Title: Probabilistic Process Calculus and Authentication
1Probabilistic Process Calculusand Authentication
- P.D. Lincoln J.C. Mitchell
M. Mitchell A. Scedrov -
- Supported by ONR MURI
2Main Scientific Problem
- How powerful is the adversary?
- Simple replay of previous messages
- Decompose, reassemble and resend
- Statistical analysis of network traffic
- Timing attacks
- No absolute notion of security
- Weak adversary any correct system is secure
- Strong adversary nothing is secure
3Analyzing Security Protocols
- Think long and hard
- BAN and other belief logics
- Search using symbolic representation of states
- Meadows NRL Analyzer, Millen Interrogator
- Exhaustive state-enumeration tools
- Model checking using FDR Lowe, Roscoe, Mur?,
... - New directions
- Abadi-Gordon Spi-calculus
- Probabilistic poly-time framework
4Dolev-Yao model
- Formal protocol analysis uses Dolev-Yao model
- Adversary is nondeterministic process
- Adversary can
- Block network traffic
- Read any message, decompose into parts
- Decrypt if key is known to adversary
- Insert new message from data it has observed
- Adversary cannot
- Gain partial knowledge
- Guess part of a key
- Perform statistical tests,
5Process Calculus Description
- Protocol defined by set of processes
- Each process gives one step of one principal
- Can derive by translation from unifying notation
- F1, , Fk ?? ?x1 ?xm. G1, , Gn is one
process - Replace predicates by port names
- Replace pattern-matching by explicit
destructuring - In pi-calculus, use ? in place of ?
- Example
- B1(x,y) ?? N2(x,y), B2(x,y)
- b1(p). let xfst(p) and ysnd(p) in n2?x,y? b2
?x,y? end
6Recent Language Approach AG97
- Write protocol in process calculus
- Express security using observational equivalence
- Standard relation from programming language
theory - P ? Q iff for all contexts C , same
- observations about CP and CQ
- Context (environment) represents adversary
- Use proof rules for ? to prove security
- Protocol is secure if no adversary can
distinguish it from some idealized version of the
7Power and limitations
- Can find some attacks
- Needham-Schroeder by exhaustive search
- Other attacks are outside model
- Interaction between protocol and encryption
- Some protocols cannot be modeled
- Probabilistic protocols
- Steps that require specific properties of
encryption - Possible to prove erroneous protocol correct
8Probabilistic Poly-time Analysis
Our Framework P. Lincoln, J.
Mitchell, M. Mitchell, A. Scedrov
- Process calculus approach, add probability
- Probabilistic polynomial-time process calculus
- Protocols use probabilistic primitives
- Key generation, nonce, probabilistic encryption,
... - Adversary may be probabilistic
- Modal type system guarantees complexity bounds
- Express protocol and specification in calculus
- Study security using observational equivalence
- Use probabilistic form of process equivalence
9Technical Challenges
- Language for prob. poly-time functions
- Extend Hofmann language with rand
- Replace nondeterminism with probability
- Otherwise adversary is too strong
- Probabilistic scheduling vs. private channels
- Define probabilistic equivalence
- Related to poly-time statistical tests ...
- Develop specification by equivalence
- Bellare-Rogaway mutual authentication protocol
- Proof systems for probabilistic equivalence
10Nondeterminism is traditional, but ...
- Nondeterminism is a useful idealization
- Classical ? disguised as a computational
primitive - Expresses extreme good luck or bad luck
- Nondeterministic algorithm for traveling salesman
- Guess a path and check that it is correct
- Nondeterministic semantics for parallel
composition - Treat any possible interleaving as significantly
possible - Appropriate for worst case correctness
- Not an intrinsic property of system itself
11Nondeterminism breaks encryption
- Alice encrypts message and sends to Bob
- A ? B msg K
- Adversary uses nondeterministic parallelism
- Process E0 ?E?0? ?E?0? ?E ?0?
- Process E1 ?E ?1? ?E ?1? ?E ?1?
- Process E ?E?b1?.?E?b2?...?E?bn?.
decrypt(b1b2...bn, msg) - In reality, adversary has ? 2-n chance to guess
n-bit key
12Solution probabilistic scheduler
- Define operational semantics
- Probabilistic steps let x M in P ?r
v/xP - Nondeterministic choice between parallel
processes - Each run requires probabilistic scheduler
- Chooses step from nondeterministic alternatives
- Scheduler runs in probabilistic polynomial time
- Quantify over schedulers to get universal
properties - Similar ideas in literature on Markov decision
13Toward probabilistic equivalence
- Background poly-time statistical tests
- Standard notion from cryptography
- Define crypto. strong pseudo-random sequence
- Main ideas
- Pseudo-random generator family G Gnngt0
- Test generator Gn in time poly(n)
- Compare Test(Gk(random(n)) to Test(random(nk))
- Generator secure if results within 1/poly(n)
14Observing Probabilistic Process
- Observations
- Compare ProbP ? yes - Prob Q ? yes lt
? - How small ? is small ?
- Less than 1/2, 1/4, ? (not equiv relation
for fixed ?) - Vanishingly small ?
- How fast should ? ? 0 ? As a function of what?
- Cryptographic protocols
- Use encryption keys of a certain length
- Protocol is family Pn ngt0 indexed by key
length - Increasing key length ? increasing security
15Probabilistic Observational Equiv
- Processes P, Q are ?-indistinguishable
- P ?? Q if ? contexts C . ? observations v.
- ProbCP ? v - ProbCQ ? v
lt ? - Asymptotically within f
- Process, context families Pn ngt0 Qn ngt0
Cn ngt0 - P ?f Q if ? contexts C . ? obs v. ?n0 . ? ngt
n0 . - ProbCnPn ? v - ProbCnQn ?
v lt f(n) - Asymptotically polynomially indistinguishable
- P ? Q if P ?f Q for every polynomial f(n)
1/p(n) - Final defn gives robust
equivalence relation
16Scheduling silent actions
- Private channel communication not observable
- Any process P should be equivalent to a process
that transmits some value on a private channel,
discards the result, and then proceeds as P - P ? (?c).(?c??? c(x).P)
- Problem with uniform probabilistic scheduler
- P ?A ??? is run in parallel with ?A?1?
- ?A??? ?A?1? ?? (?c).(?c ??? c(x).?A ??? )
?A?1? - Silent action biases the process
- Our solution silent actions have priority
17Needham-Schroeder Private Key
- Analyze part of the protocol P
- A ? B i K
- B ? A f(i) K
- Obviously secret protocol Q (zero
knowledge) - A ? B random_number K
- B ? A random_number K
- Analysis P ? Q reduces to crypto condition
- related to non-malleability Dolev, Dwork,
Naor - not true for RSA encryption, f(i) 2i
18Pseudo-random family of functions
- Family generated from random seed
- Pn let b function 0,1?2n ? 0,1n gen.
from n random bits - in make b public end
- Truly random function
- Qn let b random function 0,1?2n ? 0,1n
- in make b public end
- P is pseudo-random family of functions
- Goldreich, Goldwasser, Micali
- P ? Q
19Mutual authentication protocol
- Bellare-Rogaway
- Suppose fnn is a pseudo-random family of
functions whose indices are shared by A and B.
Consider - A ? B Ra
- B ? A ? Ra , Rb , fn(? Ra , Rb?) ?
- A ? B ? Rb , fn(Rb) ?
- A knows Rb , B knows Ra , and both A and B
are - assured that these values came from the other
- Similar to the original protocol
- Use random function instead of fn
- The parties transmit the values they receive on
public channels back to each other on private
channels - The recipient of the private message can thus
verify that the message she sent earlier was
accurately received --- checks on private
channels - Authenticity protocol equivalent to specification
21Proof of equivalence
- Assumption is also in the form of equivalence
- Chain of equivalences
- Replace random function in spec by pseudo-random
family of functions - Omit checks on private channels
- Private channels are superfluous provided the
data sent on them is never used, and provided the
write is always available by the time the read
is ready
22Current state of project
- New framework for protocol analysis
- Determine crypto requirements of protocols !
- Probabilistic ptime language
- Pi-calculus-like process framework
- replaced nondeterminism with rand
- equivalence based on ptime statistical tests
- Proof methods for establishing equivalence
- Formal Bellare-Rogaway entity authentication
- Future work compositionality, commitment,
zero-knowledge, tool development