Title: Extending the Internet Throughout the Physical World
1Extending the Internet Throughout the Physical
- Briefing to Ericsson Headquarters
- Stockholm, Sweden
- June 8, 2001
2California Institute for Telecommunications and
Information Technology
- 220 Faculty and Senior Researchers
- UC San Diego and UC Irvine
- Layered Structure
- Materials and Devices
- Networked Infrastructure
- Interfaces and Software
- Strategic Applications
- Policy
- New Funding Model (4 Years)
- State 100M
- Industry 140M
- Private 30 M
- Campus 30M
- Federal 100-200M
- Total 400-500M
- One of Four Awarded
3The Cal-(IT)2 UCSD Building in 2004
4A Broad Partnership Response from the Private
- Akamai
- Boeing
- Broadcom
- Compaq
- Conexant
- Copper Mountain
- Emulex
- Enterprise Partners VC
- Entropia
- Ericsson
- Global Photon
- IdeaEdge Ventures
- Intersil
- Irvine Sensors
- Leap Wireless
- Litton Industries
- Mission Ventures
- Newport Corporation
- Orincon
- Panoram Technologies
- Printronix
- Quantum
- R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical RI
- SciFrame
- Seagate Storage
- Silicon Wave
- Sony
- STMicroelectronics
- Sun Microsystems
- TeraBurst Networks
- Texas Instruments
- UCSD Healthcare
Computers Communications Software Sensors Biomedic
al Startups Venture Firms
Large Partners gt10M Over 4 Years
140 M Match From Industry
5Ericsson Sponsored Research
- Approach
- Initial White Papers Proposed by Faculty Teams
- Ericsson Identified Intellectual Sponsor
- Follow-up Meetings to Refine Scope and Objective
- Reviewed at Ericsson in April by Ramesh Rao, UCSD
- Topics
- Adaptive Systems for Ubiquitous Communication
- Project Scope Refined With Magnus Almgren
- Advanced Antennas
- Initiated Discussions With Sören Andersson
- Design and Analysis of CDMA Systems
- Stefan Parkeval Visited UCSD
- Power Amplifier Design
- San Diego Research
6Adaptive Systems for Ubiquitous Communication
- UCSD Faculty Team
- Cosman, Cruz, Dey, Rao, Voelker
- Objective Design of an Adaptive System That Can
- Sense All Available Network Access Systems at Any
Given Location - Seamlessly Select the Most Cost Effective Service
and - Dynamically Adapt to the Selected Service in
Support of Multimedia Applications - Approach
- Develop a Comprehensive System Model, Which Will
Include All Critical Segments That Compose Such a
System - Close Attention to the Interfaces Between Various
Segments of the Systems
- Types of Adaptations Studied Will Include
- Adaptation to Static Terminal Characteristics,
- Display Size and Processing Capabilities,
- Dynamic Characteristics
- Available Battery Reserves and User Preferences
- Adaptations to Location
- Infrastructure Capabilities
- Points of Interest to the Users
- Adaptations to the Varying Costs of Transmission
- System Interference
- Application Requirements,
- Guaranteed or Best Effort Service
8Advanced Antennas
- UCSD Team
- Masry, Milstein, Proakis, B. Rao, Siegel, Zeger,
Zeidler - Topics Proposed
- Reverse Link ST Processing
- Algorithms for interference suppression and
channel equalization - Channel estimation
- Design of detection/decoding algorithms
(iterative decoding and multiuser) - Performance analysis under fading, multiple
access interference, est. errors - Forward Link ST Processing
- Open loop space time codes
- Forward link beam forming based on reverse link
channel information - MIMO Systems
- Open and closed loop coding and decoding methods
- Channel Estimation and performance Analysis
- Adaptive Signal Processing
- Analysis of LMS algorithm for dependent channel
conditions - Analysis of Constant Modulus algorithm for
dependent channel conditions - Analysis of CDMA detectors based on these
9Design and Analysis of Wideband CDMA Systems
- Faculty Milstein, Siegel, Cosman, Zeger
- Scope
- Use of Iterative Decoding/detection/equalization
Techniques for Performance Enhancement Over
Multipath Fading Channels - Combined Source Coding, Error Correction Coding,
and Spreading. - Effects of Channel Estimation Errors on System
Performance - Use of Multiple Access Interference Suppression
Techniques Combined With Error Correction Coding
10Power Amplifier Design
- UCSD Faculty Team
- Prof. Larson and Asbeck
- Topics of study
- Explore linearization by predistortion of the
input signals - Explore Doherty and LINC techniques in power
amplifiers - Develop improved models for various transistor
families, including HBTs (for both III-V and SiGe
materials) and LDMOS - Amplifiers based on various device technologies,
including SiGe HBT and BiCMOS
11Cal-(IT)2 is Working with Computer Science
Faculty on Mobile Code
Joe Pasquale, CSE UCSD ActiveWeb Project
12Mobile Code-Based Client-Serverfor the Active Web
- Client Is Extended by Injecting Code Into
Internet - Extension Runs at Intermediate Server
- Higher Performance, Greater Reliability
- Liberated From Client Device, Bypasses Wireless
Link - Current implementation Java, JINI
Joe Pasquale, CSE UCSD ActiveWeb Project
13Cal-(IT)2 is Working with Industry on Mobile
Software Development
Source Qualcomm
14The High PerformanceWireless Research and
Education Network
Uses FCC Unlicensed Band
NSF Funded PI, Hans-Werner Braun, SDSC Co-PI,
Frank Vernon, SIO 45mbps Duplex Backbone
15The Wireless Internet Will Improve the Safety of
Californias 25,000 Bridges
New Bay Bridge Tower with Lateral Shear Links
Cal-(IT)2 Will Develop and Install Wireless
Sensor Arrays Linked to Crisis Management
Control Rooms
Source UCSD Structural Engineering Dept.
16Adding Brilliance to Wireless SensorsWith
Protocol Processors
Reconf. Logic
Source Sujit Dey, UCSD ECE
17The Institute Facilitates Faculty Teams to
Compete for Large Federal Grants
Proposal-Form a National Scale Testbed for
Federating Multi-scale Brain Databases Using NIH
High Field NMR Centers
Surface Web
Deep Web
Source Mark Ellisman, UCSD
18Traffic Flow Optimization--Extending the Orange
County Testbed
- Institute Scope
- Restructuring Traffic Flows by Sharing
Information - Sensor Based Real-Time Monitoring of Traffic
Cars - Extension of the Internet Into Automobiles
- Telematics Consortium
- Creating Intelligent Vehicles
19Cal-(IT)2 will Research Multiplayer Computer
- 3D Multiplayer Worlds
- "EverQuest The online, real-time fantasy world
lets players assume the roles of warriors and
wizards for days on end... As the decade closed,
this was the nearest you could get to being on a
Star Trek holodeck."
20Pervasive Computing Means Overlaying the
Physical and Cyber Realities
Source Virginia Tech/Univ. Illinois, MIT, Univ
Washington, UCSD
21Broadband Wireless Internet is Here Today
- Local Area Wireless Internet Watering Holes
- Ad Hoc IEEE 802.11 Domains
- Real Broadband--11 mbps Going to 54 mbps
- Security and Authentication can be Added
- But, it is Shared and Local
- MobileStar--Admiral Clubs, Starbucks, Major
Hotels, - Universities, FreeNets
- Wide Area InternetCDMA20001xEV
- Peak is 2.4 Mbps downstream, 307 kbps Upstream
- Average is 600 kbps upstream, 220 kbps down
- Extends CDMA Cellular/PCS Voice to IP Packet Data
- UCSD Has Antennas Working With Several Mile
22The UCSD Living Grid LaboratoryFiber,
Wireless, Compute, Data, Software
Source Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC
23Adding Brilliance to Information AppliancesUsing
the Wireless Internet
- Interactive Access to
- Job Status
- Application Codes
- File Storage
24Goal Smooth Handoff by Mobile Device Faced With
Heterogeneous Access Network
Our Focus Identify Issues Related to Handoff
Between WLAN and WWAN Networks and Implement a
Discussing Field Tests of Birdstep Technology
Ramesh Rao, Kameshwari Chebrolou UCSD-CWC,
25The Implementation is Based on Co-Allocated
Mobile IP
- The Mobile Terminal Obtains a Care-of-Address
(CoA) From the WLAN/WAN Network - The Mobile Terminal (MT) Informs the Home Agent
of the CoA - The Home Agent Routes Packets From the Remote
Host to This CoA by Tunneling (Encapsulation) - The MT Does the Decapsulation
- The MT Sends Packets Directly to the Remote Host
Ramesh Rao, Kameshwari Chebrolou UCSD-CWC,
26Extending Our Work to Bluetooth
- Coexistence Mechanisms for Interference
Mitigation - Between 802.11 WLANs and 802.15 WPANs
- Collaborative and Non-Collaborative Mechanisms
- A Novel Non-Collaborative Scheme
- For Both Synchronous and Asynchronous 802.15
Traffic - Significant Reduction in Interference
- Project Between
- Carla Chiasserini Politecnico di Torino Italy
- Ramesh R. Rao Cal-(IT)2, UCSD
- Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks
- Stefan Savage, Geoff Voelker, Keith Marzullo
UCSD CSE - Acquire 100 iPAQ's Connected with Bluetooth
- DARPA Proposal Under Review
27Throughput Enhancement Using Multiple Wireless
Home Agent
Remote Host
Ramesh Rao, Kameshwari Chebrolou UCSD-CWC,
28Implement Using a Channel Striping Algorithm
- Use a Mobile IP-Like Infrastructure to Schedule
the Packets Onto the Multiple Interfaces - The Scheduling Algorithm Is Implemented on the
Home Agent and the Mobile Terminal - Create an Interface Selector That Manages the
Multiple Interfaces by Picking the Least Cost
Interfaces That Satisfy the Bandwidth
Requirements of the Applications
Ramesh Rao, Kameshwari Chebrolou UCSD-CWC,
29The Era of Guerilla Infrastructure--Unexpected
- Guerilla vs. Commercial Infrastructure
- Bottom Up
- Completely Decentralized
- Self-Assembling
- Use at Your Own Risk
- Paves the Way for Commercial Deployment
- Examples
- NSFnet?Internet
- NCSA Mosaic?Web
- IEEE 802.11?Broadband Wireless Internet
- Napster?Peer-to-Peer Storage
- SETI_at_home?Peer-to-Peer Computing
30Universities Are Rapidly Moving to Deploy 802.11
- Project Monarch
- Developing Networking Protocols Protocol
Interfaces to Allow Seamless Wireless and Mobile
Host Networking - Been Working with 802.11 for Two Years
- Requires All Freshman to Have a Laptop
- Seven Buildings with 802.11 in Classroom, Labs,
Dorms - Joint with Cisco
- University of Houston
- 120 Distributed 802.11 Nodes
- KTH-IT, Stockholm
- 45 nodes, 512 laptop clients in Fall
- University of California San Diego
- Bridging 802.11 WLAN with CDMA2000 WAN
- Wide Array of Clients
31University Free Nets are Leading to Community
Open Access Networks
- Free Access to Local Information
- Gateway to Choice of Internet ISPs
- Ericsson is Co-Sponsor
- KTH and the City of Stockholm cooperating
- Beginning to Deploy Bay Stations in City
- Discussions on Creating SwedenOpen
32Rapidly Growing 802.11b Community Wireless
Network in Seattle
We are using widely-available, license-free
technology to create a free, locally-owned
wireless backbone. This is a MetropolitanAreaNetw
ork (not just a "wireless LAN" in your home or
business) and a community-owned, distributed
system (not yet another service provider to whom
you owe a monthly bill).
33The 802.11b WLAN Node Movement Has Hit Sweden!
- If you have a broadband or DSL connection in
your home or office, buy an access point, hook it
up, and you are a node operator. - The project grew out of a skepticism towards the
claims of the telecom industry regarding the
usefulness and success of the future "third
generation mobile telephone systems" as the only
means to implement "the wireless Internet". - We envision a cloud of free Internet
connectivity that will cover most inhabited
areas. The coverage might be spotty, vary over
time, and be hard to control or predict, just
like a fog or smog. - 369 members as of June 1, 2001
34Will The Planned Global Rollout of 3G Proceed as
- Lack of 3G Global Standardization
- Constrains Economies of Scale
- The Economics of Telecom
- The Huge Debt Load
- The Investment in 3G Buildout
- Is There a Business Case to Recoup?
- Technological Breakouts
- IEEE 802.11 Buildout
- 3G (Data-Only) Can Deploy Now (CDMA20001xEV)
- Will They Skim the Cream of the 3G Market?