Title: Folie 1
1Looking Back at the Briefs
Susanne.Giesecke (at) arcs.ac.at
2Partners Correspondents
Information gathering attracting
new correspondents MCST Fgh-ISI
Louis Lengrand Associates Dialogik
TCP Atlantis
Gathering information and writing of briefs
management TNO
mapping Prest
Core partners
briefs ARC-sys
issue analysis VDI
transfer CKA
3Purposes of Foresight Briefs
- provide overview information on recent and
ongoing foresight exercises - highlight interesting results from recent
foresight activities, pointing to future
challenges and opportunities for policy and
society - extract selected findings of relevance to
decision-makers in European, national and
regional policy, as well as in industry - offer a showroom function for foresight
exercises as an opportunity to make activities
more widely known
4Selection Criteria
- novelty
- policy relevance
- forward-looking
- contribution to community building
- balanced thematic and geographic coverage
- compatibility with focus of Issue Analysis,
5Types of Foresight Briefs
- Overview Briefs covering the full range of
activities within large-scale foresight exercises - Single Issue Briefs highlighting selected
findings from individual foresight exercises or
panels - Policy Briefs overview on a cluster of
foresights focussing all on a similar issue - Methodological Briefs informing of new
methodologies used in foresights - Evaluation Briefs covering the evaluation of a
foresight process - Forward Looking Studies
- policy-makers
- public administration
- at European (Parliament, Commission) and
- national level (Ministries, funding bodies,
research councils) - researchers and strategists in industry
academic organizations - interested stakeholders and stakeholder
organizations (industrial associations, NGOs)
7The Process of Brief Production
Direct approach
Rolling List
Core Partners Partners
1st draft
Editorial work
Issue Analysis
Final version
Online Brief
Book publication
8Brief Template Online (1)
9Brief Template Online (2)
10EFMN Briefs Current Status
11Number of Briefs on EFMN
12Number of Briefs by Type of Author
13Regional Distribution - EU
14Regional Distribution Rest of World
15Regional Distribution Over Time
Latin America North America Asia-Pacific Worldwide
Russia Europe-non EU
Africa Latin America North
America Europe-non EU Asia-Pacific Worldwide EU
16Overview of Briefs by Topics
17Use of Brief as Reference
18Feedback on Brief/Cited as Reference
19Participatory Aspects of Foresight
- limited approach to participation
- combination of (expert) panel discussions,
interviews, hearings, open forums - themes are predefined
- most experts are pre-nominated experts
- few exceptions, for example
- German (Futur),
- Denmark (Env. Friendly Agriculture) co-nomination
of experts - not more effective, but results sometimes better
implemented or accepted
20Obstacles of Result Implementation
- limited juristiction of clients, addressees
- limited funds
- no design for implementation
- structures of clients not considered
- structural changes required
- client not enough engaged in Foresight
21Outcomes of Foresights (1)
- networking
- recognize views different from ones own
- new subjects found worthwhile for pursuing
- RD policy
- business issues
- soft factors for improvements
- continued working groups
- intrasectoral cooperation in policy-related
institutions - multi-disciplinary teams (to provide emerging
technologies relevant for Denmark) - system integration technologies, products,
services across various fields of applications - personnel interdisciplinary training
22Outcomes of Foresights (2)
- bridging the divide between policy makers and
society (transition economy) - unintended effects policy learning processes,
designing future foresight activities which
target more directly societal needs, individual
learning - make policy process transparent
- bring to the fore key challenges key
individuals (champions) - identify hidden obstacles
- get new actors involved
- understanding the current future dynamics of
change - process innovation HOW to gather information,
design new tools
23Limits of Foresight
- limited usefulness of sectoral (or other) studies
(implies the commissioning of new and better
studies) - EU focus often missing
- in technology foresights, focus on employment,
working conditions, environment is often missing - clients (ministries) mostly not involved in the
process (or as observers), role definition
unclear - difficult to translate new scientific insights
into possible commercial innovation - key actor involvement necessary
- learning process user friendly report
- process effective if senior stakeholders are
fully engaged