Title: 6005 Presentation
16005 Presentation
I will demonstrate the knowledge and skills I
have acquired in my M.Ed. Program at the
University of Lethbridge by
Analyzing how my approach to educational
leadership evolved through my
in the M.Ed. Program.
Analyzing the key issues surrounding the
development of learning communities in
a rural setting.
Developing an action plan to establish
a learning community and to meet professional
development goals for my school community
and for me.
2Educational Leadership
We need to be able to control directly and
We need to think - Imagination
We need project or results based learning
We need go beyond the school walls
We need update resources
We need work in teams
We need to create opportunities without penalty
We need to make everyone significant everyday
3Educational Leadership
Emphasize Five Essential skills
1. Relationships personal and interpersonal
2. Enthusiasm for what we do
3. See the potential in everyone everyday
4. Expect learning to occur and share experiences
5. Be accountable and sustainable within our
school community
A teacher can never truly teach unless she is
learning herself. A lamp can never light another
flame unless it continues to burn its own
flame. Rabindranath Tragore 1861 -1941
People will not remember what you say or do as
must as what you make them feel like
Five factors to establish excellent relationships
1. Modeling
2. Providing individualized support
3. Providing intellectual stimulation (leaders
must be knowledgeable)
4. Building a productive school culture (behavior)
5. Structuring (collegial and collaborative) (
Leithwood, Jantzal Steinbach 2000)
Emotional Intelligence (Thank you Sonja) The
ability to deal with his own emotions and the
emotions of others.
(Westley 1990, Goleman 1998, Fitzgerald 2001,
Buzan 2003)
Brain alone dont make a leader. Successful
leaders have more than
analytical smarts. (Q- Metrica
What do students need in their teachers?
- Act as caregiver, moral (values) , and mentor
- Create a moral community
- Practice moral discipline (EBS)
- Create a democratic classroom environment
- Teach values through the curriculum
- Use cooperative learning
- Develop the conscience craft
- Encourage reflection
- Teach conflict resolution
The school as a whole needs to
- Foster caring beyond the classroom
- Create a positive culture in the school
- Recruit parents and the community as partners in
- the education of all students
What do students want from their teacher?
- Respect, fairness, safety and trust
- A genuine concern
- (Lickona 1993)
Is contagious
Enthusiastic people are also passionate people
Passionate people are also compassionate, and
compassion enables insight
Compassion give people the faith to try new things
Do not ask why?
Ask why not?
How we Read Aoccdring to a rscheearch at an
Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer In what
oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny
iprmoetnt tihng is that frist and lsat ltteer is
at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses
and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs
is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef
but the wrod as a wlohe.
Mission - why are we here, the reason we exist
Vision what do we hope to become, the
perception we would like portray
Values How must we behave in order to make
our vision a reality
Goals how do we plan on getting there
13Learning and Accountability
(Joy and Expectations)
Learning must be
- continuous
- generative
- personalized
- fun
- expected
14Learning and Accountability
(Joy and Expectations)
Set high standards
- expectation are clear
- performance is meaningful
- expect ethical discretion form everyone
You are responsible for you
15Learning Communities
In communities, leadership is not defined as the
exercise of power over others. Instead, it is an
exercise of wit and will, principle and passion,
time and talent, and purpose and power in a way
that allows the group to increase the likelihood
that shared goals that shared goals will be
accomplished. In communities,leader as power over
events and people is redefined to become
leadership as power to accomplish shared goals.
And when this leadership is exercised by everyone
on behalf of what is shared,the organization
becomes a community of leaders.
( Thomas
Sergiovanni 1994)
16Learning Communities
Develop leadership capacity in everyone
Back off
Facilitate the work of others
Include the community
Build trust
Model openness
Communicate and share information
Achieve consensus
Embrace conflict
Focus on instruction and learning
Encourage growth and tap into their talents
17Learning Communities
Leadership behaviors A leader
Inspire and share vision
Anticipate problems and conflict
Uses and encourages creative thinking
Collegial and collaborative
Shapes a standard of excellence
Supports continuous growth
18Establishing a Professional Learning Community In
Small Rural Schools
The most promising strategy for sustained,
substantive school improvement is developing the
ability of school personnel to function as
professional learning communities.
( Dufour and Eaker 1995)
19Establishing a Professional Learning Community In
Small Rural Schools
Professional Learning Communities at Work
A school's capacity to function as a learning
community is the most critical factor in
significant school improvement
Learn specific strategies to transform your
school into a learning community
20Establishing a Professional Learning Community In
Small Rural Schools
Build the foundation of a learning community
Mission, Beliefs, Values, Goals
Shape the culture of your school
Lead a powerful change process
Respond effectively to those reluctant to
Create a results orientation
Foster a commitment to continuous improvement
21Establishing a Professional Learning Community In
Small Rural Schools
Key strategies
1. In-service to increase knowledge
2. In service on mission and vision building for
3. Involvement of all staff
4. Provision of time within the school
timetable to collaborate
5. Provision of time for inter-staff
6. In-service on assessment
22Future of Schools
There three images of schools in the future
(Leithwood 2000)
- schools as community
- schools as highly reliable organization
- schools as learning organizations