Title: WestConnect Activities Overview
1WestConnect Activities Overview
- Salt Lake City, UT
- May 12, 2009
2Discussion Topics
- WestConnect Overview Membership
- Regional Pricing Experiment
- Virtual Control Area
- ACE Diversity Interchange Virtual Control Area
- Regulation Study NREL Renewables Study
- Transmission Products
- Flow Based Investigations
- Joint Initiatives
- Executed Restated MOU Among Transmission Owners
(TOs) in the Western Grid Effective January,
2007 - Purposes
- Continue investigation of feasibility of
cost-effective wholesale market enhancements - Work cooperatively with other Western Grid
Organizations and market participants - Address seams issues in appropriate forums
- Southwest Transmission Cooperative
- Transmission Agency of Northern California
- Tri-State G T Association
- Tucson Electric Power
- Western Area Power Administration
- - Rocky Mountain Region
- - Desert Southwest Region
- Sierra Nevada Region
- CRSP Management Office
Arizona Public Service El Paso Electric Imperial
Irrigation District Nevada Power Company Public
Service Colorado Public Service New
Mexico Sacramento Municipal Utility District Salt
River Project Sierra Pacific Power Company
TOTALS Jan. 2007 46,000 MW of Load 34,000
Miles of Transmission Line 7.0 Million Retail
Customers Served
5(No Transcript)
6WestConnect Accomplishments
- Annual ATC Workshop
- Disclosure of long-term TTC and potential changes
from planned facilities - wesTTrans Common OASIS
- Subregional Planning
- CATS, SWAT, CCPG and formation of SSPG
- Quarterly SPG Coordination Meetings
- WECC Seams Issues Process
- Development of Annual WestConnect Transmission
Plan and Planning Report
7WestConnect Subregional Planning
- WestConnect Objectives and Procedures for
Transmission Planning - Approved by WestConnect Steering Committee
August 24, 2006 - WestConnect Project Agreement for
Transmission Planning (STP Project Agreement) - Agreement originally executed by 13 WestConnect
Parties May 2, 2007 - Participation open to Non-WestConnect Members
Black Hills Basin joined in late 2008 - Requires parties to comply with WestConnect
Objectives and Procedures for Regional
Transmission Planning - Forms a Planning Management Committee
- WestConnect Planning Staff
- K.R. Saline Associates, selected as contractor
May 23, 2007 - Functional Accountability to Planning Management
8WestConnect Subregional Planning
- Subregional Planning Groups (SPG)
- Southwest Area Transmission Planning (SWAT)
- Colorado Coordinated Planning Group (CCPG)
- Sierra Subregional Planning Group (SSPG)
- Relationship to WECC/TEPPC
- SPGs have membership on TEPPC
- WestConnect Planning Manager participates in
TEPPC activities - Individual WestConnect Member representatives are
active in PCC and TEPPC activities
9WestConnectPlanning Cycle Concept
- Publish 10 Yr Plans
- Approve
- Cycle 1 Trans. Reports
- Cycle 2 Study Plans
Planning Report Prep.
Study Plans Dev.
10WestConnect Subregional Planning Study Timeline
11Regional Transmission Pricing
- Status
- Pricing Participation Agreement Executed by 9
West Connect members effective November 25, 2009 - FERC Orders issued on February 25 March 26,
2009 - OATI Scheduling Billing platform is being
tested - Anticipate Customer Training late May, 2009 and
Experiment Start on June 1, 2009
12The Experiment
- 2-Year Pilot
- Eliminates transmission rate pancaking for
limited transactions. - Continues to pancake ancillary services and
losses. - Retains participants posted OATT rates.
- Start-up/implementation costs borne by
Transmission Customers (thru OATI). - Can be implemented through wesTTrans platform.
- Did not Require FERC filing for NJs.
- No State approval required.
- Fail-safe clause for NJs.
- Revenue distributed pro rata based on posted rates
13The Regional Rate
- The Regional Rate will be the highest posted OATT
rate in the path. - Participants have eliminated the previous concept
of a Jurisdictional Regional Rate to simplify the
experiment and avoid confusion among customers.
14Whats the Risk?
- The risk here is one of decreased non-firm
transmission revenue for the RPs. - Without an increased number of transactions,
transmission revenues would decrease for the
affected RPs and their transmission rate would
increase. - The implication of this is that entities not
benefiting/taking WestConnect service are harmed
(all other transmission customers).
15Unknowns Unmeasurables
- What is difficult to project is how a WestConnect
offering might stimulate transmission activity
e.g., utilize the unutilized ATC. - If this market enhancement was accepted/successful
, the amount of decreased non-firm transmission
revenue could be offset by an increase in
activity. - New stimulus might occur in creating paths to
deliver low-cost energy to higher-priced markets.
16Fail Safe Provisions
- The Participation Agreement is drafted to provide
an option to all RPs to terminate participation
at the end of Year 1, without cause. - There is also a provision that if FERC implicates
205 review for the NJs, termination can be
17Virtual Control Area
- Three-pronged approach
- ACE Diversity Interchange
- Western Wind Solar Integration Study will
provide analysis of combined balancing area
authority operations - Analysis of reserves sharing pool modifications
18Virtual Control Area
- WestConnect TOs joining the Ace Diversity
Interchange (ADI) program - Xcel Energy (PSCO) SRP are connected
- APS, PNM TEP scheduled to connect May/June,
2009 - NPC/SPPC will connect in 2010
- WAPA investigating participation
19Western Wind Solar Integration Study
- To support multi-state interests in understanding
the operating and cost impacts due to the
variability and uncertainty of wind and solar
power on the grid
20More Western Wind Solar Study
- How can utilities manage the incremental
variability and uncertainty of wind and solar? - Do geographically diverse wind/solar resources
reduce variability and increase transmission
utilization? - How do local wind/solar resources compare to
out-of-state resources in terms of load
correlation or cost? - How can hydro help with wind/solar integration?
- The role and value of wind forecasting
- Can balancing area cooperation help manage the
variability? - How do wind and solar contribute to reliability
and capacity value?
- Data Collection
- Wind and solar mesoscale modeling
- Utility load, generator, transmission data
- Preliminary Analysis
- Extensive statistical analysis with various
options for wind/solar sites and transmission - Scenario Development
- In-state vs out-of-state resources
- Geographically diverse resources
- Mega projects
- Best correlated with load
- Run Scenarios
- Examine costs due to regulation, load following,
unit commitment - Dives to investigate issues such as Hoover
- Examine mitigation strategies/options
- Determine contributions to reliability and
capacity value - Draft and Final Report
22Current Status
- Held Stakeholder Meeting to Review Preliminary
Study Results Feb 25, 2009 - Stakeholder Meeting to Review Study Results
July 30, 2009 - Updates and information posted on WestConnect
website - Final Report due in late 2009
23Revised Study Footprint
Control areas APS El Paso Nevada Power PNM
Sierra Pacific SRP Tristate Tucson Xcel WAPA
24WestConnect Virtual Control Area Study
- Original response to WestConnect RFP exceeded
cost expectations. - Work Group met Oct 19 to assess overlap with NREL
Study and determined - The Western Study will include 20 and 30
scenarios, considering control areas individually
and control areas as one to determine benefits of
sharing regulation and load following - Section or chapter of final report to report on
these results - WestConnect will conduct reserve sharing as a
separate study
25For more informationonNREL Wind Solar Study
- Debbie Lew
- 303-384-7037
- debra_lew_at_nrel.gov
- http//westconnect.com/init_wwis.php
26Transmission Products
- Regional Business Practices for Conditional Firm
Service are Posted on the WestConnect Website - WestConnect members participated in WECC efforts
- High level of consistency among work products in
the Western Interconnection - Business practices shared with NAESB as starting
point for national standard
27Transmission Products
- Work Group has been asked to develop a regional
approach for Planning Redispatch - Beginning development of a Business Practice-type
document - Work Group will assess potential for a uniform
methodology for System Impact Studies at a later
28Flow Based Investigations
- Collecting information on flow-based planning and
operations in other regions - Assessing potential for an experiment on specific
paths using flow-based (rather than contract
based reservation) ATC determination - Alternatively assessing potential to operate a
flow-based shadow system to determine
operational differences
29Joint Initiatives
- Facilitated by
- WestConnect
- Columbia Grid
- Northern Tier Transmission Group
30Joint Initiatives Goal
- Encourage and facilitate Western Interconnection
parties to develop and implement high-value
cost-effective regional products - Broader focus than integration of variable
generation, but immediate wind and solar
integration issues provide significant motivation
31Joint InitiativesRelationship with Variable
- Uniquely situated to assist with timely
integration of renewable resources - Short timeframe
- Initial products straightforward (do not require
tariff amendments) - Focus is on more efficient use of existing
transmission, including greater ease in accessing
system flexibility both within and outside of
Balancing Authority areas
32Joint InitiativesCurrent Focus
- Currently focused on three areas that relate
directly to wind integration issues - Within-Hour Transmission Purchase and Scheduling
Business Practices (Products and Services Strike
Team) - Allows for within-hour schedule changes to
address unanticipated generation patterns - Better use of capacity within and outside of BA
(bilateral transactions) by allowing shorter
timeframes for scheduling
33Joint InitiativesCurrent Focus
- Intra-Hour Transaction Accelerator Platform
(I-TAP) (Products and Services Strike Team) - Facilitates bilateral transactions to address
unanticipated generation patterns - Facilitates accessing flexibility both within and
outside of a BAs area as opposed to relying
exclusively on BAs system to support wind
integration - Helps manage costs of integrating wind
34Joint InitiativesCurrent Focus
- Dynamic Scheduling System (DSS) (Infrastructure
Strike Team) - Provides more agile delivery mechanism for
dynamic energy products (currently, dynamic
scheduling must be arranged manually days, weeks,
or months in advance) - WestConnect Participants are
- Xcel Energy Tri-State G T
35Joint InitiativesPotential Future Activities
- Virtual Control Area Concepts
- Follow WestConnect PNEL/NREL efforts
- Consider Wind Integration requests on a
case-by-case basis
36Joint InitiativesContacts
- Products and Services Co-Facilitators
- Charlie Reinhold (480-215-0299)
- Kristi Wallis (206-726-1699)
- Infrastructure Facilitator
- Sharon Helms (503-644-6262)
- Joint Initiative materials posted on CG website
- www.columbiagrid.org
- Â
37WestConnect Contacts and Information
- WestConnect (www.westconnect.com)
- Charles Reinhold Project Manager
- reinhold_at_globalcrossing.net
- 208-253-6916