The Development of Large-area Pico-sec Resolution Time-of-flight - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Development of Large-area Pico-sec Resolution Time-of-flight


The Development of Largearea Picosec Resolution Timeofflight – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Development of Large-area Pico-sec Resolution Time-of-flight

The Development of Large-area Pico-sec Resolution
  • John Anderson, Karen Byrum, Gary Drake, Edward
    May, Robert Wagner- Argonne Natl. Lab
  • Michael Albrow, Erik Ramberg, Anatoly Ronzhin,
    Greg Sellberg, Jin-Yuan Wu Fermilab
  • Camden Ertley, Henry Frisch, Jean-Francois Genat,
    Fukun Tang Univ. of Chicago
  • Current Students Andrew Folen (UT Austin) Andrew
    Kobach (Toledo), Tyler Natoli (UIUC/UC), Scott
    Wilbur (UC), Lionel De Sa (Paris 11), Emilien
    Chapon (Saclay) (David Yu, UC, Tim Credo-IMSA)
  • Plus Jerry Vavra SLAC, Christophe Royon
    (Saclay), Patrick LeDu (Lyon), and lots of
    encouragement and help from Gary Varner (Hawaii),
    Stefan Ritt (PSI), Dominique Breton (Orsay), and
    Eric Delanges (Saclay)
  • FRA funding has been critical in gelling a group-
    testbeam as focus

Motivation for Psec TOF-1
  • High Energy Colliders are major investments- we
    should use them as efficiently as possible.
  • Information in collisions is of (only) 3 types
  • 4-vectors (E, p)gt mass and 3-vector momentum
  • Vertices (including lifetimes)
  • Spins (leptons, baryons only)
  • 1 psec is 300 microns in path lengthgt 3rd coo
  • Measure velocity by TOF, momentum by tracking gt
    get mass gt get quark content
  • Work up the flavor tree s to c to b to t
  • Example top decay W-gtcsbar, udbar b vs bbar

A real CDF Top Quark Event
T-Tbar -gt WbW-bbar
Measure transit time here (stop)
W-gtcharm sbar
Cal. Energy From electron
  • Fit t0 (start) from all tracks

Can we follow the color flow through kaons,
charm, bottom? TOF!
Geometry for a Collider Detector
2 by 2 MCPs
Beam Axis
  • r is expensive- need a thin segmented detector

Idea 1 Generating the signal
  • Use Cherenkov light - fast

Incoming rel. particle
Custom Anode with Equal-Time Transmission Lines
Capacitative. Return
A 2 x 2 MCP- actual thickness 3/4 e.g. Burle
(Photonis) 85022-with mods per our work
Collect charge here-differential Input to 200 GHz
TDC chip
Major advances for TOF measurements
Micro-photograph of Burle 25 micron tube- Greg
Sellberg (Fermilab)
  • 1. Development of MCPs with 6-10 micron pore

Motivation for Psec TOF-2
  • Vertexing photons at the LHC- at present its
    hard to know if a high-Pt photon comes from the
    same vertex as the rest of the event. Radiator in
    front of TOF know velocity time gives distance
    to vertex (1psec300 micron swath along arc swung
    from photon)
  • Example high-profile LHC analyses
  • (Jim Pilcher) Higgs-gt gamma-gamma
    reconstructing the mass using the right vertex
  • Rare events- e.g. photino decays- associating the
    photon with the right vertex and decay products
  • Long-lived objects decaying to photons- find
    delayed photons (e.g. Maxs photons at CDF)

Motivation for Psec TOF-3
Toback ,Goncharov et al- CDF
  • Separating Multiple Vertices at High Luminosity
    at the LHC
  • Small crossing diamond (s7 cm) many
  • Happen at different places AND different times
    (can be head-tail or tail-head OR head-head or
    tail-tail, respectively)- use 2D plot to separate
  • (interesting and little known fact- interactions
    happen earlier in the east than in the west in
    B-zero- puzzle for the student)

Motivation for Psec TOF-4Other uses
  • 1. Diffractive Higgs production (missing mass)-
    Totem, AFP at LHC (Albrow, Royon, et al)
  • 2. Muon cooling studies- e.g. MANX 6D cooling
  • 250 MeV muons- lazy objects. Measure
    direction and velocity before cooling, direction
    and velocity after coolinggt dont need 2
    magnetic spectrometers. (Rol Johnson, Tom
    Roberts, Muons.Inc et al.)
  • 3. LHCb-geometry- forward photon and charged TOF
  • 4. Water Cherenkov water-TPC (Howard
    Nicholson)- if can make VERY large area TOF with
    few mm and 50 psec resolution do 3D ring-imaging
    can reconstruct track direction from time of

FY-08 Funds- Fermilaba) Testbeam capability b)
Electronics c) LHC Higgs mm search
  • Purchase of microchannel plate PMTs, constant
    fraction discriminators, 14 bit ADCs, for
    support of international test beam experiment
    T979 at the Meson Test Beam Facility (Erik
  • Component and circuit board purchase for
    development of cheap FPGA based TDCs, with 20
    psec resolution (Jin-Yuan Wu)
  • Purchase of specialized isochronous Cerenkov
    radiators for an alternative scheme for the LHC
    FP420 forward proton time-of-flight detector.
    (Mike Albrow)

FY-08 Funds FermilabLaser teststand for SiPM
development (Anatoly Ronzhin)
1 photo-electron
4 phes
Laser calibration system to test SiPMs
32 phes
256 phes
FY-08 Funds ChicagoAnode Design and
Simulation(Fukun Tang)
  • Transmission Line- readout both endsgt pos and
  • Cover large areas with much reduced channel

FY-08 Funds ChicagoAnode Design and
Simulation(Fukun Tang)
  • Transmission Line- simulation shows 3.5GHz
    bandwidth- 100 psec rise (well-matched to MCP)
  • Board has been made-

FY-08 Funds ChicagoPsec-resolution
Multi-channel Front-End Electronics and
Simulations(Jean-Francois Genet, Fukun Tang,
HJF,Gary Varner)
  • Left- 200 GHz VCO chip in IBM 8HP bipolar
  • Right- new design fast sampling/slow A-to-D
  • Advantages- low power, mainstream process (0.13
    micron CMOS), CERN, Saclay collab/tools

FY-08 Funds ChicagoPsec-resolution
Multi-channel Front-End Electronics and
Simulations(Jean-Francois Genet, Fukun Tang,
HJF,Gary Varner)
  • Simulations- include MCP measured signal, noise,
    electronics white noise, digitization, analog

  Table 1. State of the art, this proposal. The
yellow column is from Gary Varners group at the
University of Hawaii (USA) 12, the light blue
from Dominique Breton from the University of
Paris-Sud (Orsay) 10 and Eric Delagnes from CEA
(Saclay), (France) 11. The orange column
from Stefan Ritt at PSI (Switzerland) 13. The
dark blue is this proposal.
FY-08 Funds ANLLaser Test Stand at Argonne
Hamamatsu PLP-10 Laser (Controller w/a laser
diode head) 405 635nm head. Pulse to pulse
jitter lt 10psec (Manufacture Specs)
Lens to focus beam on MCP
Diaphram with shutter to next box
Mirrors to direct light
Mirrors to delay light
50/50 beam splitter
X-Y Stager
Laser Head
Ortec AD114 (14 bit ADC)
Ortec 566
Ortec 9327 AMP/CFD
Impeccable Instruments Psec Pulser
The intrinsic jitter of the system is 4ps and it
has a resolution of 3.13ps.
FY-08 Funds ANLLaser Test Stand at Argonne
Hamamatsu PLP-10 Laser Diode
Timing Resolution Studies
FY-08 Funds ANLLaser Test Stand at Argonne
Histogram using the 635nm laser set at 55pe.
Histogram using the 408nm laser set at 50pe.
The Mark-P and the commercial tube, both 64-anode
25-micron pore tubes with a commercially
available collection scheme were used to find a
limit on the timing resolution. The system was
calibrated before the measurements were taken.
FY-08 Funds ANLLaser Test Stand at Argonne
We have measured the timing properties of two
MCP-PMs from Photonis. SLAC Two 64-anode
10-micron pore tubes with commercial charge
collection scheme. Pilas Laser at 635nm.
ARGONNE Two 64-anode 25 micron pore tubes with
commercial charge collection scheme. Hamamatsu
Laser at 408 635nm.
J. VaVras Laser Lab at SLAC
Jerrys Numbers
  1. TTS 3.8 psec (from a TTS of 27 psec)
  2. Cos(theta)_cherenk 3.3 psec
  3. Pad size 0.75 psec
  4. Electronics 3.4 psec

  1. TTS 3.8 psec (from a TTS of 27 psec)
  2. MCP development- smaller pores, smaller
    gaps, filter chromaticity, diamond ring, ..
    Alternative PDs (e.g. Paul Hs diamond)
  3. Cos(theta)_cherenk 3.3 psec
  4. Same shape- spatial distribution (e.g.
    strips measure it)
  5. Pad size 0.75 psec-
    with it
  6. Electronics 3.4 psec

    fast sampling- should be able to get lt 1psec

Simulation and Measurement
  • Need a serious effort on simulation to
    complement measurements
  • Need a serious collaboration with industry to
    make next generations of photo-detectors
  • Have the electronics we need to understand small
    numbers of channels at psec level- larger numbers
    at 5 psec level
  • Are forming a community, but need to generate
    long-term funding and support for the idea of
    detector RD and also flavor following

FY-09 Funds- Fermilaba) Testbeam capability b)
Electronics c) LHC Higgs mm search
  • Fast small MCPs for LHC diffractive Higgs search
    (Albrow scheme for 1 psec resolution (!))
  • Electronics readout for latter
  • Extend test-beam capability- new (Roden) MCPs
  • FPGA development work- prototoypes

FY-09 Funds- Argonnea) Laser Teststand b)
Electronics System clock, FPGA for sampling
  • Laser teststand is a facility for use by ANL,
    Fermilab, UC and others- still some
    development/refinement to be done
  • ANL played a critical role in DAQ system for
    test-beam run (going on now- 2nd wk as parasitic
    friends)- some more engineering/software to be
  • John Anderson has solved the system clock issues
    in principle- would like to implement (also light
    source interest)
  • John and Gary did FPGA for 200 GHz Bipolar
    readout- need to adapt for sampling
  • Have an LDRD proposal in at ANL for ALD but
    doesnt cover the tasks listed here- more in the

FY-09 Funds- Chicagoa) 40 GHz sampling
electronics b) Anode transmission lines c) Test
  • FRA-FY08 has supported writing a proposal for
    funding for ASIC development- have all 4 teams as
    collab/advisors- seed funding will support
    finishing the proposal stage
  • Have 1st prototype transmission line board from
    FY08 funding- will test (laser first)- have plans
    for 2nd and 3rd (bigger area, capacitive
  • Anode/transmission line connection still in
    proto-type stage (Sellberg, Tang, Ertly, HF)-
    development costs (BEST in Rolling Hills).

FY-08 Funds ChicagoAnode Design and
Simulation(Fukun Tang)
Atomic Layer Deposition
  • ALD is a gas phase chemical process used to
    create extremely thin coatings.
  • Current 10 micron MCPs have pore spacing of
    10,000 nm. Our state of the art for Photonis MCPs
    is 2 micron (although the square MCPs are 10
  • We have measured MCP timing resolution and know
    it depends strongly on pore size, and should
    improve substantially with smaller pores.
  • M.Pellins group routinely purchase 60nm
    micro-channel pores and using ALD have achieved
    10nm (this is the state of the art)
  • UChicago simulations have shown the electronics
    contribution can be made substantially less than
    a psec.

M.Pellin, MSD
Detector Sensor RD Program We are proposing to
use material science expertise at ANL to move
beyond commercially-available MCP devices.
Cartoon drawings showing the custom atomic-layer
disposition, the small pores, and the custom
anode configuration (left) and our proposed
module frame (right)
  • This has gone from a hobby with an IMSA high
    school student (Credo) to a nascent program
  • We have made a number of false starts and wrong
    turns (e.g. the IBM bipolar 200 GHz electronics),
    but the fundamentals look good- dont see a hard
    limit yet.
  • Have formed an international community- 2
    workshops per year (France and Chicago)- includes
    companies (Photonis, Photek, IBM)
  • Have now formed a strong ANL-Fermilab-UC
    collaboration centered on the testbeam
  • Are at the stage where we can apply for
    longer-term funding using 1 more year of FRA

Thats All
Backup Slides
C haracteristics we need
  • Feature size lt 300 microns
  • Homogeneity (ability to make uniform large-area)
  • Fast rise-time and/or constant signal shape
  • Lifetime (rad hard in some cases, but not all)
  • System cost ltlt silicon micro-vertex system

K-Pi Separation over 1.5m
Assumes perfect momentum resolution (time res is
better than momentum res!)
1 Psec
Engineering Highlights
  • F.Tang (UChicago) designed Voltage Control
    Oscillator using IBM 0.13um SiGe BiCMOS8HP
  • More challenging - Time Stretcher chip (including
    ultra low timing jitter/walk discriminator
    dual-slope ramping time stretching circuits etc.)
  • From simulations, accuracy not good enough (5-10
    psecs) F.Tang
  • Power concerns
  • NEW Invented 2 new schemes - a) Multi-threshold
    comparators, b) 50 GHz 64-channel waveform
    sampling. Both schemes give energy and leading
    edge time.
  • Current plan Save waveform and use multiple
    thresholds to digitize. Use CMOS (J.F. Genat,
  • Dec meeting at UChicago with UChicago, ANL,
    Saclay, LBL Hawaii, IBM and Photonis

MCP Best Results
  • Previous Measurements
  • Jerry Vavra SLAC (Presented at Chicago Sep 2007)
  • Upper Limit on MCP-PMT resolution s MCP-PMT 5
  • Takayoshi Ohshima of University of Nagoya
    (Presented at SLAC Apr 2006)
  • Reached a s MCP-PMT 6.2ps in test beam
  • Using two 10 um MCP hole diameter
  • PiLAS red laser diode (635 nm)
  • 1cm Quartz radiator (Npe 50)

Burle/Photonis MCP-PMT 85012-501 (64 pixels,
ground all pads except one)
  • Use 2 identical 6 micron TOF detectors in beam
    (Start Stop)
  • Beam resolution with qtz. Radiator (Npe 50)

RD of MCP-PMT Devices
  • We are exploring a psec-resolution TOF system
    using micro-channel plates (MCP's) incorporating
  • A source of light with sub-psec jitter, in this
    case Cherenkov light generated at the MCP face
    (i.e. no bounces) Different thicknesses of
    Quartz Radiator
  • Short paths for charge drift and multiplication
    Reduced gap
  • A low-inductance return path for the
    high-frequency component of the signal
  • Optimization of the anode for charge-collection
    over small transverse distances
  • The development of multi-channel psec-resolution
    custom readout electronics directly mounted on
    the anode assembly ASIC, precision clock
  • Smaller pore size Atomic Layer Deposition

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