Title: BLRs Human Resources Training Program
3"Nothing is as far away as one minute ago."
Jim Bishop
4time spills away
5priority planning
6Unexpected urgencies draw our time and attention
away from priorities. Time robbers interrupt and
easily distract us from attending to
priorities. Procrastination urges us to put off
the more important priorities until later.
7unexpected urgencies
8Time Robbers
9requests demands of others
10unexpected interruptions
12Failure to delegate
13conflicting priorities
15involvement with details
16conflicting personalities
17unrealistic time estimates
19Why do we procrastinate?
- We sense no urgency, even if the job is a top
priority. - Its not fun or pleasant.
- Its outside our comfort zone.
- We fear failure.
- We dont perceive the real value.
- We lack the knowledge we need to do the job.
20gaining control is as simple as
21the first key in maintaining control
sustained focus
22the second key in maintaining control
Personal Accountability
23cool tips
24- Make appointments with yourself by putting blocks
of time on your calendar. Keep these
appointments! - Close your door and hang a Do Not Disturb sign.
- Screen your calls. Ask the receptionist to
forward less important calls to voicemail. - Check email and voicemail three times a day
900, after lunch, 400. - Take your work materials on a coffee break.
- Work from home.
- Come in on the weekend.
- Delegate.
25(No Transcript)
26the eisenhower method
not urgent
27Personal Time Inventory
28do a time inventory
prioritize a typical days activities
identify empty times
what can you change to use time more efficiently?
your age x 52 weeks youve used
(4,056 weeks used) 676 whats left
30If you cant control your time, you wont
achieve extraordinary success. Steven
Scott Mentored by a Millionaire Master
Strategies for Super Achievers
31John Brown Training Director New York Headquarters
johnb_at_kidney.org 212.889.2210, ext 223