Title: Research Design
1Research Design
- Understanding the basic premises that influence
your capstone project
2Types of Research
- Basic - predictions based on existing theory
comparison of findings to those predictions
Importance of the weight of all evidence that
is, consistent with or not consistent with
the theory.
3Types of Research
- Applied - practical in nature solving
immediate problems
Examples evaluating effectiveness of
supplements, finding the best training methods,
identifying those at risk
4Types of Research
- Cross Sectional - looking at different groups
at the same time (efficient use of time and
Groups are different based on certain variables
(e.g., age, fitness level, ethnicity, major).
Note. homogeneity
5Types of Research
- Longitudinal - looking at the same group over
time (time consuming and complicated) often a
control group
Examples Framingham Heart Study, Harvard
Physician Study, Stanford Community Fitness Study
6Types of Research
- Qualitative
- observation of natural situations
- naming the data
- no manipulation
- flexibility in methodology and interpretation
- researcher skills
- Quantitative
- control of situational variables
- quantifying the data
- manipulation of IVs treatment conditions
- extensive planning and laboratory setup
- tests and procedures
7What will you be doing?
- Broadening the scope
- different population
- different setting
- controlling previously uncontrolled variables
- Replication
- resolving inconsistencies
- improving methodologies
8The Variable...
a characteristic (attribute or dimension) that
will exhibit different values under different
Research Goal to understand how variables behave
or react to different conditions
9Types of Variables
- Independent variables manipulated by
investigator (selected / levels decided on) - Dependent variables measured by the investigator
(outcome) - Control variables held constant during
experiment (delimiters) - Confounding variables unintentionally allowed to
vary during the experiment (limitations)
10Variance of the dependent variable(s) will be
- Primary expected or desired related (at least
in part) to the effect of the independent
variable - Secondary consistent, but unwanted related to
measurement methods and procedures - Error inconsistent and unwanted related to
imprecise measurement (often for unknown reasons)
11Research Validity
- Internal - certainty with which the results can
be attributed to the independent rather than
confounding variables - Threats to Internal Validity
- local history
- maturation of subjects
- pretesting / learning effect
- instrumentation
- statistical regression
- selection of subjects
- mortality
12Maximizing Internal Validity
- Random selection / assignment
- Use of control groups
- Careful measurement
- Appropriate analysis and interpretation
13Research Validity
- External - generalizability of the results to
other people and / or other situations - Threats to External Validity
- subjects
- pretest sensitization
- expectancy
- Hawthorne Effect
- overgeneralizing
14Maximizing External Validity
- Detailed definition of study population
- Proper sampling procedures
- Replication (similar results under range of
conditions) - Establishing internal validity