Title: Program of Studies Night
1Program of Studies Night
- Mendon High School
- Tuesday, February 3, 2009
- 700 PM
- Our Objective For the Evening
- To Provide the information you need to assist
your child in making the best choices in course
selection for next year.
3Careful Decisions Planning
- Now is the time for very careful and informed
decisions - Changes Later Mean
- More chances for scheduling errors
- Less likely to get the courses you want
- Planning problems for our school district
4It All Starts With TheProgram Of Studies Guide
- District publication for MHS SHS combined.
- Some elective courses are indicated as being
offered only at MHS or SHS. - Differences driven by variations in
- student interests
- Facilities
- backgrounds and expertise of staff.
5Preliminary Planning
- Student Registration Packets
- Distributed tomorrow morning
- For current 9th, 10th and 11th graders
- Will already include the Core Course teacher
recommendations for next year - All remaining course selections, including
electives will be completed on the day each
student meets with his/her counselor - English teachers have informed them of the day
- Elective Area Presentations
- Current 8th Graders last Friday
- The rest, tomorrow
6Course Selection CounselingBeginning Friday
- Current 9th through 11th graders
- Mendon counselors work with their own students,
in English classes. - Students actually select their courses for next
year at this time. - Process completed by February break.
7Decision Timeline
- By February Break Course Choices entered in our
computer. - By Early March. Students selections provided to
teachers and parents for last chance changes. - End of Year Summer School Changes related to
8Community Service Credit
- Encouraged
- Not Required
9Community Service Credit
- 8TH Graders document their hours with Ms.
Kealey at BRMS - 9th 11th Graders document their hours with
Mrs. Mulkeen - hours accumulated from 6th grade and on count
toward credit - credit is posted at the end of grade 11 for the
senior transcript - 75 hours .25
- 150 hours .50
- 225 hours .75
- 300 hours 1.00 (maximum)
- Last years graduating class recorded 21,705 hrs!
10Online Learning Option
- This is a wonderful fit for some students!
- Additional Options In Curriculum
- Alternative Learning Styles
- Meeting A Special Need Or Interest
- Allowed only if the course is not offered in our
traditional classroom setting - Students pay all costs associated with taking an
online course, including a registration fee - No more than one online course allowed per
semester - Courses can be taken for school credit but not to
meet graduation requirements
- approval required prior to taking course for
credit. - students are not to enroll in a course until you
are notified, in writing, of the approval - See page 45 of the Program of Studies book
- Interested? Start with your childs counselor
13Advanced Placement Info
- District Advanced Placement Course Profile
- Available online at
- www.pittsfordschools.org/webpages/mhscounseling/
- Select either Info for Students or Info for
Parents and find it on the list. - Can also get there by selecting the Counseling
Department link on our school home page. - Care should be taken in deciding if an AP course
is right for your child.
14Pilot For Parent On-Line Access To Grade Books
- Not all teachers grade books open
- Must have a child currently enrolled at MHS
- Sign-up Must Be In Person
- Tonight
- Wed. through Fri. during the school day
- Potential Value directly related to the degree
to which it helps your child become more aware of
their own progress. - A parent and student survey will be conducted
later in the year to help in our evaluation
15Part II Class of 2013 Parents
- Parents of current 8th graders remain for more
course selection information. -
- All other parents may join our staff in the
Commons to get specific answers to any questions
you may have.
16Art Electives For Freshman
- Art Department
- Kathleen Eckler
- Lynn Landgraff
- Teresa Kraus
- Beth Quattrociacchi
17(No Transcript)
18(No Transcript)
19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22(No Transcript)
23(No Transcript)
24Art Major Sequence
- 9th Grade Option
- Studio Art
- Leads to any 4 of these
- Painting Drawing I
- Painting Drawing II
- Painting Drawing III
- AP Studio in Drawing
- Graphic Design I
- Graphic Design II
253-D Design Sequence
- 9th Grade Option
- Studio Art
- Leads to
- Contemporary Crafts
- Ceramic Arts
26Regents Sequence
- 9th Grade Option
- Studio Art
- Studio Art satisfies the NYS requirement of one
credit in Art or Music and is open to every
student regardless of whether or not they desire
an art sequence
27Art Electives
- Ceramic Arts
- Contemporary Crafts
- For Students not pursuing an Art Sequence. No
prerequisite is necessary.
28Technology Electives For Freshman
- Department Leader
- Peter Pratt
29Courses for Freshman
- Design and Drawing for Production (DDP)
- Technical Drawing Inventor
- Foundation for all Tech Sequences
- Digital Electronics
- Boolean Logic
- Electronics Workbench
- Integrated Circuits
- PCB Construction
- Production Systems
- Intro to woodworking
30Courses for Freshman
- Construction Systems
- Construction Trades
- Communication Systems
- Graphic Web Design
- Audio/Video Editing
- Transportation Systems
- Rocketry, Watercraft, Land transportation
- Photography
- Process of black and white photography
- Digital photography
31Pre-Engineering Sequence
- Mendon High School offers students an engineering
program entitled Project Lead the Way (PLTW). We
have teamed up with RIT to promote
pre-engineering education. Students entering
grade 9 will have the opportunity to complete a
5-unit sequence in pre-engineering. This program
is designed to help students explore technology
related careers and prepare them for two and four
year technical degree programs in engineering and
receive college credit from RIT. - PLTW Courses offered at Mendon High School
- Design Drawing for Production (Grade 9)
- Digital Electronics (Grade 9)
- Principles of Engineering (POE)
- Civil Engineering and Architecture (CEA)
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
- Engineering Design and Development (EDD)
32College Credit
33Graduation Requirements
- Design and Drawing for Production can fulfill
Fine Arts (Art/Music) requirement. - A five unit Technology Sequence can fulfill
Foreign Language and Fine Arts requirement for a
Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation. - Two 5 unit Sequences for Regents with Advance
Designation - Pre-Engineering
- Technology Systems
34Music Electives For Freshmen
- Department Leader
- Mark Puma
35Music classes that are available to Freshmen
- Polyphonic Choir
- Womens Chorale
- Voice Class
- Chamber Orchestra
- Concert Band
- Music Theory
36Womens Chorale and Polyphonic Choir
- Polyphonic Choir is available to everyone.
- Only females can take Womens Chorale (SSA)
- Womens Chorale meets daily.
- Polyphonic Choir can be taken every other day,
for example opposite Phys. Ed. - There is no pre-requisite for these choirs.
37Voice Class
- Available to all students, including those
without prior singing experience. - We will teach you how to sing
- This class meets
- Every day
- OR
- Every other day
- OR
- One semester
38Chamber Orchestra and Concert Band
- These groups meet daily.
- Both include one weekly group lesson during the
school day in addition to daily rehearsals. - Prior training necessary on a string or wind and
percussion instrument. - All students with any prior training are welcome.
Meet with Mrs. Howard or Mr. Puma to discuss
your return to the program.
39Music Theory
- Meets daily
- Available to all students, including those
without prior experience in music theory. - Required to complete Music sequence
- This does not fulfill the New York State Arts
40Extra-curricular Opportunities
- Jazz Band
- Jazz Ensemble
- Show Choir
- Jazz Singers
- Mens Ensemble
- Spring musical
- Studio String Orchestra
41Sequence in Music
- 5 Credit - Regents/Honors Sequence in Music
- Have to take Music Theory (1 Credit)
- Four credits of any other music elective
including - Ensembles
- Voice Classes
- AP Music Theory
42Music Electives For Freshmen
- Department Leader
- Mark Puma
Contact Information 267-3640 mark_puma_at_pittsford.
monroe.edu www.pittsfordschools.org/ webpages/mp
43Business Electives For Freshman
- Department Leader Sue Lowe
44What Freshmen Can Take
- Business Dynamics I Semester
- Business Dynamics II Semester
- Business Analysis Semester
- Web Page Design Semester
- Personal Computer Keyboarding Semester
- Microsoft Applications Semester
- Principles of Marketing Full Year
- Career Leadership Seminar
- Cooperative Work Experience (Co-op)
45Business Dynamics I
What is business?
Where do I fit in?
46Business Dynamics II
Well show you the money . . .
- How save it
- How to manage it
- How to spend it
- How to protect
47Business Analysis
- An overview of business
- 3 college credits!
- Management
- Marketing
- Global Business Opportunities
- Business Ethics-Social Responsibility
- Teamwork decision making
48Web Page Design
We learned how to create our own web page.
49Personal Computer Keyboarding
50Advanced Microsoft Applications
51(No Transcript)
52Career Leadership Seminar
- Recommendation for Freshman to help meet
requirements for the following - Career Internship
- Cooperative Work Experience
- Only 15 sessions during lunch or study hall
- 3 College Credits for Student Council members and
students with part-time/summer jobs
53Cooperative Work Experience
- Provides
- Credit for part-time jobs
- School to work connection
- College credit
- (in conjunction with Career Leadership Seminar)
54Graduation Requirements
- A 5-unit Business/Marketing sequence can fulfill
the Foreign Language requirement for a Regents
Diploma with Advanced Designation.
55Business Dynamics I Business Dynamics II Personal
Computer Keyboarding Web Page Design Business
Analysis Advanced Microsoft Applications Princip
les of Marketing Career Leadership
Seminar Co-op Denotes Dual Credit classes
56Decisions, Decisions!
- Counseling Department Leader
- Eric Domroes
57Graduation Requirements For Next Years 9th
- ENGLISH 4 units 1 R. exam 1 R. exam
- SOCIAL 4 units 2 R. exams 2 R. exams
- MATH 3 units 1 R. exam 3 R. exams
- SCIENCE 3 units 1 R. exam 2 R. exams
- HEALTH 1 unit 1 unit
58Graduation Requirements Continued
- ART/OR 1 unit 1 unit
- SECOND 1 unit 3 units
- LANGUAGE 1 R. exam
- PHYSICAL 2 units 2 units
- ELECTIVES 3 units 1 unit
- Note all exams must be passed with a 65 or
better for these diplomas.
60Electives For Freshman
- Very little room for electives in Freshman year
- More room for electives in future years
- Required Fine Arts Credit
- Elective sequences and Language other than
English - Options for Regents with Advanced Designation
61Scheduling Process For 8th Graders
- Receive teacher recommendations at BRMS
- Discuss questions regarding course choices and
levels with teachers and counselors at BRMS - Finalize choices for next year at BRMS
- Verification Letter sent A chance for correcting
mistakes. - Any level changes must come through BRMS
Counselor. - If you have unanswered questions about sequences,
requirements, etc., please feel free to call the
counseling office at Mendon HS - 267-1660
62Your Support System
- Pittsford Middle School Counselors Faculty
- Your Primary Resource over the next several
months - Decisions About Appropriate Placement
- Information About Your Childs Abilities
- Mendon High School Counselors
- Limited Role
- Oversee the Schedule Creation
- Information About Our Program when BRMS counselor
can not answer your question
63General Questions Answers
- In A Moment You Will Be Able To Ask Specific
Questions Of The Department Representatives. - If You Have Any General Questions, Seek Out An
Administrator Or Counselor.
64Time To Meet Our Faculty Representatives