Title: Texas Legislative Task Force Congressional Visit
1Texas Legislative Task ForceCongressional Visit
Washington D.C. 7 9 February 2006
2Legislative Visit Planning
- Agenda Development
- Visit Timing
- Appointments Process
- Task Force Training
- TAGs Priorities Letter
- Leave-behind Packet
- Congressional Reception
- Congressional Breakfast
3Visit Timing Process
- February March visit window
- Overlay Congressional calendar
- Coordinate TAG availability
4Appointments Process
- Reception/Breakfast Invitation
- Telephonic follow-up
- TAG Office
- Association Office
- One week out Deconflict daily
- Appointments Matrix
5Appointments Matrix
6Task Force Training
- Read ahead packets
- Capitol Hill info (maps, buildings, room
numbers, movement, security) - Congressperson profile
- District profile (armories, airfields)
- Visit strip maps
7TAGs Priority Letter
- Determine specific desires
- Organize into major divisions
- Mission
- Force Structure
- Resource (Equipment/Personnel)
- Apply natural divisions
8TAGs Priority Letter
The Adjutant Generals FY 2007-2008
Priorities Retain strength PRIORITY We
request the Texas Army National Guard authorized
strength figures for FY2006 be restored to the FY
2005 baseline of 17,809, and be increased each
year until an end strength of 19,000 is achieved.
DISCUSSION At a time when there is pressure
to reduce Guard strength nation-wide, I believe
it is in the national interest to retain and even
increase force structure in a state that
consistently meets or exceeds recruiting and
retention goals. We are a state with a growing
population and existing infrastructure to support
expansion, as well as being a geographic keystone
for homeland security.
9Leave-behind Packet
- TAGs Priority Letter
- Overview of Texas Military Forces (with
contact info) - Business Cards
10Reception Planning
- NGAUS Hall of the States
- Invitations faxed (3 wks out)
- Phone reminder during visit time confirmation
(1 wk out) - 22 per head, plus bar tab (3-4 per drink,
excl water and soft drinks)
11Congressional Breakfast Planning
- Rayburn Bldg (sponsored by Rep. Bonilla)
- Invitations Faxed (3 wks out)
- Phone reminder during visit time confirmation
(1 wk out) - 30 per plate
12Command and Control
- Tuesday evening brief from TAG
- Post breakfast move to Longworth cafeteria CP
- CP is clearing house
- Post visit return to CP whenever possible
- Call CP between visits
13The Visit
- Start visits at 1000
- Visit in pairs
- ANG with ARNG
- Presenter/monitor
- Allow 20-30 minutes between visits
- Keep CP posted
- Answers to any Congressperson/staff questions
- Thank you letter to Congressperson
- Thank you letter to Staffer
- Reminder of next function, if any
- Thank you letter to TF members
- TF telephone contact list
- Congressional office telephone list
- Business cards
- Field-strip pockets/wallets/bags
- Change (1, 5, 10)
- Camera
- Mouthwash, Tylenol, Eye drops
- Basement movement
- Longworth cafeteria hours
- After hours entry through Longworth South
Capitol St. entrance - Take pictures, especially around CP table,
capitol dome, etc.