Title: Online business in ADRIATIC REGION
1Online business in ADRIATIC REGION
- Overview of Adriatic region
- Internet marketing in the region
- Httpool case study
3Adriatic region
4What is the region known for?
5Adriatic region
23 mio population 6 countries 5
languages Emerging economies Political
stability Culture, Attitude, Transition Growth
6General stats (2006)
- Country Population GDP/cap
- SLO 2 M 23,400
- CRO 4,5 M 13,400
- BH 4,5 M 5,600
- SM 10 M 4,400
- MK 2 M 8,300
- GDP growth from 3,5 - 6,5
Source CIA Fact book, Statistical office of
Republic of Serbia
7Internet marketing in the region
8Total ad spend in the region (est.)
- Country Ad spending (2006)
- SLO 150 mio EUR
- CRO 182 mio EUR
- BH 40 mio EUR
- SM 126 mio EUR
- MK 70 mio EUR
Est. 550 mio EUR
6.5 mio EUR online 1,2 share
Source Universal McCann, Mediana, Media Plusi
9Internet Usage in the Region 2007
- Country Users Penetration Population
- SLO 1.050.000 62 1.956.916
- CRO 1.600.000 42 4.459.137
- BH 450.000 25 4.452.876
- SM 1.900.000 22 10.681.177
- MK 390.000 22 2.040.389
- 5.390.000
Source RIS (oct 2007), PGO 2006, DMO 2007,
10Croatian Ad Spend (2006)
182 mio EUR net 17 growth in 2006 1 online
share 35 online growth in 2007
Source Media Plus, Httpool
11Slovenian Ad Spend 2006
150 mio Ad spend 2,5 share of online 35 growth
in 2007
Source Mediana, httpool
12Serbian Ad spend (2006)
Total ad spend 115 mio EUR net 5-10 yearly
growth Less than 1 online share Impressive growth
Source Httpool 2007, media agency
13Bosnian Ad spend (2006)
- 80 mio EUR
- 90 print and TV
- 10 outdoor, radio, Internet
- Less than 1 share of online
Source Mareco Index Bosnia (MIB) TV Monitoring
2006-2007, Httpool
14Macedonian Ad spend (2006)
Net 70 mio EUR Less than 1 share of online Less
developed online market TV dominates the market
Source Httpool, Universal McCann
15Httpool - case study
16General overview
- Httpool is a leading provider of integrated
Internet marketing - activities in the region of South East Europe.
- A leading internet marketing specialist, a major
internet - advertising network and an established online
media buyer. - Established in 2000
- Employs 30 professionals in 5 countries
- Represents more than 200 most relevant regional
sites - Doubleclick as Ad Serving platform
- Services media planning, media buying, ad
serving, SEO, SEM, contextual advertising, email
17Start and expansion
- 2000 Slovenia
- 2002 Croatia
- 2004 Bosnia
- 2005 Serbia Montenegro and Macedonia
- 2007 Austria, Germany
18Current situation
- Big differences between markets
- High growth markets
- Economies of scale
- Market concentration, consolidation
- Regional synergies
19Key success factors
- Time to market
- Regional synergies
- Flexible business model
- Top notch services
- Local and regional partnerships
- People
- Expertise In-depth knowledge
20Going further...
- Potential
- Consolidation on the markets
- Size
- Central point for fully integrated offering
- Expanding through partnerships
- Introducing new complementary services and
21- Timotej Gala
- gala_at_httpool.com
- www.httpool.com