Title: Kurso temos
1Kurso temos
- Ivadas. Kurso esme, tikslai, reikalavimai.
- Painimo aikinimo istorija (hylemorfizmo ir
intencionalumo savoku atvilgiu). - Bendriausia painimo reikiniu klasifikacija.
Reprezentacinis painimo aikinimas. - Reprezentacinio painimo saranga. Kognityvines
architekturos samprata, tipai. - Painimas ir technine sistema. Simbolinis
painimas. Turingo maina. Turingo testas. Von
Neumanno architektura. Nuoseklus (sutelktas)
informacijos apdorojimo principas. Dirbtinis
intelektas. - Konekcionizmas. Neurokompiuteriai. Lygiagretus,
paskirstytas informacijos apdorojimo principas.
Ne-Von Neumanno architektura. - Tiesioginis (nereprezentacinis), analoginis
painimas. Analoginiai kompiuteriai. - Painimas ir veiksmas agentai, robotai.
2Painimas ir veiksmas agentai, robotai
Degalines robotas
okantis robotas
Robotas humanoidas
Sony Aibo unys
Surinkimo robotas
Robotas humanoidas
3Painimas ir veiksmas
4Veiksmas, veikejas, elgesys
- Lot. agere, veikti. I to agentas, veikejas
- Lot. act, veiksmas.
- Angl. action
- Angl., behavior - elgesys
5Agento galimybes
6Intelektualus agentas
- Kompiuteriu moksle tai programinis agentas
(software agent), turintis tam tikra dirbtinio
intelekto pavidala - Smulkiau
- While the working of software agents used for
operator assistance or data mining (sometimes
referred to as bots), are often based on fixed
pre-programmed rules, "intelligent" here implies
the ability to adapt and learn.
7Robotas -
- - tai fizine sistema autonomikai jaucianti
aplinka ir joje veikianti - Robot vardas pagal Karel Capek
8More definitions of Robots
- an active, artificial agent whose environment is
the physical world. Russell and Norvig - An intelligent robot is a mechanical creature
which can function autonomously Murphy - An intelligent robot is a machine able to
extract information from its environment and use
knowledge about its world to move safely in a
meaningful and purposive manner. - Arkin
9Robot timeline
Isaac Asimovs Laws of Robotics
First Law A robot may not injure a human being,
or, through inaction, allow a human being to come
to harm. Second Law A robot must obey orders
given it by human beings, except where such
orders would conflict with the First Law. Third
Law A robot must protect its own existence as
long as such protection does not conflict with
the First or Second Law.
Karl Capek
Rossums Universal Robots
I, Robot
10Why Robotics?
pumping gas
eating cars
11Why Robotics?
Sony Aibo dogs
Vibrant field
other competitions
Harold Cohens Aaron
12Robotics a synthetic field
- Biology
- Neuroscience
- Cognitive Science
- Mechanical Eng.
- Electrical Eng.
- Control
- Vision, HCI
- Software Dev.
- Sensing and Motion
- Cooperative Robotics
- Visual Control
- Manipulation
13Robotu architektura
14Architekturu tipai (Approaches to Hierarchy)
- Laiko (Temporal
- Elgesio (Behavioral
- Funkcines (Functional
15What is a Robot Architecture?
- Conceptual Framework for Designing Robot Systems
- Implementation Glue for Integrating and
Coordinating Robot Systems - Important Constraints on Architecture Design
- Situated / embedded / interacting
- High perceptual bandwidth
- Dynamic / unpredictable environment
- Uncertainty in sensing and action
16Reaktyvines architekturos
17Paprasto refleksinio agento architektura
- Simple reflex agent http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I
ntelligent_agent - Sense-act
18Sudetingesnis atvejis
- Justi- planuoti- veikti (sense-plan-act)
19Besimokancio agento architektura
20Priminimas Dekarto koordinaciu
sistemoshylemorfine interpretacija(pagal
Aristotelio formos ir materijos perskyra)
21Agento procesu interpretacija
- Jutimas (formos peremimas). Pagal Aristoteli,
jutimo procese i dalyko atimama (perimama) jo
forma. Tai vadinama abstrakcija. - Veikimas (ikunijimas, materijos suteikimas)
22Paprasto refleksinio agento architekturos
vaizdavimas hylemorfineje koordinavimo sistemoje
Jutimas (formos peremimas)
i perskyra ignoruojama
Veikimas (ikunijimas)
23Sudetingo refleksinio agento architekturos
vaizdavimas hylemorfineje koordinavimo sistemoje
Jutimas (formos peremimas)
Veikimas (ikunijimas)
24Hierarchine roboto architektura
25Rodney Brooks pasiulyta roboto elgesio
architektura (itraukianti, apimanti - Subsumption
navigate behavior
wander behavior
runaway behavior
26Vardai robotikoje
- Rodney Brooks, is Director of the MIT Computer
Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
and is the Panasonic Professor of Robotics. He is
also co-founder and Chief Technical Officer of
iRobot Corp (nasdaq IRBT).
27- Subsumption architectures, developed e.g. by
Rodney Brooks (though it could be argued whether
they are cognitive). http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Cognitive_architecture - Brooks has argued strongly against symbolic
processing approaches to creating intelligent
machines, which had been the focus of AI since
the days of Alan Turing, directly tracing back to
the work of Gottlob Frege. Instead, Brooks has
focused on biologically-inspired robotic
architectures (e.g., the Subsumption
architecture) that address basic perceptual and
sensorimotor tasks. These had been largely
dismissed as uninteresting by the mainstream AI
community, which was far more interested in
reasoning about the real world than in
interacting with it. Conversely, Brooks argued
that interacting with the physical world is far
more difficult than symbolically reasoning about
it. This perspective is perhaps best and most
eloquently described in his classic paper,
Elephants Don't Play Chess.
28Robotu architekturos itakos Uexkuelio
29Jakob von Uexkuel(1864-1944)
- Born in Keblaste (now Mihkli), Estonia. He
studied zoology in the University of Tartu (then
Dorpat). - Sebeok, Thure von Uexkuel (son) discovered him
as semiotician - A representative of biological semiotics, a
theoretical biologist. - http//home.datacomm.ch/biografien/biografien/uexk
uell.htm - Jakob von Uexküll Centre. TARTU, ESTONIA (founded
in 1993). http//www.zbi.ee/uexkull/ - He is recognised as the founder of biosemiotics
(Theory of meaning, Bedeutungslehre, 1940). - Biosemiotics and theoretical biology links
(papers online) http//www.zbi.ee/kalevi/vaheleh
t.htm - Links http//www.zbi.ee/uexkull/link.htm
- In wikipedia. http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakob_v
on_UexkC3BCll - K.Kull (2001). Jakob von Uexküll An
introduction. Semiotica 134(1/4) 1-59.
30Semiotics of Jakob von Uexkuel main ideas
- Umwelt. Umwelt is the semiotic world of
organism. It includes all the meaningful aspects
of the world for a particular organism. Thus,
Umwelt is a term uniting all the semiotic
processes of an organism into a whole. Kalevi
Kull. On semiosis, Umwelt, and semiosphere.
http//www.zbi.ee/kalevi/jesphohp.htm - Umwelt is a subjective world of an organism. It
consist of the perceptual (Merkwelt) and
operational parts (Wirkwelt). - Functional circle. It describes interaction of an
organism with its Umwelt.
31Functional circle of Uexkuell
- Functional describes interaction of an organism
with its Umwelt. - Receiver of meaning (subject) lt - gt Carrier of
meaning (object) - Carrier of perceptual sygnal, perceptual world,
perceptual organ - Carrier of effect sygnal, operational (motor)
world, effector organ - In Biologische Semiotik. http//homepage.ruhr-uni
- Action. http//plato.stanford.edu/entries/action/
- ACTION THEORY PAGE. http//www.angelfire.com/ab3/
freewill/ActionTheory.html - Rodney A. Brooks. Intelligence Without Reason.
1293 April, 1991. Prepared for Computers and
Thought, IJCAI-91 - Rodney A. Brooks. Elephants Don't Play Chess. MIT
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, MA
02139, USA Robotics and Autonomous Systems 6
(1990) 3-15.http//people.csail.mit.edu/brooks/pap
ers/elephants.pdf Brooks has argued strongly
against symbolic processing approaches to
creating intelligent machines, which had been the
focus of AI since the days of Alan Turing,
directly tracing back to the work of Gottlob
Frege. Instead, Brooks has focused on
biologically-inspired robotic architectures
(e.g., the Subsumption architecture) that address
basic perceptual and sensorimotor tasks. These
had been largely dismissed as uninteresting by
the mainstream AI community, which was far more
interested in reasoning about the real world than
in interacting with it. Conversely, Brooks argued
that interacting with the physical world is far
more difficult than symbolically reasoning about
it. This perspective is perhaps best and most
eloquently described in his classic paper,
Elephants Don't Play Chess. - Kalevi Kull. Biosemiotics in the twentieth
century a view from biology. Semiotica vol.
127(1/4), pp. 385-414 (1999). http//www.zbi.ee/7
33Priminimas Reprezentacinio painimo ribos
- Pateikta dvipuse formaliojo ir materialiojo
painimo schema aikina reprezentacini painima,
tai yra, toki, kai objektas paistamas per jo
formos ir/arba materijos reprezentacija - Pastaba materialusis reprezentacinis painimas
neretai tapatinamas su nereprezentaciniu, tai
yra, pripaistamos tik formaliosios
reprezentacijos - Priminimas alternatyva visam reprezentaciniam
painimui yra nereprezentacinis painimas - Nereprezentacinis painimas yra keliu tipu
- Analoginis (tiesioginis, betarpikas painimas,
kai tarp subjekto ir objekto nera tarpines
grandies, reprezentacijos) - Ikunytas, pvz., per veiksma, situacinis
(priklausoma nuo aplinkos) painimas - Paskirstytas
- hetero-reprezentacinis (kai vienalyte
reprezentacija neimanoma, pvz., tokiu dalyku kaip
kentauras), iracionaliosios reprezentacijos. - P.s. Anksciau apibudinta schema netinka
tiesioginio painimo aikinimui
34Kognityvines architekturos
- Tai sandara, saranga visumos ir daliu santykis
36Kognityvines architekturos keturi tipai
- Simboline architektura, von Neumano, skaitmeninio
kompiuterio - Subsimboline architektura (dirbtinio
neurotinklo), ne von Neumano, paskirstyto ir
lygiagretaus informacijos apdorojimo - Analogine architektura (analoginio kompiuterio)
- Agento (veiksmo) architektura (roboto, situacine,
susieta su aplinka, ikunyta) - Ar yra daugiau (pamatiniu) architekturos tipu?
37Kognityvines architektura ir reprezentacija
- Simboline architektura tipinis reprezentacinio
painimo atvejis - Subsimboline architektura (dirbtinis
neurotinklas) sutelktu reprezentaciju nebuvimas
(paskirstytos reprezentacijos) - Analogine architektura (analoginis kompiuteris),
tiesioginis painimas, be reprezentacijos - Agento (veiksmo) architektura (roboto, situacine,
susieta su aplinka, ikunyta)
38Architekturu lyginimo budas variantas
39Priminimas Dekarto koordinaciu
sistemoshylemorfine interpretacija(pagal
Aristotelio formos ir materijos perskyra)
40Pabandyti visas architekturas patalpinti
hylemorfineje sistemoje