Title: Countdown to Career Banding: Research Branch
1Countdown to Career Banding Research Branch
- Office of Human Resources
- Dr. Vicki Bradley
- February 9, 2006
Presentation to the Research Administration
Support Group (RASG)
- I. What is Career Banding?
- II. Goals of the New System
- III. Compensation System Comparison
- IV. Key Changes under the Career Banding System
- V. Statewide Implementation
- VI. Career Banding Implementation Process
- VII. Next Steps - What Can Be Done Now to
3I. What is Career-Banding?
- A compensation plan designed to place
employees into banded classes where career paths
are identified and career development is the
emphasis. - Collapses current classes based on
- the general nature of the work,
- similar jobs in the labor market,
- the type of training and experience needed, and
- the competencies needed to perform the job.
- Driven by competencies needed for a position
and possessed by an employee
4II. Goals of the New System
- To recruit, retain and develop qualified,
motivated, and diverse workforce - To base employee pay on level of contribution
and labor market information - To simplify the administrative process
- To delegate compensation decisions to managers
and to hold them accountable - To encourage employees to develop those skills
necessary for the organization to succeed
5III. Compensation System Comparison
- Career Banding
- Person Based
- Broadly defined classes
- Few class levels
- Emphasis on competency attainment
- Emphasis on aligning employees salary with
market averages - Manager responsible for competency assessment and
salary decisions -
- State Pay Plan
- Job based
- Narrowly defined classes
- Many class levels
- Emphasis on classification relationships
- Entitlement expectation to be at grade max
- Time in position determines salary
6IV. Key Changes under the Career Banding System
- A. Converting Narrow Classes to Broad Classes
- B. Establishing Competencies
- C. Adopting a new Compensation Strategy
- D. Integrating all Aspects of a Competency-based
7A. Converting from Narrow Classes to Broad
Current Class Titles Banded Title
Agr Research Assistant I-IV Laboratory Animal
Technician I-IV Research Aide Research Technician
Research Technician
Agr Research Technician I-III Laboratory Research
Specialist Research Analyst I-II Research
Technician III
Research Specialist
8Job Family Structure
Job Family
Note Within each role there are varying level
of Competencies
9Job Family Structure
Natural Resources and Scientific
Research Technician Research Specialist
Research Operations Manager
Note Within each role there are varying level
of Competencies
10B. Establishing Competencies
- Competencies are an observable and measurable
set of skills, knowledge, abilities, behaviors,
and other characteristics that an individual
needs to perform work roles or occupational
functions successfully - Various levels of competencies
- Contributing Level
- Journey Level
- Advanced Level
- Created by Research Career Banding Transition
Team - Comprised of representatives from state agencies
and universities - Input provided by subject matter experts
- Reviewed by Focus Groups
11C. Adopting a New Compensation Strategy
- Introduces new concepts of pay
- above market
- at market
- below market
- Eliminates restrictive salary rules and
promotes - appropriate pay based on contribution and
market - Gives managers decision-making flexibility and
holds - them accountable for pay decisions and spending
- Pay is managed to the market rate for specific
- occupations
12Band Structure
Maximum Salary
Advanced Level
Advanced Market Rate
Journey Level
Journey Market Rate
Contributing Level
Contributing Market Rate
Minimum Salary
13D. Integrating all Aspects of a Competency-based
Recruitment and Staffing
Workforce Planning
Performance Management and Competency Assessment
Training and Development
14- Statewide Implementation
- Ten Job Families
- Administrative and Managerial (includes OSSOG)
- Information Technology
- Law Enforcement Public Safety (Certified
Officers) - Information and Education
- Human Services
- Medical and Health
- Institutional Services
- Operations and Skilled Trades
- Engineering and Architecture
- Natural Resources and Scientific
15Natural Resources and Scientific Examples of
Potential Branches
- Agricultural Management Branch
- Chemistry Branch
- Environmental Management Branch
- Environmental Health Branch
- Forensics Branch
- Forestry Branch
- Parks and Recreation Branch
- Research Branch
- Undersea Research Branch
- Wildlife/Fisheries Management Branch
16VI. Career Banding Implementation Process
- Transition teams established
- Crosswalk
- Competencies
- Market Analysis
- Approvals by OSP Career Banding Group
- Approval by State Personnel Commission
- Notification and training from OSP
- Implementation
Project Team - Delegation of Authority
17Career Banding Implementation Philosophy
- Cost neutral on implementation.
- Funded through the redistribution of promotion,
- reallocation, in-range and other increases.
18Career-banding Implementation OutlookUNC-Chapel
- Complete Public Safety
- Information Technology
Next Research (1-2 years) Social
Research Institutional Services Office
Support Trades Human Resources
Future All job classes
19VII. Next Steps
- Establishing a Research Career Banding Project
- Team at UNC-Chapel Hill
- What can be done now to prepare?
- Let the countdown begin..