Title: 456556 Introduction to Operations Research
1456/556 Introduction to Operations Research
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Chapter 2 Overview of the Operations Research
Modeling Approach
2Origins of Operations Research
- Operations Research (OR) or Management Science
can be defined as the use of quantitative methods
to assist analysts and decision makers in
designing, analyzing, and improving the
performance or operations of systems. - OR is a branch of mathematics that grew out of
the need during WWII to allocate scarce resources
to various military operations in an effective
3Origins of Operations Research (cont.)
- Examples include
- The development and use of radar for detecting
and tracking aircraft. - Allocation of scarce resources (raw materials,
parts, time, people) to problems such as - Producing high octane fuel,
- Developing systems for detection of submarines
and aircraft, - Strategic and tactical planning in order to
achieve military and industrial goals.
4Origins of Operations Research (cont.)
- After WWII, an industrial boom led to increasing
complexity and specialization in organizations. - Typical problems that needed to be solved
- How to get various components of a company
working at cross purposes to work together. - How to allocate limited resources in the most
effective way.
5Origins of Operations Research (cont.)
- People who had worked on OR problems for the
military realized that these new problems were
basically the same as those faced by the military
in a different context. - Two factors that have played a key role in the
growth of OR are - The development of powerful techniques for
solving OR problems such as the simplex method
developed by George Dantzig in 1947. - The digital computer - large scale OR problems
are solvable and anyone with a personal computer
can solve OR problems with software such as
6The Nature of Operations Research
- Operations research is applied to problems that
deal with how to conduct and coordinate the
operations (or activities) within an
organization. - Some of the areas where OR has been applied
- Manufacturing
- Transportation
- Construction
- Telecommunications
- Financial Planning
- Health care
- Military
- Public services
- See Table 1.1 (p. 4) in our textbook for some
actual problems solved by OR techinques! - Some specific examples follow!
7Reengineering IBMs Global Supply Chain
- In 1994, IBM began to reengineer its global
supply chain. - It wanted to achieve quick responsiveness to
customers with minimal inventory. - To support this effort, an extended-enterprise
supply-chain analysis tool, the Asset Management
Tool (AMT) was developed. - AMT integrates graphical process modeling,
analytical performance optimization, simulation,
activity-based costing, and enterprise database
connectivity into a system that allows
quantitative analysis of extended supply chains. - IBM has used AMT to study such issues as
inventory budgets, turnover objectives,
customer-service targets, and new-product
introductions. - It has been implemented at a number of IBM
business units and their channel partners. - AMT benefits include over 750 million in
material costs and price-protection expenses
saved in 1998. - INTERFACES 30 1 JanuaryFebruary 2000 (pp. 725)
8Nuclear Weapons Dismantlement, Evaluation, and
- The end of the Cold War changed the missions of
facilities in the US nuclear weapons complex. - They ceased production of new weapons and focused
on dismantling old weapons and maintaining the
safety, security, and reliability of those
remaining. - The Pantex Plant, operated for the US Department
of Energy (DOE) by the Mason and Hanger
Corporation, is the sole assembly and disassembly
facility for dismantlement, evaluation, and
maintenance activities for the US nuclear
stockpile. - A decision support tool, the Pantex Process Model
(PPM), was developed to help Pantex plan capacity
and deploy resources to meet its new
requirements. - Using the PPM, Pantex has provided critical input
to help the US form and defend positions during
arms-control-treaty negotiations. - It has changed the way Pantex and the DOE
evaluate resource requirements in planning future
workloads. - It has also led to an innovative cooperative
agreement among Pantex, the Transportation
Safeguards Division of DOE, and the Department of
Defense (DOD) that resulted in Pantex exceeding
weapon dismantlement goals. - INTERFACES 30 1 JanuaryFebruary 2000 (pp. 5782)
9Optimized Crew Scheduling at Air New Zealand
- The aircrew-scheduling problem consists of two
important subproblems - The tours-of-duty planning problem to generate
minimum-cost tours of duty (sequences of duty
periods and rest periods) to cover all scheduled
flights - The rostering problem to assign tours of duty to
individual crew members. - Between 1986 and 1999, Air New Zealand staff and
consultants in collaboration with the University
of Auckland have developed eight
application-specific optimization-based computer
systems to solve all aspects of the tours-of-duty
planning and rostering processes for Air New
Zealands national and international operations. - These systems have saved NZ15,655,000 per year
while providing crew rosters that better respect
crew members preferences. - INTERFACES 31 1 JanuaryFebruary 2001 (pp. 3056)
10Characterization of Operations Research
- The scientific method is used to investigate
problems to be solved. - OR is concerned with practical management of an
organization. - OR must provide positive, understandable
conclusions to decision makers when they are
needed! - OR takes a broad viewpoint
- OR attempts to resolve conflicts of interest
among components of an organization in a way that
is best for the organization as a whole.
11Characterization of Operations Research (cont.)
- The goal of OR is to find a best (optimal)
solution. - Usually, the problems in OR need to be solved
with a team of people with a collective expertise
in - Mathematics
- Statistics and probability theory
- Economics
- Business administration
- Computer science
- Physical sciences
- Behavioral sciences
- Special techniques of OR
12Overview of the OR Modeling Approach
- An OR study usually consists of the following
(overlapping) phases - 1. Define the problem of interest and gather
relevant data. - 2. Formulate a mathematical model to represent
the problem. - 3. Develop a computer-based procedure for
deriving solutions to the problem from the model. - 4. Test the model and refine it as needed.
- 5. Prepare for the ongoing application of the
model as prescribed by management. - 6. Implement.
13Modeling Process in General
Real World Problem
Mathematical Model
Solve Mathematical Model
Compare Model Solution to Real World
Refine Model
- Read Chapters 1 and 2 in our textbook.
- Read INTERFACES journal articles on three
specific applications of OR discussed above. - Read the article History in the Making INFORMS
celebrates 50 years of problems, solutions,
anecdotes and achievement (http//www.lionhrtpub
.com/orms/orms-10-02/frhistory.html) - p. 7 1.3-2 (apply to three applications of OR
discussed above).
- Operations Research A Practical Introduction by
Michael W. Carter and Camille C. Price, CRC
Press, 2001. - Introduction to Operations Research (8th ed) by
Frederick S. Hiller and Gerald J. Lieberman,
McGraw Hill, 2005. - Interfaces Journal, Jan. - Feb. Issues, Volumes
30 and 31 (http//interfaces.pubs.informs.org/)