Title: Fellow: Cristina RIGMAN
Fellow Cristina RIGMAN Home institution Pro
Vobis National Volunteer Center Cluj-Napoca,
Romania (www.provobis.ro) Host institution Volunt
ary Service Overseas (VSO) London, UK
(www.vso.org.uk) Fellowship June 9th July 4th
2008 Contact professional provobis_at_provobis.ro
personal cristinarigman_at_gmail.com
Education Babes-Bolyai University,
Cluj-Napoca BA in Political Science
(2002) MA in Community Development
(2004) PhD in Sociology expected fall 2009
Professional experience Active in the
non-profit sector since 1999 Associate
Lecturer, BBU, since 2003 Executive Director
of Pro Vobis since 2005 Research
interests citizen participation, social
responsibility, philanthropy and
volunteerism, political culture, social
- Mission
- to promote volunteerism as a viable resource for
solving - community problems
- to develop volunteerism through training,
consultancy, research - and facilitation of networking among
volunteerism stakeholders - History
- Founded in 1992
- Became the first volunteer center in Romania in
1997 - Expands its services nationally in 2002
- Main lines of action
- promotion of the concept and practice of
volunteerism - through information, presentations, events,
research and advocacy - development of the infrastructure for
volunteerism - through development of volunteer centers,
training, consultancy, - networking and twinning facilitation
- development of professional volunteer management
processes - through tailored training and consultancy
(1) developing a system for recruitment and
selection of volunteers from Romania to be sent
abroad through VSO programs (2) develop a
training program in management of volunteers and
volunteer programs to be delivered jointly in
the Balkan countries where VSO supports the
development of national volunteering