Title: Human Development
1Chris Welzel (IUB) c.welzel_at_iu-bremen.de
Human Development
Human Development Center Bosporus
University (Istanbul 06 / 2003)
Good Governance
2Related Publications Welzel, Christian. 2002.
Fluchtpunkt Humanentwicklung Über die Grundlagen
der Demokratie und die Ursachen ihrer
Ausbreitung. Opladen Westdeutscher
Verlag. Welzel, Christian, Ronald Inglehart and
Hans-Dieter Klingemann. 2003. The Theory of
Human Development A Cross-Cultural Analysis.
European Journal of Political Research 42 (2)
341-380. Welzel, Christian. 2003. Effective
Democracy, Mass Culture, and the Quality of
Elites The Human Development Perspective.
International Journal of Comparative Sociology 43
(3-5) 269-298. Inglehart, Ronald and Christian
Welzel. 2003. Democratic Institutions and
Political Culture Misconceptions in Addressing
the Ecological Fallacy. Comparative Politics 35
(3), forthcoming. Inglehart, Ronald and
Christian Welzel. 2003. Culture and Democracy
The Impact of Emancipative Values, forthcoming.
3The Magic Triangle of Human Development
The full human choice package includes
- Hardware (civic
- resources)
- Software (emanci-
- pative values)
- User rights
- (effective rights)
4- Civic Resources (CR) include
- Access to water, food, shelter and health
services - Technological household equipment
- Monetary incomes
- Access to education
- Skills and competences
- Access to information
5- Emancipative Values (EV) include
- Esteem of personal and political liberties
- Tolerance of other peoples liberty
- Participation in protest activities against
non-agreed - elite action
- Trust in other people
- And EV are embedded in human motivations in that
- they tend to be linked with higher levels of
6Effective Rights (ER) can be summarized in the
following formula ER Formal Rights Elite
Efficacy means efficacy with respect to the
enforcement of formal rights.
It includes good governance aspects, such as
rule of law and absence of corruption.
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12Emancipative Values are a powerful cultural force
in promoting Human Development. These values
release immense social pressures on elites to
respect and enact peoples rights and to open
their ranks for potentially and actually
underprivileged groups, such as women. EV
shift cultural norms towards responsive and
inclusive elitesa crucial contribution to HD.