz/cm2 MDT 0.5 C/cm-yr
Calorimeter Electronics Chimney TDR
now smaller
15Muon Track in ATLAS 5 X Bkg. _at_ 1034
Occup. 10
16Precision Tracking Chamber Occupancy
L 5x1034 cm-2 s-1 MDT CSC
2X larger acceptable 10X larger very
uncomfortable and something has to done
Occupancy ()
17MDT Performance under Rate
single tube resolution vs. drift radius
, ArCO2(937), 3 bar
Degradation due to space charge fluctuations
18Luminosity effects
H?ZZ ? ??ee event with MH 300 GeV for
different luminosities
1032 cm-2s-1
1033 cm-2s-1
Praha July 2003
1034 cm-2s-1
1035 cm-2s-1
SLHC prospects Albert De Roeck (CERN)
19Pattern Recognition to be Studied
- Track matching between ID Muon System
- Spatial matching
- 1/P matching
- Second Coordinate Ghost tracks
- Muon Track Isolation
- Decay ms from b, c, p, K
- Dominate Bkg from H -gt ZZ -gt mmmm is tt and Zbb
- Isolation cut DR (Dh2 Df2)1/2 lt Rmax
20Trigger Issues
- Resolution
- Sharpness of Pt turn-on
- Rate
- Reals Accidentals
- Possible to raise threshold ?
- Resolution Accidentals permitting
Trigger primitive developed from track curvature
in muon system of DT, CSC, RPC
22ATLAS Muon Trigger Primitives
23RPC used in both CMS ATLAS
3 mm gap
- Intrinsically fast response 3 ns
- RD effort to understand long term
characteristics - Rate handling depends on electrode resistivity
- r observed to increase by 2 orders of magnitude
24Thin Gap Chambers (TGC) in ATLAS
Not to scale
- Small drift distance close wire spacing t 25
ns - 1.8 mm wire spacing, 1.4 mm anode - cathode
- Has to use a heavily quenched gas
25TGC Timing
TGC inefficient for 12.5 ns beam crossing interval
26Trigger PT Resolution
e _at_ turn-on important
27Trigger Resolution Rate
Accidentals X 10 Accidentals
6 GeV
_at_ 1035 (100 nb-1 s-1 ) Trig Rate 104 Hz
mostly real if accidental rate nominal higher
thresholds larger fraction of accidentals
20 GeV
20 GeV
6 GeV
- RD Program
- Experience with LHC running
- Calibration of shielding Backgrounds
- Identify the real problems
- Detector issues clear at this time (2003)
- Faster More Rad-Hard trigger technology needed
- RPCs (present design) will not survive _at_ 1035
- TGCs need to be faster perhaps possible
- Gaseous detectors only practical way to cover
large area of muon system (DT, MDT CSC) Area
104 m2 - Better test data needed on resoln vs. rate
- Bkg. g and neutron efficiencies
- Search for faster gas gt smaller drift time
- Drive technologies to 1035 conditions
- Technologies DT, MDT CSC not precluded