Title: Computer Science 4 Java for Video Games
1 Computer Science 4 Java for Video Games
Final Project Proposal
By Nick Vivion, David Wehrs and Janet Wu
2 Game Overview Our final project game is
called Space Flyer. The player will control a
spacecraft at the base of the screen and the
ships movement will occur on the x-axis using
the mouse. The objective of the game is to avoid
collision with enemy ships as they move down the
space canvas at random locations and random
velocities. Score will be linked to time the
longer you avoid collisions, the higher the score
(increase a certain amount over increments of
time.) Score will decrease if your ship collides
with enemy ships or if you are shot by enemy
ships. The enemy ships will disappear when shot
by bullets or if you crash into them. There
will be three levels. At the end of every level
(when the set time has expired) our ship will
reach a planet. At the final level, our ship will
reach the homeplanet and the game will be over
with the player having won. With each level
change, the enemy ships will increase in number
and move at faster velocities. However, the
amount of points you receive over time will
increase at higher levels.
3 Sprites Our Ship Enemy Ship Enemy
Bullets Our Bullets End-Game Planets Game
Statues Messages Trackers needed Enemy Ship
Our Ship Enemy Bullets Our bullets What
happens upon collisions Our Ship vs. enemy
ships? enemy ships disappear Our Ship vs. Enemy
ship bullets? enemy ships disappear and score
decreases Our ship vs. enemy ships? enemy ships
disappear and score increases How score is
kept To gain points To lose points Score
increases with time. Collisions with enemy
ships Bonus points from shooting enemy
ships Collisions with enemy bullets Levels
Three levels, with splashscreens. Resources
(images, sounds, etc.) Sounds for collisions,
increase/decrease score, winning/losing game,
change levels. An external image will be needed
for the space canvas. How the game ends Game
ends with WINNER if our ship reaches the home
planet (level 3) with a positive score. Game ends
with LOSER if score goes below zero.
Game Design
4- Essential components
- Basic game
- Our ship sprite moving on the x-axis as
controlled by the mouse - Enemy sprites moving randomly down canvas
- Collisions with enemy ships with a decrease in
score - End-game planets
- Scorer and timer
- Complex/Not necessary components
- Our ships ability to shoot bullets and destroy
enemy ships - Level changes, level messages and splashscreens
- Health meter that decreases when our ship
collides with enemy ships - Our ships ability to fire bullets
- Additional obstacles meteors, moons or other
Prioritize Features
Possible Enhancements
5 Timeline