Title: Preference Elicitation in Single and Multiple User Settings
1Preference Elicitation in Single and Multiple
User Settings
- Darius Braziunas, Craig Boutilier, 2005
- (Boutilier, Patrascu, Poupart, Shuurmans, 2003,
2005) - Nathanael Hyafil, Craig Boutilier, 2006a, 2006b
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Toronto
- Preference Elicitation in A.I.
- Single User Elicitation
- Foundations of Local queries BB-05
- Bayesian Elicitation BB-05
- Regret-based Elicitation BPPS-03,05
- Multi-agent Elicitation (Mechanism Design)
- One-Shot Elicitation HB-06b
- Sequential Mechanisms HB-06a
3Preference Elicitation in AI
Luggage Capacity? Two Door? Cost? Engine
Size? Color? Options?
Shopping for a Car
4The Preference Bottleneck
- Preference elicitation the process of
determining a users preferences/utilities to the
extent necessary to make a decision on her behalf - Why a bottleneck?
- preferences vary widely
- large (multiattribute) outcome spaces
- quantitative utilities (the numbers) difficult
to assess
5Automated Preference Elicitation
- The interesting questions
- decomposition of preferences
- what preference info is relevant to the task at
hand? - when is the elicitation effort worth the
improvement it offers in terms of decision
quality? - what decision criterion to use given partial
utility info?
- Preference Elicitation in A.I.
- Constraint-based Optimization
- Factored Utility Models
- Types of Uncertainty
- Types of Queries
- Single User Elicitation
- Multi-agent Elicitation (Mechanism Design)
7Constraint-based Decision Problems
- Constraint-based optimization (CBO)
- outcomes over variables X X1 Xn
- constraints C over X spell out feasible decisions
- generally compact structure, e.g., X1 X2 ?
X3 - add a utility function u Dom(X) ? R
- preferences over configurations
8Constraint-based Decision Problems
- Must express u compactly like C
- generalized additive independence (GAI)
- model proposed by Fishburn (1967) and BG95
- nice generalization of additive linear models
- given by graphical model capturing independence
9Factored Utilities GAI Models
- Set of K factors fk over subset of vars Xk
- local utility for each local configuration
- Fishburn67 u in this form exists iff
- lotteries p and q are equally preferred whenever
p and q have the same marginals over each Xk
10Optimization with GAI Models
f1(A) a 3 a 1
f2(B) b 3 b 1
f3(BC) bc 12 bc 2
- Optimize using simple IP (or Var Elim, or)
- number of vars linear in size of GAI model
11Difficulties in CBO
- Constraint elicitation
- generally stable across different users
- Utility (objective) representation
- GAI solidifies many of intuitions in soft
constraints - Utility elicitation how do we assess individual
user preferences? - need to elicit GAI model structure (independence)
- need to elicit (constraints on) GAI parameters
- need to make decisions with imprecise parameters
12Strict Utility Function Uncertainty
- Users actual utility u unknown
- Assume feasible set F? U 0,1n
- allows for unquantified or strict uncertainty
- e.g., F a set of linear constraints on GAI terms
- How should one make a decision? elicit info?
u(red,2door,280hp) gt 0.4 u(red,2door,280hp) gt
13Strict Uncertainty Representation
f1(L) l 7,11 l 2,5
f2(L,N) l,n 2,4 l,n 1,2
Utility Function
14Bayesian Utility Function Uncertainty
- Users actual utility u unknown
- Assume density P over U 0,1n
- Given belief state P, EU of decision x is EU(x
, P) ?U (px . u) P( u ) du - Decision making is easy, but elicitation harder?
- must assess expected value of information in query
15Bayesian Representation
f1(L) l l
f2(L,N) l,n l,n
Utility Function
16Query Types
- Comparison queries (is x preferred to x ?)
- impose linear constraints on parameters
- Sk fk(xk) gt Sk fk(xk)
- Interpretation is straightforward
17Query Types
- Bound queries (is fk(xk) gt v ?)
- response tightens bound on specific utility
parameter - can be phrased as a local standard gamble query
- Preference Elicitation in A.I.
- Single User Elicitation
- Foundations of Local queries
- Bayesian Elicitation
- Regret-based Elicitation
- Multi-agent Elicitation (Mechanism Design)
- One-Shot Elicitation
- Sequential Mechanisms
19Difficulties with Bound Queries
- Bound queries focus on local factors
- but values cannot be fixed without reference to
others! - seemingly different local prefs correspond to
same u
u(Color,Doors,Power) u1(Color,Doors)
u2(Doors,Power) u(red,2door,280hp)
u1(red,2door) u2(2door,280hp) u(red,4door,280h
p) u1(red,4door) u2(4door,280hp)
20Local Queries BB05
- We wish to avoid queries on whole outcomes
- cant ask purely local outcomes
- but can condition on a subset of default values
- Conditioning set C(f) for factor fi(Xi)
- variables that share factors with Xi
- setting default outcomes on C(f) renders Xi
independent of remaining variables - enables local calibration of factor values
21Local Standard Gamble Queries
- Local std. gamble queries
- use best and worst (anchor) local outcomes
-- conditioned on default values of conditioning
set - bound queries on other parameters relative to
these - gives local value function v(xi) (e.g., v(ABC)
) - Hence we can legitimately ask local queries
- But local Value Functions not enough
- must calibrate requires global scaling
22Global Scaling
- Elicit utilities of anchor outcomes wrt global
best and worst outcomes - the 2m best and worst outcomes for each
factor - these require global std gamble queries (note
same is true for pure additive models)
23Bound Query Strategies
- Identify conditioning sets Ci for each factor fi
- Decide on default outcome
- For each fi identify top and bottom anchors
- e.g., the most and least preferred values of
factor i - given default values of Ci
- Queries available
- local std gambles use anchors for each factor,
C-sets - global std gambles gives bounds on anchor
- Preference Elicitation in A.I.
- Single User Elicitation
- Foundations of Local queries
- Bayesian Elicitation
- Regret-based Elicitation
- Multi-agent Elicitation (Mechanism Design)
- One-Shot Elicitation
- Sequential Mechanisms
25Partial preference informationBayesian
- Probability distribution p over utility functions
- Maximize expected (expected) utility
- MEU decision x arg maxx Ep u(x)
- Consider
- elicitation costs
- values of possible decisions
- optimal tradeoffs between elicitation effort and
improvement in decision quality
26Query selection
- At each step of elicitation process, we can
- obtain more preference information
- make or recommend a terminal decision
27Bayesian approachMyopic EVOI
28Expected value of information
- MEU(p) Ep u(x)
- Expected posterior utility EPU(q,p) Erq,p
MEU(pr) - Expected value of information of query q
- EVOI(q) EPU(q,p) MEU(p)
29Bayesian approachMyopic EVOI
- Ask query with highest EVOI - cost
- Chajewska et al 00
- Global standard gamble queries (SGQ) Is u(oi) gt
l? - Multivariate Gaussian distributions over
utilities - Braziunas and Boutilier 05
- Local SGQ over utility factors
- Mixture of uniforms distributions over utilities
30Local elicitation in GAI models Braziunas and
Boutilier 05
- Local elicitation procedure
- Bayesian uncertainty over local factors
- Myopic EVOI query selection
- Local comparison query
- Is local value of factor setting xi greater than
l? - Binary comparison query
- Requires yes/no response
- query point l can be optimized analytically
- Car rental domain 378 parameters Boutilier et
al. 03 - 26 variables, 2-9 values each, 13 factors
- 2 strategies
- Semi-random query
- Query factor and local configuration chosen at
random - Query point set to the mean of local value
function - EVOI query
- Search through factors and local configurations
- Query point optimized analytically
Percentage utility error (w.r.t. true max
No. of queries
33Bayesian Elicitation Future Work
- GAI structure elicitation and verification
- Sequential EVOI
- Noisy responses
- Single User Elicitation
- Foundations of Local queries
- Bayesian Elicitation
- Regret-based Elicitation
- why MiniMax Regret (MMR) ?
- Decision making with MMR
- Elicitation with MMR
- Multi-agent Elicitation (Mechanism Design)
35Minimax Regret Utility Uncertainty
- Regret of x w.r.t. u
- Max regret of x w.r.t. F
- Decision with minimax regret w.r.t. F
36Why Minimax Regret?
- Appealing decision criterion for strict
uncertainty - contrast maximin, etc.
- not often used for utility uncertainty
37Why Minimax Regret?
- Minimizes regret in presence of adversary
- provides bound worst-case loss
- robustness in the face of utility function
uncertainty - In contrast to Bayesian methods
- useful when priors not readily available
- can be more tractable see CKP00/02, Bou02
- effective elicitation even if priors available
- Single User Elicitation
- Foundations of Local queries
- Bayesian Elicitation
- Regret-based Elicitation
- why MiniMax Regret (MMR) ?
- Decision making with MMR
- Elicitation with MMR
- Multi-agent Elicitation (Mechanism Design
39Computing Max Regret
- Max regret MR(x,F) computed as an IP
- number of vars linear in GAI model size
- number of (precomputed) constants (i.e., local
regret terms) quadratic in GAI model size - r( xk , xk ) u(xk ) u(xk )
40Minimax Regret in Graphical Models
- We convert minimax to min (standard trick)
- obtain a MIP with one constraint per feasible
config - linearly many vars (in utility model size)
- Key question can we avoid enumerating all x ?
41Constraint Generation
- Very few constraints will be active in solution
- Iterative approach
- solve relaxed IP (using a subset of constraints)
- Solve for maximally violated constraint
- if any add it and repeat else terminate
42Constraint Generation Performance
- Key properties
- aim graphical structure permits practical
solution - convergence (usually very fast, few constraints)
- very nice anytime properties
- considerable scope for approximation
- produces solution x as well as witness xw
- Single User Elicitation
- Foundations of Local queries
- Bayesian Elicitation
- Regret-based Elicitation
- why MiniMax Regret (MMR) ?
- Decision making with MMR
- Elicitation with MMR
- Multi-agent Elicitation (Mechanism Design)
44Regret-based ElicitationBoutilier, Patrascu,
Poupart, Schuurmans IJCAI05 AIJ 06
- Minimax optimal solution may not be satisfactory
- Improve quality by asking queries
- new bounds on utility model parameters
- Which queries to ask?
- what will reduce regret most quickly?
- myopically? sequentially?
- Closed form solution seems infeasible
- to date weve looked only at heuristic elicitation
45Elicitation Strategies I
- Halve Largest Gap (HLG)
- ask if parameter with largest gap gt midpoint
- MMR(U) maxgap(U), hence n?log(maxgap(U)/e)
queries needed to reduce regret to e - bound is tight
- like polyhedral-based conjoint analysis THS03
46Elicitation Strategies II
- Current Solution (CS)
- only ask about parameters of optimal solution x
or regret-maximizing witness xw - intuition focus on parameters that contribute to
regret - reducing u.b. on xw or increasing l.b. on x
helps - use early stopping to get regret bounds (CS-5sec)
47Elicitation Strategies III
- Optimistic-pessimistic (OP)
- query largest-gap parameter in one of
- optimistic solution xo
- pessimistic solution xp
- Computation
- CS needs minimax optimization
- OP needs standard optimization
- HLG needs no optimization
- Termination
- CS easy
- Others ?
48Results (Small Random)
10vars lt 5 vals 10 factors, at most 3
vars Avg 45 trials
49Results (Car Rental, Unif)
26 vars 61 billion configs 36 factors, at most
5 vars 150 parameters Avg 45 trials
50Results (Real Estate, Unif)
20 vars 47 million configs 29 factors, at most
5 vars 100 parameters Avg 45 trials
51Results (Large Rand, Unif)
25 vars lt 5 vals 20 factors, at most 3 vars A
45 trials
52Summary of Results
- CS works best on test problems
- time bounds (CS-5) little impact on query
quality - always know max regret (or bound) on solution
- time bound adjustable (use bounds, not time)
- OP competitive on most problems
- computationally faster (e.g., 0.1s vs 14s on
RealEst) - no regret computed so termination decisions
harder - HLG much less promising
- provable regret reduced very quickly
- But
- true regret faster (often to optimality)
- OP and CS restricted to feasible decisions
- CS focuses on relevant parameters
54Conclusion Single User
- Local parameter elicitation
- Theoretically sound
- Computationally practical
- Easier to answer
- Bayesian EVOI / Regret-based elicitation
- Good guides for elicitation
- Integrated in computationally tractable
algorithms - Future Work
- Sequential reasoning
- References
- D. Braziunas and C. Boutilier
- Local Utility Elicitation in GAI Models, UAI
2005 - C. Boutilier, R. Patrascu, P. Poupart, D.
Shuurmans - Constraint-based Optimization and Utility
Elicitation using the Minimax Decision
Criterion, Artificial Intelligence, 2006 - (CP-2003 IJCAI 2005)
56Preference Elicitation in Single and Multiple
User Settings Part 2
- Darius Braziunas, Craig Boutilier, 2005
- (Boutilier, Patrascu, Poupart, Shuurmans, 2003,
2005) - Nathanael Hyafil, Craig Boutilier, 2006a, 2006b
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Toronto
- Single User Elicitation
- Foundations of Local queries
- Bayesian Elicitation
- Regret-based Elicitation
- Multi-agent Elicitation
- Background Mechanism Design
- Partial Revelation Mechanisms
- One-Shot Elicitation
- Sequential Mechanisms
58Bargaining for a Car
Luggage Capacity? Two Door? Cost? Engine
Size? Color? Options?
59Multiagent PE Mechanism Design
- Incentive to misrepresent preferences
- Mechanism design tackles this
- Design rules of game to induce behavior that
leads to maximization of some objective (e.g.,
Social Welfare, Revenue, ...) - Objective value depends on private information
held by self-interested agents ? Elicitation
Incentives - Applications
- Auctions, multi-attribute Negotiation,
Procurement problems, - Network protocols, Autonomic computing, ...
60Basic Social Choice Setup
- Choice of x from outcomes X
- Agents 1..n type ti ?Ti and valuation vi(x,
ti) - Type vectors t?T and t-i ?T-i
- Goal optimize social choice function f T ? X
- e.g., social welfare SW(x,t) ? vi(x, ti)
- Assume payments and quasi-linear utility
- ui(x, ?i ,ti ) vi(x, ti ) - ?i
- Our focus SW maximization, quasi-linear utility
61Basic Mechanism Design
- A mechanism m consists of three components
- actions Ai
- allocation function O A? X
- payment functions pi A? R
- m induces a Bayesian game
- m implements social choice function f if
- in equilibrium ? O(?(t)) f(t) for all t?T
62Incentive Compatibility (Truth-telling)
- Dominant Strategy IC
- No matter what agent i should tell the truth
- Bayes-Nash IC
- Assume others tell the truth
- Assume agent i has Bayesian prior over others
types - Then, in expectation, agent i should tell the
truth - Ex-Post IC
- Assume others tell the truth
- Assume agent i knows the others types
- Then agent i should tell the truth
- Mechanism is Efficient
- maximizes SW given reported types
- ? -efficient within ? of optimal SW
- Ex Post Individually Rational
- No agent can lose by participating
- ?-IR can lose at most ?
64Direct Mechanisms
- Revelation principle focus on direct mechanisms
where agents directly and (in eq.) truthfully
reveal their full types - For example, Groves scheme (e.g., VCG)
- choose efficient allocation and use payment
function - implements SWM in dominant strategies
- incentive compatible, efficient, individually
65Groves Schemes
- Strong results Groves is basically the only
choice for dominant strategy implementation - Roberts (1979) only social choice functions
implementable in dominant strategies are affine
welfare maximizers (if all valuations possible) - Green and Laffont (1977) must use Groves
payments to implement affine maximizers - Implications for partial revelation
66Issues with Classical Mechanism Design
- Computation Costs
- e.g., Winner Determination
- Revelation Costs
- Communication
- Computation
- Cognitive
- Privacy
67Issues with Classical Mechanism Design
- Full Revelation and Quality
- trade-off revelation costs with Social Welfare
- Full Revelation and Incentives
- very dependent
- need new concepts
- Single User Elicitation
- Foundations of Local queries
- Bayesian Elicitation
- Regret-based Elicitation
- Multi-agent Elicitation
- Background Mechanism Design
- Partial Revelation Mechanisms
- One-Shot Elicitation
- Sequential Mechanisms
69Partial Revelation Mechanisms
- Full revelation unappealing
- A partial type is any subset ?i ? Ti
- A one-shot (direct) partial revelation mechanism
- each agent reports a partial type ?i ? ?i
- typically ?i partitions type space, but not
required - A truthful strategy report ?i s.t. ti ? ?i
- Goal minimize revelation, computation,
communication by suitable choice of partial types
70Implications of Roberts
- Partial revelation means we cant generally
maximize social welfare - must allocate under type uncertainty
- But if SCF is not an affine maximizer, we cant
expect dominant strategy implementation - What are some solutions?
- relax solution concept to BNE / Ex-Post
- relax solution concept to approx incentives
- incremental and hope for less than full
elicitation - relax conditions on Roberts results
71Existing Work on PRMs Conen,Hudson,Sandholm,
Parkes, NisanSegal, BlumrosenNisan
- Most Approaches
- require enough revelation to determine optimal
allocation and VCG payments - hence cant offer savings in general
NisanSegal05 - Sequential, not one-shot
- specific settings (1-item, combinatorial
auctions) - Priority games BlumrosenNisan 02
- genuinely partial and approximate efficiency
- but very restricted valuation space (1-item)
72Preference Elicitation in MechDes
- We move beyond this by allowing approximately
optimal allocation - specifically, regret-based allocation models
- Avoid Roberts by relaxing solution concept
- Bayes-Nash equilibrium?
- NO! HB-06b
- Ex-Post IC?
- NO ! HB-06b
- approximate, ex-post implementation
73Partial Revelation MD Impossibility Results
- Bayes-Nash Equilibrium
- Theorem HB-06b
- Deterministic PRMs are Trivial
- Randomized PRMs are Pseudo-Trivial
- Consequences
- max expected SW same as best trivial
- max expected revenue same as best trivial
- ? Useless
- Ex-Post Equilibrium
- Same
- Single User Elicitation
- Foundations of Local queries
- Bayesian Elicitation
- Regret-based Elicitation
- Multi-agent Elicitation
- Background Mechanism Design
- Partial Revelation Mechanisms
- One-Shot Elicitation
- Sequential Mechanisms
75Regret-based PRMs
- In any PRM, how is allocation to be chosen?
- x(?) is minimax optimal decision for
- A regret-based PRM O(?)x(?) for all ? ? ?
76Regret-based PRMs Efficiency
- Efficiency not possible with PRMs (unless MR0)
- but bounds are quite obvious
- Prop If MR(x(?),?) ? ? for all ? ??, then
regret-based PRM m is ?-efficient for
truthtelling agents. - thus we can tradeoff efficiency for elicitation
77Regret-based PRMs Incentives
- Can generalize Groves payments
- let fi (?i) be an arbitrary type in ?i
- Thm Let m be a regret-based PRM with
- partial types ? and a
- partial Groves payment scheme.
- If MR(x(?),?) ? ? for all ? ??, then m is
?-ex post incentive compatible
78Regret-based PRMs Rationality
- Can generalize Clark payments as well
- Thm Let m be a regret-based PRM with
- partial types ? and a
- partial Clark payment scheme.
- If MR(x(?),?) ? ? for all ? ??, then m is
?-ex post individually rational. - A Clark-style regret-based PRM gives approximate
efficiency, approximate IC (ex post) and
approximate IR (ex post)
79Approximate Incentives and IR
- Natural to trade off efficiency for elicitation
effort - Is approximate IC acceptable?
- computing a good lie?
- Good?
- Huge computation costs
- if incentive to deviate from truth is small
enough, then formal, approximate IC ensures
practical, exact IC - Is approximate IR acceptable?
- Similar argument
- Thus regret-based PRMs offer scope to tradeoff
- as long as we can find a good set of partial types
80Computation and Design/Elicitation
- Minimax optimization given partial type vector ?
- same techniques as for single agent
- varies with setting (experiments CBO with GAI)
- Designing the mechanism
- one-shot PRM must choose partial types for each
i - sequential PRM need elicitation strategy
- we apply generalization of CS to each task
81(One-shot) Partial Type Optimization
- Designing PRM must pick partial types
- we focus on bounds on utility parameters
- A simple greedy approach
- Let ? be current partial type vectors (initially
T ) - Let ? (?1, ?i,?n ) ? ? be partial type vector
with greatest MMR - Choose agent i and suitable split of partial type
?i into ?i and ?i - Replace all ? ???i by pair of vectors ?i ?
?i ?i - Repeat until bound ? is acceptable
82The Mechanism Tree
83A More Refined Approach
- Simple model has drawbacks
- exponential blowup (naïve partitioning)
- split of ?i useful in reducing regret in one
partial type vector ?, but is applied at all
partial type vectors - Refinement
- apply split only at leaves where it is useful
- keeps tree from blowing up, saves computation
- new splits traded off against cached splits
- once done, use either naïve/variable resolution
types for each agent
84Naïve vs. Variable Resolution
85Heuristic for Choosing Splits
- Adopt variant of current solution strategy
- Let ? be partial type vector with max MMR
- optimal solution x regret-maximizing witness xw
- only split on parameters of utility functions of
optimal solution x or regret-maximizing witness
xw - intuition focus on parameters that contribute to
regret - reducing u.b. on xw or increasing l.b. on x
helps - pick agent-parameter pair with largest gap
86Preliminary Empirical Results
- Very preliminary results
- use only very naïve algorithm
- single buyer, single seller
- 16 goods specified by 4 boolean variables
- valuation/cost given by GAI model
- two factors, two vars each (buyer/seller factors
are different) - thus 16 values/costs specified by 8 parameters
- no constraints on feasible allocations
87Preliminary Empirical Results
- Single User Elicitation
- Foundations of Local queries
- Bayesian Elicitation
- Regret-based Elicitation
- Multi-agent Elicitation
- Background Mechanism Design
- Partial Revelation Mechanisms
- One-Shot Elicitation
- Sequential Mechanisms
89Sequential PRMs
- Optimization of one-shot PRMs unable to exploit
conditional queries - e.g., if seller cost of x greater than your upper
bound, neednt ask you for your valuation of x - Sequential PRMs
- incrementally elicit partial type information
- apply similar heuristics for designing query
policy - incentive properties somewhat weaker opportunity
to manipulate payments by altering the query path - thus additional criteria can be used to optimize
90Sequential PRMs Definition
- Set of queries Qi
- response r?Ri(qi) interpreted as partial type ?i
(r) ? Ti - history h sequence of query-response pairs
possibly followed by allocation (terminal) - Sequential mechanism m maps
- nonterminal histories to queries/allocations
- terminal histories to set of payment functions pi
- Revealed partial type ?i(h) intersect. ?i (r), r
in h - m is partial revelation if exists realizable
terminal h s.t. ?i(h) admits more than one type
91Sequential PRMs Properties
- Strategies ?i(hi ,qi ,ti) selects responses
- ?i is truthful if ti ? ?i (?i(hi ,qi ,ti))
- truthful strategies must be history independent
- (Determ.) strategy profile ? induces history h
- if h is terminal, then quasi-linear utility
realized - if history is unbounded, then assume utility 0
- Regret-based PRM allocation defined as in one-shot
92Max VCG Payment Scheme
- Assume terminal history h
- let ? be revealed PTV at h, x(?) be allocation
- Max VCG payment scheme
- where VCG payment is
93Incentive Properties
- Suppose we elicit type info until MMR allocation
has max regret ? ? and we use max VCG - Define
- Thm m is ?-efficient, ?-ex post IR and
(??(x(?)))-ex post IC. - weaker results due to possible payment
94Elicitation Approaches
- Two Phases
- Standard max regret based approaches
- give us bounds on efficiency ?, no a priori ?
bounds - Regret-based followed by payment elicitation
- once ? small enough, elicit additional payment
information until max ? is small enough
95Elicitation Approaches
- Direct optimization
- global manipulability u(best lie) - u(truth)
- ask queries that directly reduce global
manipulability - can be formulated as regret-style optimization
- analogous query strategies possible
96Test Domains
- Car Rental Problem
- 1 client , 2 dealers
- GAI valuation/costs 13 factors, size 1-4
- Car 8 attributes, 2-9 values
- Total 825 parameters
- Small Random Problems
- supplier-selection, 1 buyer, 2 sellers
- 81 parameters
97Results Car Rental
Initial regret 99 of opt SW Zero-regret 71/77
queries Avg remaining uncertainty 92 vs 64 at
zero-manipulability Avg nb params queried 8
- relevant parameters
- reduces revelation
- improves decision quality
98Results Random Problems
- Theoretical framework for Partial Revelation Mech
Design - One-shot mechanisms
- generalize VCG to PRMs (allocation payments)
- v. general payments secondary objectives
- algorithm to design partial types
- Sequential mechanisms
- slightly different model, but similar results
- algorithm to design query strategy
- Viewpoint why approximate incentives are useful
- Approximate decision ? trade off cost vs.
quality - Formal, approximate IC ensures practical, exact
IC - Applicable to general Mechanism Design problems
- Empirically very effective
100PRMs Future Work
- Further investigate splitting / elicitation
heuristics - More experimentation
- Larger problems
- Combinatorial Auctions
- Formal model manipulability cost ? formal,
exact IC - Formal model revelation costs ? explicit
revelation vs efficiency trade-off - Sequentially optimal elicitation
101Questions ?
- References
- Nathanael Hyafil and Craig Boutilier
- Regret-based Incremental Partial Revelation
Mechanisms, AAAI 2006 - One-shot Partial Revelation Mechanisms, Working
Paper, 2006
102Extra Slides - Part 1
103Fishburn 1967 Default Outcomes
- Define default outcome
- For any x, let xI be restriction of x to vars
I, with remaining replaced by default values - Utility of x can be written F67
- sum of utilities of certain related key outcomes
104Key Outcome Decomposition
- Example GAI over IABC, JBCD, KDE
- u(x) u(xI) u(xJ) u(xK)
- - u(xI?J) - u(xI?K) - u(xJ?K)
- u(xI?J?K)
- u(abcde) u(xabc) u(xbcd) u(xde)
- - u(xbc) - u(x) - u(xd)
- u(x)
- u(abcde) u(abcd0e0) u(a0bcde0) u(a0b0c0de)
- - u(a0bcd0e0) - u(a0b0c0de0)
105Canonical Decompostion F67
- This leads to canonical decompostion of u
u1(x1, x2)
u2(x2, x3)
- u(abcde) u(abcd0e0)
- u(a0bcde0) - u(a0bcd0e0)
- u(a0b0c0de) - u(a0b0c0de0)
106Local Queries
- Thus, if for some y (where Y X \ Xi \ C(Xi) )
- then for all y
- hence we can legitimately ask local queries
107Implications for Minimax Regret
- Complicates MMR
- utility of outcome depends linearly on GAI
parameters - but GAI parameters depend on bounds induced by
two types of queries quadratic constraints - Local pairwise regret notion can be modified
- To compute rxkxk
- set values vxk to u.b. and vxk to l.b.
- If vxk? gt vxk? max u(xTk) and min
u(x?k) - otherwise do the opposite
108Bayesian Utility Function Uncertainty
- Users actual utility u unknown
- Assume density P over U 0,1n
- Given belief state P, EU of decision x is
- Decision making is easy, but elicitation harder?
- must assess expected value of information in query
109Extra Slides - Part 2