Title: Proposed Scheme
1The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Web Image Learning for Searching Semantic
Concepts in Image Databases
Chu-Hong Hoi and Michael R. Lyu Department of
Computer Science and Engineering The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
SAR chhoi, lyu_at_cse.cuhk.edu.hk
Without textual descriptions or label information
of images, searching semantic concepts in image
databases is still a very challenging task. This
poster presents a scheme to learn web images for
searching semantic concepts from image databases.
To formulate effective algorithms, Support Vector
Machines are engaged to help the learning tasks.
Experimental results show that the proposed
scheme is effective and promising.
- The system consists of the following modules
shown in the following figure - The first step is to search the Web images from
WWW by the input keywords. - From the returned Web images, clustering learning
is applied and the training sets are obtained
after removing noisy images. - Based on the training sets, relevance feedback is
suggested for interactive learning using Support
Vector Machine techniques.
Proposed Scheme
- Searching and Clustering
- Users typing the keywords to describe the desired
semantic concepts - Searching related Web images associated with the
keywords from WWW - Clustering the searching results by the k-means
algorithm - Removing the noisy images to obtain the final
training sets of web images - Relevance Feedback Learning by SVMs
- SVM provides good generalization performance and
very excellent results on pattern classification
problems. - Preliminary Learning employing one-class SVMs
since only positive training - samples are available.
- Relevance Feedback Learning engaging two-class
SVMs for learning iteratively.
Demo- Searching fireworks
Searching by keywords from WWW
Clustering results
Results before relevance feedback
Results after 3-round feedbacks
Experimental Results
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
International World Wide Web Conference 2004