Title: National Qualifications Framework in Hungary
1National Qualifications Framework in Hungary
- András Derényi
- Hungarian Credit Office
- Institute for Research and
- Development of Education
- derenyi_at_kreditiroda.hu
Consultation on NQF / Wien, 26.09.2007
2General background of EQF
- In 2000 the Lisbon European Council concluded
that increased transparency of qualifications
should be one of the main components that are
necessary to adapt education and training systems
in the Community to the demands of the knowledge
society. - One of the tools that may fulfil this aim would
be the EQF.
3Objectives of EQF
- creating a common reference framework which
should serve as a translation device between
different qualifications systems and their
levels, either for general and higher education
or for vocational education and training. - increasing the transparency, comparability and
portability of citizens qualifications in
different Member States. - to be used as a reference point to assist in
incorporating of international sectoral
qualifications into national qualifications
systems. - to promote lifelong learning and to increase the
mobility of workers and learners.
4Councils recommendations concerning the use of
- Member States should
- use the EQF as a reference tool to compare the
qualification levels of different qualification
systems within LLL perspectives - relate their national qualification systems to
EQF by 2010 by referencing their qualification
levels to the levels of EQF in a transparent
manner and where appropriate, by developing NQF
in accordance with national legislation and
practice. - (later on this latter was emphasized NQF is the
appropriate tool for implementing EQF) - adopt measures, as appropriate, so that
certificates and diplomas contain clear reference
via national qualification systems to the
appropriate EQF level - use an approach based on learning outcomes when
defining and describing qualifications, and
promote the validation of non-formal and informal
5Possible national considerations on how to
perform recommended tasks
- Points worth considering based on the level of
coherence of the national education and training
system - a) coherent, advanced system of qualifications
is available - (Finland, Norway) their education systems fully
cover qualifications and extend to life long
learning, therefore these countries do not really
need a NQF they consider it carefully, in a
detached manner. They would work on relating
their qualification levels to EQF. - b) NQF has been established covering more
subsectors of education - (France, Ireland, Spain, Malta, United Kingdom -
with separate frameworks in England, Northern
Ireland, Scotland and Wales). Their intention
could be to make their system more open and
effective. They are also working on relating
their NQF to EQF (see. SCQF and Welsh pilot
6National considerations (cont.)
- c) NQF is not available, subsectors are not
coherent - Development of a NQF has already been accepted
widely. Newcomers (Central and East European
countries) are all planning to develop a NQF.
Work in some countries is already in progress
(Flemish Belgium, Czech Republic) - Further points to be considered on approaches to
adjust educational system - c1) subsectors should be harmonized better
- c2) a NQF should be applied
- Decision between point c1) and c2) could mainly
depend on advancement and effectiveness of
available intra- and intersectoral policy
coordination mechanisms. For those countries that
face challenges in this matter, NQF is rather
considered as an appropriate tool of coordination
(some South European and Central European
countries together with HU among them) instead of
a new way of regulation.
7Process of developing a NQF in Hungary
- Short history
- Budapest hosted a conference on the results of
national consultations on EQF (February, 2006) - Hungarian Ministry of Education launched a task
force in order to make a concept paper on
developing a NQF (April, 2006) - Concept of developing a NQF was adopted by the
Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labour
(December, 2006) - Three working groups were set up in order to
design NQF for Hungary (February, 2007) - Their tasks
- 1. WG defining levels and descriptors for HuNQF
- 2. WG designing methods and tools that are
needed to run and maintain HuNQF (regulations,
institutions building, financing tools) - 3. WG recommending further developments for
subsectoral regulations in order to make them
compatible to HuNQF - (Final proposal is going to be submitted to the
Ministry by the end of 2007) - Meanwhile, action plan and projects of
implementing NQF have been incorporated in the
National Development Plan 2007-2013
8Hungarian background
- In Hungary education subsectors and their
regulations are diverse, and there are no
linkages between them because policy coordination
mechanisms are traditionally weak. Hungary is
therefore seriously behind with developing a
coherent system of life long learning. - Changes in the aims of education and training
have re-valued the role of outcome oriented tools
of regulation. -
- This entails an increasing responsibility to be
taken by the state in those subsectors, where
central input or procedure based regulations are
traditionally weak (ex. higher education) and
pushes responsibility towards outcome oriented
regulations. This seems to be happening in
Hungary as well.
9Main objectives and principles of the Hungarian
NQF (recommended by the concept paper)
- Main aim is to strengthen competitiveness and
social cohesion in Hungary -
- NQF therefore should - within the LLL framework
- support individuals life career planning,
inform individuals learning decisions, and
advise users of education and training services
on qualifications.
10Objectives of HuNQF
- Development work of a coherent educational
framework that covers LLL should - establish links among the educational subsectors
and their qualifications - make connections to outcomes of formal,
non-formal and informal learning - strengthen adaptability of educational supplies
to learning needs and expectations - strengthen conditions of individual and motivated
learning - strengthen personal decisions making skills
concerning learning - strengthen labour-market and social relevance of
education services
11Developing a NQF should serve many other goals
- such as
- developing coherent framework for different
outcome regulations - harmonizing and systematizing subsectoral outcome
based regulations (in the long run) - informing employers
- strengthening policy coordination within
educational sector and consultation with social
partners - ensuring the comparison of levels of
qualifications to EQF
12NQF will coordinate and harmonize (in the long
- the planning of education and training programmes
- quality assurance systems external references
- career planning and advice
- assessment of students achievements
- validation procedures of informal and non-formal
13Mechanism of NQF
- We do not want to make big efforts for a little
step (that is to redefine the different
subsectors at once, and to integrate their
diverse regulations) - but
- we seek a possible solution to applying a soft
tool the effect of which may start to converge
our diverse subsectors and their regulations.
14- First, NQF should lean on the existing (and
reforming) subsectoral outcome oriented tools of
regulation. -
- Hungarian NQF will not regulate custom
qualifications of education system, but will have
influence on subsectoral regulations of
qualifications with outome oriented approach. -
- (Having an approach like this, Hungary seems to
be unique among Member States.)
15- Later NQF should gradually have a harmonizing or
converging effect on subsectoral regulations by
defining the structure and form of outcome based
requirements (descriptors in form of competence
based learning outcomes), and by running specific
mechanisms and tools (such as periodical
monitoring and evaluation of qualification
system(s), quality assurance etc.) -
- This decentralized and indirect function of NQF
may be ensured by a functioning body (something
similar to a National Council of Qualifications)
that makes reports on standards of regulations of
each subsectors and on their correspondence to
the reference levels of NQF.
16Levels of HuNQF
- Working groups recommend, that
- HuNQF should follow the level structure of EQF
that is HuNQF would have 8 levels -
- Explanation extended research in the 3 formal
education subsectors has showed, that outcome
oriented regulations of each subsector may
correspond to 8 levels. Smaller problems could be
solved. NQF could play its internal function in
policy coordination and intersectoral
harmonisation with the use of 8 levels. In order
to fulfil its external role of making clear
relations to EQF, it is recommended to establish
as high similarity between the two reference
tools as possible.
17Structure of descriptors
- HuNQFs descriptor structure will contain 4
categories of descriptors (Knowledge, Skills,
Autonomy and responsibility, Attitudes and views)
There is still a debate on whether the last two
elements should appear in separate columns or in
the same column of the grid. - Explanation outcome oriented regulations
defined by competence based learning outcomes are
quite new ideas in Hungary, where procedure
oriented, content controlling regulations have
been functioning for long decades (centuries?). - More detailed the structure of descriptors, a
deeper influence the NQF might have on
subsectors regulations. -
- In this sense, NQF plays a role of reference in
a long-lasting learning process. Therefore, we
are planning to establish more categories of
18Further challenges
- In the Hungarian public education there is only
one point, where an outcome oriented regulatory
tool is functioning it is the examination of
maturity (a kind of G.C.E.) that is taken after
the 12th year of education. This level may be
linked to EQF 4. - There are no outcome based requirements linked
to the end of primary school (8th year) and at
the end of general education section in VET. - Linking lower level of school attainments to EQF
levels might raise the need of developing and
introducing summative examinations (ex. basic
literacy exam) at those levels. However, there
are no qualifications on those levels. - Therefore, we should be careful, because NQF
will surely be a strong retroactive force to
assessment and certification procedures.
19Problems and reactions in HE
- Council Recommendations state, that
- EQF is compatible with the framework for the
European Higher Education Area and cycle
descriptors agreed by the ministers for higher
education in 45 European countries at their
meeting in Bergen in May 2005 within the
framework of the Bologna Process. - At first sight, it seems easy to relate first
short cycle to EQF 5, bachelor degree to EQF 6,
master degree to EQF 7 and PhD to EQF 8 level.
20- 3-cycle system was introduced in Hungary by force
of a new higher education act in 2005 - a new framework and regulation of requirements
based on Dublin descriptors (and on
qualifications framework for EHEA) were also
established. - Due to the lack of
- such cultural setting of applying outcome
oriented regulation of studies, and - deeper knowledge and understanding of planned
function of NQF, and - survival of many elements of the former
regulation, -
- a mixed kind of regulation has come into
existence finally, where old, procedure oriented,
content controlled elements exist together with
learning outcomes - with no harmony among them.
21Survey results
- there is disharmony in the descriptions in the
three categories of level descriptors (knowledge,
application of knowledge, attitudes and personal
abilities) - The picture looks like qualifications that
correspond to EQF 6 were missing from the
Hungarian HE framework. - learning outcomes of diploma programmes have been
made by accident. Developers did not pay
attention to employers needs, did not make
connections between content of curricula and
learning outcomes, and did not make proper link
between LOs of bachelor degrees and input
conditions of master programmes. - A massive implementation programme among
academics, that builds common knowledge-base
concerning the role of such framework, may draw
further attention and urge further work of
revising learning outcomes. -
- In this process establishing of NQF with
coherent descriptors might play a harmonizing
22VET and HE sector
- The VET sector made an enormous work in the past
years by reforming the structure and regulation
of qualifications that can be obtained in VET. - A new qualification register has also been
constructed along with employers and social
partners. - By now, there is a large interrelated set of
basic qualifications, partial qualifications and
additional qualifications. All have their own
qualification requirements with training and
examination standards, descriptors made in the
form of learning outcomes, and further
indicators. - Some qualifications correspond to EQF 5, and a
few is being planned to correspond to EQF 6. At
EQF 5, they are the so called higher vocational
training courses (short programmes in 1st cycle),
that are run by HE institutions alone or jointly
to vocational schools. - By force of law, HEIs should recognize at least
30 credits (and a max. of 60 credits) of these
programmes in their bachelor courses in the same
field of study.
23HE sector is protected yet
- Currently Act on Higher Education protects HE
degrees and qualifications and allows for only
HEIs to offer bachelor degrees (at EQF 6). - It is an issue of the forthcoming years, whether
the VET sector, the adult education sector, and
their service providers will claim the right to
offer vocational qualifications at level 6 or 7.
Conflicts and confusion will emerge then. - For the time being HEIs do not notice any such
dangers as a possible consequence of establishing
a NQF.
24- Thank you for your attention.
András Derényi Hungarian Credit Office Institute
for Research and Development of
Education derenyi_at_kreditiroda.hu