Title: CS 655 Computer Graphics
1CS 655 Computer Graphics
- Path Tracing
- (some material from University of Wisconsin)
2Path Tracing
- An extension to ray tracing
- Simulates global illumination
- Can handle all possible light bounces
- L(SD)E
- Introduced by Kajiya as a solution to the
rendering equation - Stochastically samples all light paths
- Handles area light sources, diffuse reflections
- Approximates the integral of illumination
3Path Tracing Algorithms
- Determine the intensity of each pixel by tracing
light transport paths - Paths that start at light sources and carry
energy - A path of length k is a sequence of vertices
- ltx0, , xk-1gt where every xi and xi1 is
mutually - visible and x0 is on a light
4Important Paths
- We are most interested in the important paths
- Paths that go from a light source to the eye
- Paths that carry the most energy
- The rendering equation can be written as a sum of
integrals, each one integrating over a different
path length
5The Rendering Equation - reordered
Light to x directly from x
Light from light source to x, then to x
Light to x via x scattered twice
Light to x via x scattered three times
6Sampling Important Paths
- We want to evaluate the integral using importance
sampling - i.e., attempt to sample the most important paths
- How do we find those paths?
- Several approaches have been tried
7Naïve Path Tracing (version 1)
- Start at a light
- Build a path by randomly choosing a direction at
each bounce, send the ray in that direction, and
add the point hit to the path vertex list - Join the last point to the eye
- Problems? What path is achieved by this approach?
8Naïve Path Tracing (version 2)
- Start at eye
- Build a path by randomly choosing a direction at
each bounce, follow the path in that direction,
add the point hit to the path vertex list - Optionally join the last point to a light
- Problems? What paths are generated?
9Path Tracing (Kajiya)
- Start at eye
- At each bounce, send a ray out in the direction
determined according to some distribution - At each point on the path, cast a shadow ray and
add direct lighting contribution at that point - Send multiple paths per pixel, average the
contributions to get the final intensity
10Path Tracing (Kajiya) Sampling Strategies
- The way in which the direction of each bounce is
determined makes a big difference in image
quality. - Stratified Sampling
- Break the possible directions into sub-regions
and cast one sample per sub-region. - Importance Sampling
- Sample according to the BRDF
11Path Tracing (Kajiya) - Summary
- Pros
- Focuses on objects that are visible doesnt
waste time on objects that cant be seen - Spends equal time on all path lengths
- ray tracing spends more time on longer paths
- Cons
- Little information gain for each ray cast
- Not easy to get good (important) samples
- Spends equal time on slow-varying diffuse
components and fast varying specular components
12Path Tracing Algorithm
- Send a ray through a pixel
- Trace the ray to its first intersected object
- From the intersected object, send out
- One ray to each light source
- One additional ray
- a diffusely reflected ray,
- a specularly reflected ray, or
- a transmissive ray
- Trace the ray and recursively follow it, as above
- Produces a ray path not a ray tree
13Light ray
Image plane
14Illuminance ray
Image plane
15Path Tracing
- This provides a Monte Carlo approach to global
illumination - Stochastic samples are taken that should
represent the actual surface properties - The lighting distribution is sampled by tracing
rays stochastically along all possible light
paths - Averaging a large number of sample rays gives an
estimate of the integral of all light paths
through the pixel
16Selecting the ray to trace
- How do we select which ray to trace?
- Each material has a kd, ks, and kt
- Let ktot kd ks kt
- Select a random number R in the range (0, ktot )
- if (R lt kd) then send diffuse ray
- else if (R lt kd ks) then send specular ray
- else send transmission ray
17Tracing a Diffuse Reflection
Light is scattered equally in all directions
18Tracing a Diffuse Reflection
- Tracing a ray from the eye, the light I see could
have come from any direction (direct from the
light, or indirect from another object)
Randomly pick a direction and trace it
19Computing the Diffuse reflection
- We can compute a random direction as follows
- Given two random numbers x1in 0,1 and x2 in
0,1, the randomly reflected direction wd is
given by - wd (q, f) (cos-1(sqrt(x1)), 2px2 )
20Tracing a Specular Reflection
- Ideal specular reflection
Light is scattered according to the reflection
21Tracing a Specular Reflection
- As with diffuse lighting, tracing a ray from the
eye, the light I see could have come from any
direction (direct from the light, or indirect
from another object)
Light is scattered according to the reflection
- Need to trace a lot of rays to get an accurate
image - Typically trace 100 1000 rays per pixel
- Need to trace a lot of rays to get an accurate
image - Typically trace 100 1000 rays per pixel
24- 10,000 rays per pixel (Henrik Wann Jensen)
25Bi-directional Path Tracing
- What if we were to combine rays from both
directions? - Send a ray from the eye and trace it into the
scene - Send a ray from the light and trace it into the
scene - Combine them by sending a ray from the end of one
path to the end of the other path
26Bi-directional Path Tracing
- Pros
- Each ray cast contributes to many paths
- Building from both ends can catch difficult cases
- All specular paths
- Caustics
- The idea extends to participating media
- Cons
- Still spends a lot of time in slow varying
diffuse areas - May not sample some of the more difficult paths
27Example Mirror
Eye ray tracing ESDL
Light ray tracing LSDE
Problematic ESDSL
Even Worse LSDSDSE
28(No Transcript)