ECE 695 Embedded Systems Winter 2006 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ECE 695 Embedded Systems Winter 2006


This Task prints message once a minute. void Task1 (void ... This Task prints message every 10 seconds and never stops. Every third time this task executes ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ECE 695 Embedded Systems Winter 2006

ECE 695 Embedded SystemsWinter 2006
  • Session 10

Review of Concepts
  • Foreground/Background Approach
  • Designed for periodic systems
  • Manage hard deadlines
  • Must be creative to handle events
  • Real-Time OS
  • Driven by events
  • Must be creative to handle periodic processes and
    hard deadlines

Consider the Periodic Process
Near-Periodic Tasking
  • Use OSTimeDlyHMSM(h,m,s,ms) operating system call
    from within each task.
  • Task runs forever
  • Call time delay at completion of run.

Example Schedule
  • One Background Task and 11 Foreground Tasks
  • Background task should complete once a minute
    (can be segmented)
  • Foreground tasks are periodic with hard deadlines
  • Tasks 2, 3, and 4 must run every 10 ms
  • Tasks 5 and 6 must run every 25 ms
  • Task 7 must run every 45 ms
  • Tasks 8, 9, and 10 must run every 55 ms
  • Tasks 11 and 12 must run every 75 ms
  • Our foreground/background approach generates the
    following schedule table

Sample Schedule Table
Implementing with RTOS
  • Let Task 1 be the background
  • Tasks 2 through 12 are then the foreground
  • Can schedule foreground tasks to be periodic at
    the exact required rate
  • In our example table, tasks 11 and 12 are
    scheduled in the 40 ms group when they only need
    to execute at 75 ms
  • Each task can be a separate file

Example 1Main Routine

file uCEX1.c Author John G. Weber
Date 4/7/2003 This file provides a
periodic timing example for ECE 532 using uCOS-II
and Nios.

/ include "librtos32\includes.h" includ
e "uCEX1_Tasks.h" int main(void)
OSTaskCreate(Task1, (void)0, Task1StkTASK_STACK
SIZE-1, 15) OSStart()
Example 1--Tasks
file uCEX1_Tasks.c Author John G.
Weber Date 4/7/2003

/ include
"librtos32\includes.h" include
"uCEX1_Tasks.h" /

void Task1() Initializes the
timer, starts statistic task and creates other
tasks This Task prints message once a

/ void Task1 (void pdata) INT32U cpt 0
/ starts the user timer /
/ OSCPUUsage of cpu usage / /
Creates other Tasks / OSTaskCreate(Task2,
(void)0, Task2StkTASK_STACKSIZE-1, 2)
OSTaskCreate(Task3, (void)0, Task3StkTASK_STAC
KSIZE-1, 3) OSTaskCreate(Task4, (void)0,
Task4StkTASK_STACKSIZE-1, 4) OSTaskCreate(Tas
k5, (void)0, Task5StkTASK_STACKSIZE-1,
5) OSTaskCreate(Task6, (void)0,
Task6StkTASK_STACKSIZE-1, 6) OSTaskCreate(Tas
k7, (void)0, Task7StkTASK_STACKSIZE-1,
7) OSTaskCreate(Task8, (void)0,
Task8StkTASK_STACKSIZE-1, 8) OSTaskCreate(Tas
k9, (void)0, Task9StkTASK_STACKSIZE-1,
9) OSTaskCreate(Task10, (void)0,
Task10StkTASK_STACKSIZE-1, 10) OSTaskCreate(T
ask11, (void)0, Task11StkTASK_STACKSIZE-1,
11) OSTaskCreate(Task12, (void)0,
Task12StkTASK_STACKSIZE-1, 12) while(1)
// This while loop
becomes the background task in our example
printf("TASK 1 cpt d\n", cpt)
OSTimeDlyHMSM(0,1,0,0) //
Waits 1 minute Alternatively could just free run
if Task 1 priority is //lower
than that of the other tasks
Example 1 TasksTypical Task
  • timer_milliseconds.s modified to use the user
  • the call to nr_timer_milliseconds now references
    the user timer and can be used to time the tasks


void Task2() This Task prints message every
seconds and never stops.

/ void Task2 (void pdata)
INT32U cpt 0 int last_time 0 int now
0 int delta 0 while(1)
last_time now cpt now
nr_timer_milliseconds() delta now -
last_time printf("TASK 2 cpt d and delta
time d\n", cpt,delta)
OSTimeDlyHMSM(0,0,0,10) //tell OS to schedule
again in 10 ms
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
RTOS Events
  • Can implement with Event Flags, Semaphores, or
  • Mechanized with OS calls
  • Relieves user of writing code to support event

Program Structure
Using uCOS-II
  • Periodic Tasking
  • priority based to approximate hard deadlines
  • Example 1
  • Semaphore use
  • Event management
  • Task synchronization
  • Example 2

Example 2
  • Extends Example 1 to allow events
  • Three modifications to the code of example 1
  • First semaphore must be created before it is
  • create in main program
  • Second task 1 creates all other tasks and then
    suspends waiting for the semaphore.
  • Third task 12 posts a semaphore every third
    time it runs
  • Task 1 is the lowest priority task
  • Other tasks are pseudo-periodic

Example 2 --Main

file uCEX2.c Author John G. Weber
Date April 2003 This file provides a
semaphore example for ECE 532 using uCOS-II and

/ include "librtos32\includes.h" include
"uCEX2_Tasks.h" INT16U SyncSem //declare the
semaphore int main(void)
//create a task synchronization semaphore
SyncSem OSSemCreate(0)
OSTaskCreate(Task1, (void)0, Task1StkTASK_STACK
SIZE-1, 15) OSStart()
Example 2 Tasks Task 1 While Loop
while(1) printf("TASK 1 cpt
d\n", cpt) //OSTimeDlyHMSM(0,1,0,0)
/ time delay
commented out / //Task 1 suspends and
waits for the SyncSem Semaphore to be set by task
12 OSSemPend(SyncSem,0,err)
Example 2 Task12 Post the Semaphore

void Task12() This Task prints message every
10 seconds and never stops. Every third time
this task executes the semaphore is set to allow
task 1 to execute.

/ void Task12 (void pdata)
INT32U cpt 0 int last_time 0 int now
0 int delta 0 int icnt0 while(1)
last_time now cpt now
nr_timer_milliseconds() delta now -
last_time printf("TASK 12 cpt d and delta
time d\n", cpt,delta) if (icnt
3) OSSemPost(SyncSem) icnt
0 else icnt
Inter-Task Communication with RTOS
  • Easiest method is through shared data structures
  • low latency
  • higher risk
  • When task is accessing shared data structure, it
    must have exclusive access to avoid contention
    and corruption
  • Exclusive Access obtained in several ways
  • disable interrupts,
  • disable scheduling
  • semaphores

Disabling Interrupts
  • Fastest way to gain exclusive access to shared
  • uC/OS-II uses this technique in the kernel for
    access to internal variables and data structures
  • uC/OS-II provides two functions
  • OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() //disables interrupts
  • OS_EXIT_CRITICAL()//enables interrupts
  • bracket access to shared data with these two
  • Hazards
  • dont disable interrupts for too long (affects
    response time of system)
  • may need to do this to share data with an ISR

Disabling and Enabling the Scheduler
  • Allows two or more tasks to share data without
  • Interrupts are enabled
  • If Interrupt occurs while scheduler is disabled,
    ISR is executed and control returns to the task
    that was executing (looks like a non-preemptive
  • uC/OS-II functions
  • OSSchedLock() //disables the scheduler
  • OSSchedUnlock() //enables the scheduler
  • bracket shared data access with above functions
  • Hazard
  • works well but defeats the purpose of having the
    scheduler and preemptive kernel

  • Invented the Edgser Dijkstra in the 1960s
  • Use to
  • control access to a shared resource (mutual
  • signal the occurrence of an event
  • allow two tasks to synchronize their activities
  • highest priority task waiting for semaphore gets

Semaphores in uC/OS-II
  • Two types
  • binary
  • counting (0 65,535)
  • Creating a semaphore
  • declare its name (global)
  • OS_EVENT SampleSem
  • create it prior to use (main or in task but not
    inside loop)
  • SampleSem OSSemCreate(INT16U value)
  • if a counting semaphore, init value to zero (it
    will track the number of times it is called)
  • if value 1, binary semaphore
  • Using a semaphore
  • task that is waiting for signal calls
    OSSemPend(OS_EVENT event, INT16U timeout, INT8U
  • OSSemPend(SampleSem, 0, err)
  • task that is sending the signal calls
    OSSemPost(OS_EVENT event)
  • OSSemPost(SampleSem)
  • Semaphores must be enabled before use
  • In file OS_CFG.H set OS_SEM_EN to 1

Accessing Peripherals with Semaphores
  • Use binary semaphore

Buffer Management Using Semaphores
  • Counting Semaphore
  • Use when resource can be used by more than one
    task at same time
  • Example10 buffers
  • Buffer manager satisfies first 10 buffer requests
  • When all semaphores used, task requesting buffer
    is suspended until semaphore available

Deadlocks and Semaphores
  • Situation where two tasks are waiting for
    resource held by the other
  • E.g. Task 1 has exclusive use of resource R1 and
    Task 2 has exclusive use of resource R2.
  • T1 requires exclusive use of R2 and T2 requires
    exclusive use of R1
  • Neither task can complete
  • Avoid by
  • Acquire all resources before beginning
  • Acquire resources in same order
  • Release resource in reverse order
  • If kernel allows a timeout to be specified with
    semaphore (uC/OS-II does), this allows deadlock
    to be broken
  • Deadlocks generally occur in large, multi-tasking

Task Synchronization
  • Semaphores
  • Event Flags

  • Synchronize tasks with a semaphore
  • Will work with ISR or another task

Event Flags
  • Used to synchronize task with multiple event
  • Synchronize when any of the events have occurred
  • disjunctive synchronization
  • effectively the logical OR of event occurrence

Event Flags (Cont)
  • Synchronize when all of the events have occurred
  • conjunctive synchronization
  • effectively the logical AND of event occurrence

Multiple Task Signaling
  • Common events may signal multiple tasks

  • OS_FLAG_EN must be set to 1 in OS_CFG.H
  • Create a flag group before using it
  • OSFlagCreate()
  • OS_FLAG_GRP EngineStatusFlags
  • OSFlagCreate(OS_FLAGS flags, INT8U err)
  • flags contains the initial values to store in the
    flag group
  • example
  • OS_FLAG_GRP EngineStatus
  • void main (void)
  • INT8U err
  • .
  • .
  • OS_INIT() //Initialize OS
  • .
  • . //create flag group containing engine status
  • EngineStatusFlags OSFlagCreate(0x00,err)
  • .
  • .
  • OSStart() //start multitasking

Services (Cont)
  • Set an Event Flag use OSFlagPost()
  • OSFlagPost(pgrp, flags, opt, err)
  • pgrp is a pointer to event flag group
  • flags sets corresponding bit in the flag group
  • opt determines whether set to one or zero
  • err is pointer to error code
  • OS_NO_ERR call successful
  • OS_FLAG_INVALID_PGRP passed a null pointer
  • OS_ERR_EVENT_TYPE not pointing to event flag
  • OS_FLAG_INVALID_OPT invalid option
  • Example
  • define ENGINE_OIL_PRESSURE_OK 0x01
  • define ENGINE_OIL_TEMP_OK 0x02
  • define ENGINE_START 0x04
  • .
  • .
  • err OSFlagPost(EngineStatusFlags, EngineStart,
    OS_FLAG_SET, err)

Services (Cont)
  • To wait for a condition, use OSFlagPend()
  • OSFlagPend(pgrp, flags, wait_type, timeout,err)
  • pgrp is pointer to flag group
  • flags is bit pattern indicating which bit(s) to
    check1 implies check
  • wait_type specifies all or any bits
  • OS_FLAG_WAIT_CLR_ALL check all bits in flags to
    be zero
  • OS_FLAG_WAIT_CLR_ANY check any of bits in flags
    to be zero
  • OS_FLAG_WAIT_SET_ALL check all bits in flags to
    be one
  • OS_FLAG_WAIT_SET_ANY check any of bits in flags
    to be one
  • consume flag by adding OS_FLAG_CONSUME (checks
    flag and clears it)
  • timeout is number of ticks to wait
  • err is pointer to error code
  • OS_NO_ERR no error
  • OS_ERR_PEND_ISR tried to pend from an ISR which
    is nono
  • OS_FLAG_INVALID_PGRP passed null pointer
  • OS_ERR_EVENT_TYPE not pointing to event flag
  • OS_TIMEOUT flags not available within specified
    amount of time
  • OS_FLAG_WAIT_TYPE improper wait_type argument
  • example

Additional Intertask Communication Methods
  • Message Mailboxes
  • task can place a pointer in a mailbox for another
    task to access
  • kernel provides services
  • Message Queues
  • array of mailboxes
  • messages may be accessed FIFO or LIFO
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