Title: There are 13 multiple choice questions in this exercise'
1 There are 13 multiple choice questions in
this exercise. Answer by clicking on one of
the red letters (A, B, C, Or D). You will get a
feedback to your response. Click on the
button for the question.
2 1. Most important role of rainfall in plant
growth A. increases photosynthesis B.
recharges water bodies C. aids in nutrient
uptake D. increases the number of leaves
3 2. Excess rainfall damages crop growth because
A. pollination is affected B. of water
stagnation C. grain quality deteriorates D.
favors insect pests
4 3. Information about seasonal rainfall helps in
planning the farm labor requirement.
A. Not always B. False statement C.
True statement D. Helps large farms
5 4. To plan the cropping systems in rainfed
farming, you need information about
A. Excess rainfall B. Drought
possibilities C. Amount of rainfall D.
6 5. High relative humidity favors
A. root development B. flower
production C. plant diseases D. good plant
7 6. High relative humidity leading to poor
sun-light affects
A. sowing operations B. photosynthesis C.
grain filling D. Leaf surface area
8 7. Duration of sunshine controls
A. grain filling B. plant height C. nutrient
uptake D. flowering
9 8. Influenced by the duration of sunshine,
---------- crop flowers only when the days are
long and nights are short.
A. chickpea B. sorghum C. groundnut D. I am
not sure
10 9. Sunlight provides -------------- to plants.
A. energy B. heat C. radiation D.
1110. Which crop yields better under high
A. Wheat B. Chickpea C. Pearl Millet D. I am
not sure
1211. The growth rate of many plants _____ as the
air temperature increases.
A. decreases B. increases C. is not
affected D. I am not sure
1312. Heavy winds affect the plants by reducing
their height.
A. False statement B. True statement C.
Depends on sunshine D. I am not sure
1413. Loss of soil moisture through evaporation is
reduced by ___ winds.
A. easterly winds B. cool C. heavy winds D.
I am not sure
15 Thank you for completing this exercise. Now
you may select Module V from Course contents.
16 You are partly correct. Rainfall do not
directly increase photosynthesis. Recharging of
water bodies also of not direct use to plants.
The correct answer is Water from rainfall
helps in nutrient uptake by plants.
17 You are right. Water from rainfall helps in
nutrient uptake by plants.
18 Your are right. Excess rainfall damages crop
growth because of water stagnation in the field.
19 Your answer is not correct. Your response is
right under continuous rains and not with excess
rains. The correct answer is Excess rainfall
damages crop growth because of water stagnation
in the field.
20You are right. For efficient utilization of
labor and for planning the farm operations like
sowing etc. one need to consider the seasonal
rainfall conditions.
21No please. The correct answer is For efficient
utilization of labor and for planning the farm
operations like sowing etc. one need to consider
the seasonal rainfall conditions.
22No please. You are partly correct because the
amount of rainfall received is not clear from the
statement to take up the sowings. The correct
answer is Soaking rain like 25 mm of rainfall a
day before will be useful to take up the sowings.
23You are right In rainfed farming, information
about drought is very important to plan the
cropping systems.
24You are partly correct. Excess rainfall may not
be a regular feature in rainfed areas. The
correct answer is In rainfed farming,
information about drought is very important to
plan the cropping systems.
25You are partly correct. Information about the
amount of rainfall alone may not be sufficient to
plan the cropping systems. One need the
distribution of that amount of rainfall
also. The correct answer is In rainfed
farming, information about drought is very
important to plan the cropping systems.
26No please. The correct answer is In rainfed
farming, information about drought is very
important to plan the cropping systems.
27You are right High relative humidity favors
plant diseases.
28No please. Relative humidity has no role on root
development or flower production or plant
stand. The correct answer is High relative
humidity favors plant diseases.
29You are right High relative humidity, which
lowers the intensity of solar radiation, will
affect the photosynthesis.
30No please. Sowing operations, grain filling and
leaf surface area are not influenced by relative
humidity. The correct answer is High relative
humidity, which lowers the intensity of solar
radiation, will affect the photosynthesis.
31You are right Duration of sunshine controls
flowering of plants.
32No please. Plant height, grain filling, nutrient
uptake are not controlled by the duration of
sunshine. The correct answer is Duration of
sunshine controls flowering of plants.
33You are right Chickpea (Bengal gram) crop is
grown only during winter season so that the crop
can flower when the days are longer and nights
become shorter.
34No please. Sorghum is day-neutral plant that
means the duration of sunshine has no influence
on flowering in this crop. The correct answer
is Chickpea (Bengal gram) crop is grown only
during winter season so that the crop can flower
when the days are longer and nights become
35No please. Groundnut is day-neutral plant that
means the duration of sunshine has no influence
on flowering in this crop. The correct answer
is Chickpea (Bengal gram) crop is grown only
during winter season so that the crop can flower
when the days are longer and nights become
36If you are not sure, here is the
answer Chickpea (Bengal gram) crop is grown
only during winter season so that the crop can
flower when the days are longer and nights become
shorter. Sorghum and groundnut are day-neutral
plants that mean the duration of sunshine has no
influence on flowering in these crops.
37You are right Sunlight provides energy to plants
through the process of photosynthesis.
38No please. The correct answer is Sunlight
provides energy to plants through the process of
39You are right Pearl millet yield better under
high temperature conditions.
40No please. Wheat and chickpea require cool
temperatures to yield better. Hence, they are
grown during winter season. The correct answer
is Pearl millet yield better under high
temperature conditions.
41If you are not sure, here is the answer Pearl
millet yield better under high temperature
conditions. Wheat and chickpea require cool
temperatures to yield better. Hence, they are
grown during winter season.
42You are right The growth rate of many plants
increases as the air temperature increases.
43No please. The correct answer is The growth
rate of many plants increases as the air
temperature increases.
44No please. The correct answer is The growth
rate of many plants increases as the air
temperature increases.
45If you are not sure, here is the answer The
growth rate of many plants increases as the air
temperature increases. This is because many of
the chemical reactions (plant processes) increase
with an increase in temperature.
46You are right Plants of reduced size are common
in very windy areas.
47It is true that plants of reduced size are common
in very windy areas.
48If you are not sure, here is the answer It is
true that plants of reduced size are common in
very windy areas.
49You are right Cool winds reduce evaporation
losses of soil moisture.
50No please. The correct answer is Cool winds
reduce evaporation losses of soil moisture.
51No please. The correct answer is Cool winds
reduce evaporation losses of soil moisture.
52If you are not sure, here is the answer Cool
winds reduce evaporation losses of soil moisture.