Title: OverAir Solutions
1OverAir Solutions
- OS2400-485
- Quick Start Guide
- 5 Easy Steps to Wireless Modem Communications
- This Quick Start Guide contains all the
information youll need to - Load the OverAir Solutions setup diagnostic
software to your PC - Connect your PC to your wireless radio modem for
configuration - Configure your remote radio modems
- Configure your master radio modem
- Test communications between remote and master
radio modems
2Before You Begin
- Upon completion of this Quick Start Guide, your
radio modems will be fully-configured and allow
communication - between master and remote radio modems. Once
each radio is configured and communicating, the
only task left - is to connect the remote radio modems to devices
on the network. Our Application Notes provide - instructions on how to connect the radio modems
to various devices. - Before you begin to configure your radio modems,
you will need - A PC or Laptop computer
- The contents of this box
3Verify the Contents of the Carton
- Verify that you have the following items
2 dBi straight antenna (2)
Konnector Kit
OS2400-485 Radio modem (2)
AC power adapter (2)
OverAir Solutions CD
DB9 M/F 6-foot staright-thru serial cable
41. Load Configuration Diagnostic Software
- Insert the OverAir Solutions CD into your CD-ROM
drive. - The installation will start automatically.
Follow the directions on the screen to load the
software. When complete, move on to the next
52. Connect Your PC to a Remote Radio
- Connect your PC to the remote radio modem as
shown - Power on the OS2400-485 radio
Straight-thru Serial Cable
63. Configure the Remote Radio
- Double-click the OverAir Solutions iconlocated
on your desktop
- Choose Port Setup ? Serial Port Configure
- Select COM port that the configuration cable is
connected to
- Verify that the settings match what is shown here
74. Configure the Remote Radio (cont.)
- Choose Configure ? New Network
- Enter Information as shown
Type in a network name
Choose a Serial Radio Network and select a serial
protocol (select Protocol Transparent
Point-to-Point if unsure)
Choose a network channel
Click OK
84. Configure the Remote Radio (cont.)
- Double-click on Radio 2 icon
- Enter Information as shown
Type in a radio name
Ensure the serial port settings match those of
the device this radio will connect to
Click Advanced (if required)
Click Configure Radio
If you selected Modbus RTU as the Network Type,
this screen will look slightly different. See
the bottom of the Quick Start for a
description of the Associate Modbus ID
feature. See the bottom of Quick Start for a
description of Advanced features.
94. Configure the Master Radio
- Remove the DB9 M/F Config/App cable from the
remote radio and attach it to the Master radio
- Connect power to the Master radio
- Double-click on the Master radio icon
- Enter Information as shown
Type in a radio name
Ensure the serial port settings match those of
the device this radio will connect to
Click Advanced (if required)
Click Configure Radio
See the bottom of Quick Start for a description
of Advanced features.
105. Testing Wireless Communications
Once the radios are power cycled, the link
lights on both the Master and Remote radios
should be illuminated solid green. If not, the
radio not illuminated must be reconfigured.
- Connect your PC to the Master radio as shown
A Master radio will always have its link light
115. Testing Wireless Communications (cont.)
- Choose Diagnostics ? Network
- Select network that was created in step 4
125. Testing Wireless Communications (cont.)
- The configuration and status of Radio 2 will be
displayed. The signal strength and
signal-to-noise ratio readings are measurements
between Radio 2 and Master radio
- Good signal strength readings are between -85 and
higher. (for example, -70 is better than -85)
- The radio signal strength is also indicated by
the color of the line between the Master and
Remote radio - Green - Good
- Yellow - Medium
- Red dashed and broken antenna - no link
13Advanced Configuration Screens
The advanced setting view allows you to modify
the radios configuration. Under
normal circumstances, the default settings will
suffice. For changes to other fields, use the
online Help System for more detail.
Note While the majority of Advanced
Configuration views are identical between
protocols, some views may contain additional
fields not found on the same view for a different
14Advanced Configuration Screens (cont.)
- If you are setting up a Modbus RTU or
- ASCII network, you will have to associate
- device IDs on the Modbus network.
- The following screen appears
- when you press the Associate Modbus ID
- button on the radio configuration screen.
- Make your selections and press OK.
15Advanced Configuration Screens (cont.)
If you are setting up a DNP network, you will
have to associate device IDs on the DNP network.
The following screen appears when you press the
Associate DNP ID button on the radio
configuration screen.
Add your device IDs and press OK.
16Whats Next?
Congratulations! Your wireless network is up an
running. You now need to connect your wireless
modems to your network devices. The following
table lists the documents that explain how to
connect to various devices. You can find these
documents on our website at www.locusinc.com.
Check back frequently for updated documentation!