Title: Please read Chapters 2 and 3 in Hartmann
1Planetary Energy Balanceand Radiative Transfer
- Please read Chapters 2 and 3 in Hartmann
- I will mix and match among the two chapters
2Electromagnetic Radiation
- Oscillating electric and magnetic fields
propagate through space - Virtually all energy exchange between the Earth
and the rest of the Universe is by
electromagnetic radiation - Most of what we perceive as temperature is also
due to our radiative environment - May be described as waves or as particles
(photons) - High energy photons short waves lower energy
photons longer waves
3Electromagnetic Spectrum of the Sun
4Spectrum of the sun compared with that of the
5Blackbodies and Graybodies
- A blackbody is a hypothetical object that absorbs
all of the radiation that strikes it. It also
emits radiation at a maximum rate for its given
temperature. - Does not have to be black!
- A graybody absorbs radiation equally at all
wavelengths, but at a certain fraction
(absorptivity, emissivity) of the blackbody rate - The energy emission rate is given by
- Plancks law (wavelength dependent emission)
- Stefan Boltzmann law (total energy)
- Wiens law (peak emission wavelength)
6Blackbody Radiation
- Plancks Law describes the rate of energy output
of a blackbody as a function of wavelength - Emission is a very sensitive function of
wavelength - Total emission is a strong function of
7Total Blackbody Emission
- Integrating Planck's Law across all wavelengths,
and all directions, we obtain an expression for
the total rate of emission of radiant energy from
a blackbody - E sT4
- This is known as the Stefan-Boltzmann Law, and
the constant s is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant
(5.67 x 10-8 W m-2 K-4). - Stefan-Boltzmann says that total emission
depends really strongly on temperature! - This is strictly true only for a blackbody. For
a gray body, E eE, where e is called the
emissivity. - In general, the emissivity depends on wavelength
just as the absorptivity does, for the same
reasons el El/El
8Red is Cool, Blue is Hot
- Take the derivative of the Planck function, set
to zero, and solve for wavelength of maximum
9Solar and Planetary Radiation
- Earth receives energy from the sun at many
wavelengths, but most is visible or shorter - Earth emits energy back to space at much longer
(thermal) wavelengths - Because temperatures of the Earth and Sun are so
different, it's convenient to divide atmospheric
radiation conveniently into solar and planetary
10Ways to label radiation
- By its source
- Solar radiation - originating from the sun
- Terrestrial radiation - originating from the
earth - By its proper name
- ultra violet, visible, near infrared, infrared,
microwave, etc. - By its wavelength
- short wave radiation ? ? 3 micrometers
- long wave radiation ? gt 3 micrometers
11Molecular Absorbers/Emitters
- Molecules of gas in the atmosphere interact with
photons of electromagnetic radiation - Different kinds of molecular transitions can
absorb/emit very different wavelengths of
radiation - Some molecules are able to interact much more
with photons than others - Different molecular structures produce
wavelength-dependent absorptivity/emissivity
12Conservation of Energy
- Radiation incident upon a medium can be
- absorbed
- reflected
- transmitted
- Ei Ea Er Et
- Define
- reflectance r Er/Ei
- absorptance a Ea/Ei
- transmittance t Et/Ei
- Conservation r a t 1
13Absorption of Solar Radiation
14Planetary Energy Balance
- Atmosphere of hypothetical planet is transparent
in SW, but behaves as a blackbody in LW
15Planetary Energy Budget
342 W/m2
- 3 Balances
- Recycling greenhouse
- Convective fluxes at surface
- LE gt H
16The earths orbit around the sun is not quite
circular the earth is closer to the sun in
January than it is in July
Is this why we have seasons?
17The Earths Orbit Around the Sun
- Seasonally varying distance to sun has only a
minor effect on seasonal temperature - The earths orbit around the sun leads to seasons
because of the tilt of the Earths axis
18Smaller angle of incoming solar radiation the
same amount of energy is spread over a larger area
High sun (summer) more heating Low sun (winter)
less heating Earths tilt important!
19NH summer
June 21
March 20, Sept 22
NH winter
Dec 21
20Geometry of Solar Absorption
- Think about geometry of sunlight striking our
tilted spherical Earth changes with latitude and
21Sun-Earth Geometry
(See appendix A in Hartmann)
22Top of the Atmosphere Insolation
d Sun-Earth distanceS0 1367 W m-2
hour angle
Total daily TOA Insolation
23TOA Daily Insolation
- 75ยบ N in June gets more sun than the Equator
- Compare meridional gradient of insolation by
seasons - Very little tropical seasonality
24TOA Daily Insolation(zonal integral)
- Nearly flat in summer hemisphere
- Steep gradient from summer tropics to winter pole
25Daily Average Solar Zenith Angle(insolation-weigh
26Planetary Albedo
Annual Mean
- Global mean 30
- Not the same as surface albedo (clouds, aerosol,
solar geometry) - Increases with latitude
- Lower over subtropical highs
- Higher over land than oceans
- Bright spots over tropical continents
- Strong seasonality clouds, sea ice and snow
cover - dark shading gt 40light shading lt 20
27TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation
Annual Mean
- Given by esT4 (which T?)
- Combined surface and atmosphere effects
- Decreases with latitude
- Maxima over subtropical highs (clear air neither
absorbs or emits much) - Minima over tropical continents (cold high
clouds) - Very strong maxima over deserts (hot surface,
clear atmosphere)
dark shading lt 240 W m-2 light shading gt 280 W
28TOA Net Incoming Radiation
Annual Mean
- Huge seasonal switch from north to south
- Tropics are always positive, poles always
negative - Western Pacific is a huge source of energy (warm
ocean, cold cloud tops) - Saharan atmosphere loses energy in the annual
mean! - TOA net radiation must be compensated by lateral
energy transport by oceans and atmosphere
dark shading lt 0 W m-2 light shading gt 80 W m-2
29Energy Surplus and Deficit
- Absorbed solar more strongly peaked than the
emitted longwave - OLR depression at Equator due to high clouds
along ITCZ - Subtropical maxima in OLR associated with clear
air over deserts and subtropical highs
Annual Mean Zonal Mean TOA Fluxes
TOA net radiation surplus in tropics and deficits
at high latitudes must be compensated by
horizontal energy transports in oceans and
30Energy Budget Cross-Section
- Excess or deficit of TOA net radiation can be
expressed as a trend in the total energy of the
underlying atmosphereoceanland surface, or as a
divergence of the horizontal flux of energy in
the atmosphere ocean - Cant have a trend for too long. Transport or
RTOA will eventually adjust to balance trends.
31Energy Transports in the Ocean and Atmosphere
- Northward energy transports in petawatts (1015 W)
- Radiative forcing is cumulative integral of
RTOA starting at zero at the pole - Slope of forcing curve is excess or deficit of
RTOA - Ocean transport dominates in subtropics
- Atmospheric transport dominates in middle and
high latitudes
- How are these numbers determined?
- How well are they known?