Title: There are 7 multiple choice questions in this exercise'
1 There are 7 multiple choice questions in
this exercise. Answer by clicking on one
of the red letters (A, B, C, Or D).
You will get a feedback to your response.
2 1. What type of soils are best suited for
pearl millet cultivation? A. Black soils B.
Fine textured soils C. Vertisols D. Any
fertile and well- drained soil
3 2. Pearl millet is sensitive to saline
soils. A. False statement B. True
statement C. Depends on soil texture D. I am
not sure
4 3. Soils infested earlier with ______ should
be avoided for pearl millet cultivation, if
there is a choice. A. stem borer B.
virus C. congress weed D. striga
5 4. Pearl millet grows well under drought
stress and also low temperatures. A. True
statement B. False statement C. Depends on
the country D. I am not sure
6 5. Pearl millet is sensitive to high soil
temperatures at germination stage. A. True
statement B. False statement C. Depends on
soil type D. I am not sure
7 6. The ability of pearl millet to grow in
drier environments is due to A. large
leaf area B. less tillering C. deep root
system D. leaves with thick mid rib
8 7. Prolonged spells of rains is not good to
pearl millet at A. germination stage B.
flowering stage C. tillering stage D. I am
not sure
9 Thank you for completing this exercise. Now
you may review this Module or select next Module
i.e Module IV from Course contents.
10 Your answer is partly correct. Black soils
are vertisols and also fine textured soils
because of higher clay content in these soils.
The correct answer is Pearl millet can be
grown in any fertile and well drained soil.
11 Your answer is correct. Pearl millet can be
grown in any fertile and well drained soil.
12 Your are right. Pearl millet plants can
tolerate acid soils but do not grow well in
calcareous soils.
13 Your answer is not correct. The correct answer
is Pearl millet plants can tolerate acid soils
but do not grow well in calcareous soils.
14 If you are not sure, the answer is Pearl
millet plants can tolerate acid soils but do not
grow well in calcareous soils.
15 Your are right. Soils infested earlier with
striga should be avoided for pearl millet
16 Your answer is not correct. Stem borer,
virus, and congress weeds are not serious
problems in pearl millet soils. The correct
answer is Soils infested earlier with striga
should be avoided for pearl millet cultivation.
17 Your are right. Pearl millet can withstand
drought but not low temperatures.
18 Your answer is not correct. The correct answer
is Pearl millet can withstand drought but not
low temperatures.
19 If you are not sure, here is the answer. Pearl
millet can withstand drought but not low
20 Your are right. Pearl millet can withstand
high temperatures but not low temperatures at
germination stage.
21 Your answer is not correct. The correct answer
is Pearl millet can withstand high
temperatures but not low temperatures at
germination stage.
22 If you are not sure, here is the answer. Pearl
millet can withstand high temperatures but not
low temperatures at germination stage. Low soil
temperatures affect germination and seedling
growth in pearl millet.
23 Your are right. The ability of pearl millet to
grow in drier environments is due to rapid and
deep root penetration.
24 Your answer is not correct. The correct answer
is The ability of pearl millet to grow in
drier environments is due to waxy coating on
25 Your are right. Prolonged spell of rains may
result in pollen wash at flowering stage and thus
is not good for pearl millet crop.
26 Your answer is not correct. The correct answer
is Prolonged spell of rains may result in
pollen wash at flowering stage and thus is not
good for pearl millet crop.
27 If you are not sure, here is the
answer. Prolonged spell of rains may result in
pollen wash at flowering stage and thus is not
good for pearl millet crop.