Title: Research and Writing
1Research and Writing
- Creativity and energy required
2Research The hunt for answers
- Ask questions
- Uncover results
3Research starts with a question
- Who, what, where, when, how, if, would, could,
should? - What effect does something have?
- Does something affect something else?
4Why is the sky blue? What makes you wonder?
Research develops an individuals intellectual
5- Once you have a question,
- the hunt for answers begins.
- Smart studentsuse the OCC Library Database
- to search for reliable sources in periodicals
- (magazines, newspapers
- and journals)
- Spend less time evaluating source
- Many databases provide a MLA Works Cited and APA
Reference - Access is free
- Access is available off campus 24-7 using your
student online log identification - Access thousands of newspapers, popular
magazines, trade and academic journals
6many pathways for research innumerable sources
of info and opinion
- Be resourceful. Imagine what might help answer
your question. Then figure out how to get there.
The world wide web is only one of many pathways.
Venture out on the information superhighway--
and far and wide beyond.
7take action
- interview people, visit a museum, watch a
documentary, listen to NPR, e-mail an expert, go
on a field trip, attend a lecture.
8- Open a
- word processing document
- Start a
- Works Cited
- page
- copy and paste ready-made citations from OCC
library database articles - when using search engines like Google,
researchers must create citation (consult Keys
for Writers) - eventually copy or create a MLA or APA listing
for every source used in the paper - eventually alphabetize listings
- double-space and format
- edit the fine details in each listing
- be precise and complete
- Do not make up your own system of documentation
9computer search terms phrases (small word
- guess what label/s might work
- read research as you go for search term clues
- write and try new combinations until successful
- add or subtract words and phrases
- using and
- dont use normal sentence structure
- omit small words like a the with
- use quotations to keep phrases united ex. second
hand smoke - Ask librarians! They make up the terms!
10research requires creativity
- keep track of your questions and search terms
- What works and what doesnt?
- Why do you smoke cigarettes despite the known
dangers? - (interview)
- I want to research why people smoke cigarettes
despite the known dangers. (conversation with
librarian) - cigarettes second hand smoke physical
effects (OCC database) - cigarettes addiction emotional effects
(OCC Database) - second hand smoke outdoor air pollution
(OCC Database) - Center for Disease Control (good for Google)
11TIP Use proper nouns in internet search engines
MEANS MORE TIME SPENT EVALUATING SOURCE. - Instead use the OCC Library Database and other
OCC Library materials like the library catalogue
and subject guides. - Instead be creative interview, visit a museum,
watch a movie, listen to NPR, e-mail an expert,
go on a field trip, attend a lecture.
12BEWARE! The world wide web contains a thick mix
of advertising, self promotion, commerce and
communication, both professional and amateur
.LEARN THE LINGO .com .net .edu .gov
- Evaluate world wide web sources
- Expert opinion? Everyday persons website?
Professional commentary? Reliable information?
- News story? Commentary? Opinion piece?
- Blog? Commercial advertisement?
- Political affiliation? Bias?
- Country of Origin?
13research all participants in a discussioninvite
a diversity of voices to the table consider all
your thesis
- experts, participants, citizens, authorities,
14take notes
- find the method that words best for you
- write directly on computer print out and
- highlight main ideas?
- take notes in your comp notebook?
- type?
- I think note cards are old fashioned, but they
may work well for you. -
15two kinds of note taking
- facts
- statistics
- quotes for impact (be precise and use quotations)
- paraphrase when you can convey the information
just as well as the source
- record your own thoughts
- build your own analysis
- look for your thesis argument
16 synthesize information from many sources
As you uncover information, label categories
and write sentences. Organize your findings
and thoughts as they grow and build.Be sure
to use signal phrases to document sources, so
you dont lose track of the source as you
proceed.Ex. LABEL Reasons for addiction. Ex.
SENTENCE One reason cigarette smokers continue
to smoke is because nicotine is a highly
addictive stimulant the works like heroin or
cocaine, according to the American Lung
17draft your thesis argument
- write reflectively
- actively look for your thesis
- use the basic sentence template for help
- subject verb complete idea
- Cigarette smokers need
- to develop discipline in order to quit smoking.
18know when to stop researchingand start focusing
on writing
- You can always return to research
- in order to patch any holes in your
19Organize a outline
- Remember complete sentence outlines are best for
20take researching and writing one step at a time
flag and move around road blockskeep moving
21Comp IIInquiryArgument
22Think and Write a Question
Comp II Inquiry Argument essay
- News? Information? Cause? Result?
Relationship? Beginning? History?
Definition? Forecast? Limits? Use? Worth?
Facts? Opinion? Commentary? Statistics?
Explanation? Pros? Cons? Neutral Territory?
Unknowns? Theories?
23Comp II Inquiry Argument essay
- revise shape your question
- Why do the unfriendly people next door smoke
cigarettes outside all the time? - Are cigarettes really that addictive?
- Is second-hand smoke bad a danger outside as well
as inside? - What are the physical effects of second hand
smoke? (add on children) - Does cigarette smoking negatively affect a
smokers well being? emotional
- Questions should be
- focused
- unbiased
- clear
- able to uncover both fact and opinion
- Note For most college assignments, avoid
faith-based questions that can not be proven by
fact. - As always, follow instructions speak with your
cant read minds
play research scientist
24Dramatize the research process within the
structure of the essay
Comp II Inquiry Argument essay
- intro contains one good research question
- body answers the question and builds thesis
analysis - conclusion contains writers thesis
25most essays should begin with a thesis
statement not a question
Comp II Inquiry Argument essay
- one time specialty assignment in this course
- special journalistic tactic ask and answer
questions in essays - in other circumstances use this approach
prudently -
26- With focus, effort and time on task,
- You can write any paper!
27Gina FournierOakland Community College2009